NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

marikomorose marikomorose you won't even buy your mom a box of Raisinets at the movie theater, I don't think you are in the position to judge anyone's moral compass
Shut the hell up. You always tryna be funny & making up narratives n ****. Shut up.
Marikomorose, don’t do her like that man. At least share them with her.

:emoji_musical_score::emoji_microphone:I’ll always love my momma, she’s my favorite girl:emoji_musical_keyboard::emoji_musical_score:

Wth is going on in here
Shut the hell up. You always tryna be funny & making up narratives n ****. Shut up.
Thread will probably be locked by morning.
Only if it becomes another misogynist cesspool.

Yeah, just remember this bull**** you just typed up the next time you're about to type up a damn textbook at dwalk for his weird *** moral compass. Your moral compass is weird as hell too. [IMG alt="elvampino23"]https://niketalk.com/data/avatars/s/125/125866.jpg?1500060039[/IMG] elvampino23 a human, that **** you said was rapey as hell. You may or may not be a rapist, I think u should stop if you are. Idk, but you damn sure do co sign them, and so do you Meth; which I guess is Cool.
Feel better?

I think it’s clear where I stand on this issue, so the allegation that I “co sign” a post I deleted rings hollow.

You weren’t warned for “typing a textbook” to a user over an opinion you dislike. You were warned for posting profanity and insults.

What, then, is your complaint? That you should be exempt from the rules if someone “deserves it?” That I should just start banning everyone with whom I disagree, or else I’m personally endorsing everything they post?
What I want to know is was the successor aware of the press release? (obviously) If so why was he tried in the first place? What took so long for the overturn?

After reading more up on this, overturn was really the only decision. They played him and to allow a retrial based on information that was obtained illegally would be criminal.
Regardless if he's guilty or innocent, he was definitely railroaded by the legal system.

It's disturbing, because he had money and lawyers. Says a lot about what happens to minorities, ordinary and poor people.

Correct. That's the reality. The bottom line is if he hadn't cooperated with the deposition and pled the 5th, which was his legal right, none of this happens and we're all still eating pudding pops.

In 2005, Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor learned that Andrea Constand had reported that William Cosby had sexually assaulted her in 2004 at his Cheltenham residence.

Along with his top deputy prosecutor and experienced detectives, District Attorney Castor thoroughly investigated Constand’s claim.

In evaluating the likelihood of a successful prosecution of Cosby, the district attorney foresaw difficulties with Constand’s credibility as a witness based, in part, upon her decision not to file a complaint promptly.

D.A. Castor further determined that a prosecution would be frustrated because there was no corroborating forensic evidence and because testimony from other potential claimants against Cosby likely was inadmissible under governing laws of evidence.

The collective weight of these considerations led D.A. Castor to conclude that, unless Cosby confessed, “there was insufficient credible and admissible evidence upon which any charge against Mr. Cosby related to the Constand incident could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Seeking “some measure of justice” for Constand, D.A. Castor decided that the Commonwealth would decline to prosecute Cosby for the incident involving Constand, thereby allowing Cosby to be forced to testify in a subsequent civil action, under penalty of perjury, without the benefit of his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.

Unable to invoke any right not to testify in the civil proceedings, Cosby relied upon the district attorney’s declination and proceeded to provide four sworn depositions.

During those depositions, Cosby made several incriminating statements.

D.A. Castor’s successors did not feel bound by his decision, and decided to prosecute Cosby notwithstanding that prior undertaking.

The fruits of Cosby’s reliance upon D.A. Castor’s decision - Cosby’s sworn inculpatory testimony - were then used by D.A. Castor’s successors against Cosby at Cosby’s criminal trial.

For those that say Cosby should still be locked up - you cool with this?
I don't think people look at the bigger picture and that some stuff is about more than one person.

How many people are locked up who might be innocent, because of rules that have been broken and skirted. If they did it here, what happens to you or your loved one? ****s so flawed, and then we give criminals a scarlet letter for the rest of their lives.

It's not just police reform we need.

But hey at least we got a 80 year old man off the street 30 years later. Yeah, that's worth it.
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