NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

2013 Dwalk was younger—almost a decade younger.
Funny, I was just told that you didn't even start posting in the General forum until recently.

I thought you didn't have the chance to post about due process until Roy Moore came up. It was always important to you - we just couldn't see it because you weren't posting outside of the sneaker threads.

So the story changes, and now we're expected to believe that you "awakened" as a due process activist only recently.

I learned that, sadly, the way I went hard against Zimmerman can be used to justify adopting a guilty until proven innocent standard against people that look like me.

Tell us, did that happen before or after you supported this guy?

Didn’t he only
This is interesting, I assumed there was some sort of immunity agreement in writing. It seems preposterous that there wouldn't be, as the bolded part implies. Even more preposterous that he would be walking out of prison. How do we get to this point with no evidence?
tgis was brought up during the trial. The then judge decided that no the immunity didn’t count for whatever reason. The Supreme Court overturned that decision and said the immunity does count
Funny, I was just told that you didn't even start posting in the General forum until recently.

I thought you didn't have the chance to post about due process until Roy Moore came up. It was always important to you - we just couldn't see it because you weren't posting outside of the sneaker threads.

So the story changes, and now we're expected to believe that you "awakened" as a due process activist only recently.

Tell us, did that happen before or after you supported this guy?


Story hasn’t changed. I explained my view and it’s clear. Anyone reading can understand being 8 years younger responding to that post about Zimmerman and being 8 years older talking about the concept of due process in a broader sense.

Trump was and is wrong for his stance on the Central Park 5. Just like anyone else who adopts a guilty until proven innocent standard is wrong now.
Story hasn’t changed.

On NT is key here. That’s probably around the time I really started posting in general consistently because for the longesI was posting mainly in the sneaker sections.
judicial review.png

Anyone reading can understand being 8 years younger responding to that post about Zimmerman and being 8 years older talking about the concept of due process in a broader sense.

So you did the thing you said you didn't do, and discussed someone's guilt or innocence on NikeTalk without regard to "due process," but other than that...

Trump was and is wrong for his stance on the Central Park 5. Just like anyone else who adopts a guilty until proven innocent standard is wrong now.
And yet you supported him for President. Twice.

In hindsight, you believe you were wrong to call George Zimmerman "guilty," because that's ultimately in the Black Americans' best interests.
Oh, and for some reason this concept also applies to allegations of racism in general, even when they can't be adjudicated by a court. We shouldn't call Donald Trump "racist," because that would be unfair.

Apparently there's some long-view reason why making it impossible to so much as publicly allege racism is also great for people who "look like you."

Free young Dwalk.
Cosby gonna talk a bunch of trash watch. Dude is arrogant and narcissistic.

Yeah it’s gonna sound just like Rusty earlier when he was in here on his high horse with his shirt off saying that he’s immune to being accused of sexual assault (and refused to elaborate on how he arrived at such an absurd conclusion on the grounds that any questions regarding his statement were deemed “trolling” 🤣).

Only difference will be that Cosby will have double jeopardy on his side as well as statute of limitations.
Funny it’s okay for him to bring up old quotes but when I was posted one of Khufu/Coach Hubie posts to confirm he was a long time troll....I got banned from that thread. All I did was answer someone’s question :lol:
Isn't that cuz you've kinda been e-stalking dude for a while now?

Or is that somebody else?
Funny it’s okay for him to bring up old quotes but when I was posted one of Khufu/Coach Hubie posts to confirm he was a long time troll....I got banned from that thread. All I did was answer someone’s question :lol:
Things are weird here. Had an idiot in the shooting thread troll about “guns solve gun problems”. I call him an idiot, I get the warning and thread ban for a day lol
I feel sorry for the victims and def don’t mess with Cosby, but I’m getting a kick out of how mad white people are about this. White people been harming blacks for years with impunity, I guess their getting a lil taste of that right now.
Bill Crosby is one lucky Mother flower
if this happened to anyone else who’s a non celebrity they would never see the light of day and I’m sure he caught COVID in prison if not Dr. Huxtable is one lucky man

but let’s face it’s he’s beyond guilty
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