NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

At least I got a good look at what dwalk31 dwalk31 is about :lol: :smh:

If someone is still accusing someone of being guilty… despite an overturned wrongful conviction they actually sound more like the former President you’re mentioning, than me.
I think you're confused here.

The wrongful conviction wasn't cuz of Cosby not being guilty of the crimes he was charged with. The conviction was wrongful cuz there was a plea deal in place that was ignored and depositions from that plea deal were used as evidence to convict Cosby.

Plea deal aside, he was found guilty of the crimes he was charged with.

It was overturned cuz some of that evidence shouldn't have been used.
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I think you're confused here.

The wrongful conviction wasn't cuz of Cosby not being guilty of the crimes he was charged with. The conviction was wrongful cuz there was a plea deal in place that was ignored and depositions from that plea deal were used as evidence to convict Cosby.

Plea deal aside, he was found guilty of the crimes he was charged with.

It was overturned cuz some of that evidence shouldn't have been used.

I’m not confused.

He was found guilty at an improper trial based on impermissible evidence.

That conviction was tossed and he’s no longer guilty.

And, from a practical matter, if he took a deposition under the impression that he was immune from criminal liability then that could have changed how he prepped for the deposition. If criminal charges were looming, he could have been prepped to tell his truth in a way that was less open to interpretation. So it isn’t as simple as just a “plea deal” where someone admits fault.

I don’t know whether he did what he was accused of or not. But the prosecutors handled it improperly so he’s not guilty.
On NT is key here. That’s probably around the time I really started posting in general consistently because for the longesI was posting mainly in the sneaker sections.
Oh, is that so?

Question? Are you still in high school? Middle school maybe? Zimmerman was 28, carrying a weapon... and killed a 17 year old high school student. It wouldnt matter if TM was strung out, bumping Wacka Flocka naked and selling crack. He was unarmed... GZ could've/ shouldve just called the cops if he felt a "suspicious" individual was in the neighborhood... He followed the kid around... I'm sure u think he followed him with no intention to confront him right? In ur scenario GZ was following but didn't ever plan on catching the "suspect" :wow: Ur scenario sounds ridiculous... Sounds like GZ is a sick individual who knew the law from his classes, and acted in a way, where he honestly felt he could kill someone and get off on a loophole.
Serious question: what happened to this guy?
I’m not confused.

He was found guilty at an improper trial based on impermissible evidence.

That conviction was tossed and he’s no longer guilty.
Yes but he was still found guilty based on those facts.

As you should know, the US justice system isn't some immutable absolute authority without flaw.

You can be a rapist and still be found not guilty. You can be a murderer and still be found not guilty.

That is especially true when we're talking about convictions overturned based on technicalities having nothing to do with the facts.

And, from a practical matter, if he took a deposition under the impression that he was immune from criminal liability then that could have changed how he prepped for the deposition.
You mean whether or not he would tell the truth.

I don’t know whether he did what he was accused of or not.
In a deposition where he was not prepped in a way to tell a manipulated version of the truth, he told the truth where he admitted to those crimes.

They are taking a victory lap all because of a stipulation from a bull **** plea deal from a scum bag d.a. that did not check with the victims...
Sounds about right...
You be showing dem ashy legs in there?

If so, them dudes need to hold your accountable too.

Less talk of Nets throwbacks, more talk of Neutrogena.

Nothing but crotch shots in there since the just dons been popping...kind of weird...
Oh, is that so?

Serious question: what happened to this guy?

He grew up and decided a different approach to addressing the same issues.

But I’m glad you posted that, from 2013, to dead the nonsense that I’m somehow out here advocating for stuff I’m not.

I want the same result. Just going about it a different way now.
They are taking a victory lap all because of a stipulation from a bull **** plea deal from a scum bag d.a. that did not check with the victims...
Sounds about right...
This is only the beginning. That DA is about to cost the state of Pennsylvania millions
Never really followed this trial because I never cared about Bill Cosby... but from my experience watching the great biopic The Wolf of Wall Street, didn't folks take that drug recreationally quite often in the 80s? Did he admit to raping them or just giving them recreational drugs?
Yes they were used recreationally, the issue is whether or not the women were aware that they were ingesting the pill.

From my understanding, the accusers are saying that he slipped it in their drink without their knowledge and he proceeded to penetrate their unconscious body without them giving consent at all. Which is undoubtedly rape.

I've seen some people argue that "they should've known what was gonna happen when they went to his room, the consent was implied", which is preposterous. To be penetrated while completely KNOCKED OUT, you'd have to consent before hand, and knowingly be administered the pill, and it seems like it didn't happen.

A lot of takes are coming from the lens of being a man or being black, thus leading to unconditional support despite the evidence, similar to the oj case. I haven't followed the case closely, but in my opinion, he did what he's accused of, despite the technicalities of the court messing up. Similar to the R Kelly situation.

As mentioned earlier, this is gonna become the new Kevin Samuels thread and end up getting locked.
Nah need his actual face in it to count.

apparently Amazon Prime

This two step of a prosecutor both announcing a negative charging decision AND the defendant spilling the beans elsewhere "in reliance" is just asking for abuse

It simply cannot be the law that "reliance" on a prosecutor's statement of intent can be turned into an enforceable contract

Not a single piece of written documentation at the time of it. I don't buy Castor's story for a second

If I didn't know about him spending the better part of the last 6 years being a MAGA antagonist and caping for all sorts of racists, sex criminals, and all around rotten people, I might feel bad for Delk too
He grew up and decided a different approach to addressing the same issues.

But I’m glad you posted that, from 2013, to dead the nonsense that I’m somehow out here advocating for stuff I’m not.

I want the same result. Just going about it a different way now.
A "different approach?"

2013 Dwalk decided that George Zimmerman was guilty pre-verdict. You said nothing about how he should be presumed innocent until guilty in a court of law.

2021 Dwalk defends people like George Zimmerman.

What changed - aside from the standard itself, which seems to fluctuate depending on the subject?

Were they accused/charged with perjury? If not, then it isn’t a criminal matter and the due process standards we are discussing aren’t relevant.
So, because it is a legal construct, "due process" isn't relevant unless someone has been formally charged. Okay.

That applied to George Zimmerman, didn't it? It didn't stop you then.

Here you are talking about Joe Biden, who also hasn't been formally charged:

He is entitled to due process and the "court of public opinion" has much lower standards and weaponizing allegations in this manner has negative implications that are not worth any small points gained by either side.
Now "weaponizing allegations" is dangerous.


Let's sum up:

Implying women are guilty of perjury: acceptable because they haven't been formally charged yet. (Which is also the logic under which you claimed Donald Trump was "exonerated.")
Opining that Joe Biden/Donald Trump/Brett Kavanaugh/Roy Moore are guilty of sexual assault: not acceptable because due process must be applied even outside the courtroom.
Opining that George Zimmerman is guilty of murder: acceptable until your tax bracket - I mean "approach" - changed.

things that make you go.gif
A "different approach?"

2013 Dwalk decided that George Zimmerman was guilty pre-verdict. You said nothing about how he should be presumed innocent until guilty in a court of law.

2021 Dwalk defends people like George Zimmerman.

What changed - aside from the standard itself, which seems to fluctuate depending on the subject?

So, because it is a legal construct, "due process" isn't relevant unless someone has been formally charged. Okay.

That applied to George Zimmerman, didn't it? It didn't stop you then.

Here you are talking about Joe Biden, who also hasn't been formally charged:

Now "weaponizing allegations" is dangerous.


Let's sum up:

Implying women are guilty of perjury: acceptable because they haven't been formally charged yet. (Which is also the logic under which you claimed Donald Trump was "exonerated.")
Opining that Joe Biden/Donald Trump/Brett Kavanaugh/Roy Moore are guilty of sexual assault: not acceptable because due process must be applied even outside the courtroom.
Opining that George Zimmerman is guilty of murder: acceptable until your tax bracket - I mean "approach" - changed.

things that make you go.gif

2013 Dwalk was younger—almost a decade younger. People grow. People mature.

I am not defending the individuals now; I am defending the concept of due process.

I learned that, sadly, the way I went hard against Zimmerman can be used to justify adopting a guilty until proven innocent standard against people that look like me.

Since more of us are getting impacted, going hard against one Zimmerman by dismissing due process, at the expense of countless other black men, was something I decided was less helpful to the ultimate goal.
This two step of a prosecutor both announcing a negative charging decision AND the defendant spilling the beans elsewhere "in reliance" is just asking for abuse

It simply cannot be the law that "reliance" on a prosecutor's statement of intent can be turned into an enforceable contract

Not a single piece of written documentation at the time of it. I don't buy Castor's story for a second


This is interesting, I assumed there was some sort of immunity agreement in writing. It seems preposterous that there wouldn't be, as the bolded part implies. Even more preposterous that he would be walking out of prison. How do we get to this point with no evidence?
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