I didn't know that either....

As far as the shooting they said it happened in the lobby area but they don't know who did it...I figured they would have had cameras in that area
size 11 retro, and yea i heard sum lady was coming through the lobby with balloons and ev 1 thought they had popped,so wen the first shot went off every 1 wasslow to react bbut then the second 1 went off and they said that it was 2 loud for it 2 hav been a balloon lol......but yea thats jus wat i was"told" so who knows
Do u guys kno of an inexpensive shoe rack (for shoes in box) i can no longer fit mine in my closet any more but i refuse to give up my boxes
They'll sell...with as many dmv heads that are down here too!...them !@@%* will smoke just like the royals did here in gboro....gone within a matter ofminutes
Originally Posted by Dunks R Us

size 11 retro, and yea i heard sum lady was coming through the lobby with balloons and ev 1 thought they had popped,so wen the first shot went off every 1 was slow to react bbut then the second 1 went off and they said that it was 2 loud for it 2 hav been a balloon lol......but yea thats jus wat i was "told" so who knows

ok someone i know was recently trying to get rid of a size 8............ Is supposed to snow tonight...YAY
yea i was in the theater when dude got shot....
Originally Posted by Bush Man 2002

Any other NC NTers besides me up here in DC for inaug?
I'm not, but I would try and pickup [color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]a pair[/color] of you know what if i were you.
I'm still trying to find a definite place to buy around the Raleigh area
Originally Posted by cbpresent

AJ27526, the eggplant foams are gone homie. If that's what you're referring to.

yeah it was, but if you were in DC it was worth a shot. I'm hoping for either a feb 5 footaction release here or ill have to gamble with ndc
Truth send me a PM or anyone else in the Charlotte area that can help me out with a pair of eggplant foams size 10-11...
i didnt see any heads with them on today so i dont think they dropped in the metro area....i could be wrong. but if anything i'll just have to get a pairoff ebay in a few wks...i get my refund check soon anyway so its nothing

anyway....went to the Jay-Z concert last nite and it was something serious. Couldnt take pics cause security was on some BS. caught some footage on thesidekick but the quality sucked. but i did manage to get a pic with Sway from mtv though

Sup guys,
just droppin a line to say whats up.. havent been on here in a minute.

Just to keep everyone on here posted, 2nd Annual Sneaker Summit is about to go in the works.
Very very preliminary, but it'lll be in raleigh or Charlotte this year.

Bigger and better this year.

and of course feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
[email protected]

hope all is well.
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