Neighbor's dog killed 2 of mine VOL. The law sucks

It just doesn't make sense to me because the puppy didn't even bark yet to elicit a vicious attack yet he was the one who got pulled from under the fence. 
 The Husky started digging holes once he saw we had a puppy, he never dug holes prior to that.
Wally beat me to it, sounds like negligence on both sides.

Husky was digging holes by the fence, and the curious puppy was along the fence line and got pulled under.

Sounds like the Husky dug a hole big enough for the puppy to go through and got pulled.  Sounds like it was big enough for a full size mother to go through.  Hindsight is 20/20, but more could've been done to prevent the death of your dogs.
Originally Posted by Executive76

.  The Husky started digging holes once he saw we had a puppy, he never dug holes prior to that. 
So you knew it was digging holes prior to this and didn't do anything about it?
They were small holes, holes that we could easily fill back up and cover with bricks. The bricks were dug up into the neighbor's backyard thats how animal control was able to take the dog because he was responsible for breaching the fence. I'll try to post pics as soon as i get home.
My thoughts:

Other day a dog same as OP dog which my neighbor have ran u on my small dashound in my hard and started barking and bitting it. My dog was not fighting back. My neighbors are old and i hate that yapping think Im a bulldog dog.

Anyway I kicks the dog so hard it flew 20 feet and cried and ran back into his yard. The old peeple yelled at him and ofcourse called me stupid and called the police. Nothing happen but the police telling neighbor to keep dog in their yard and gave them a ticket for non leash

OP what you should do is leave the hole alone, poison so red meat and put it right by the hole but in your yard. Let the Husky drag the red meat out and poison his ownself. Justice served issue over with
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

How long do you think these holes took to dig? Sounds like negligence on the owners part.

I would ask about the legalities of electric ground stakes surrounding the perimeter of the yard.... Or you can let the hole happen again, let the husky be on your property as a trespasser and handle him accordingly.

But when you say "pull him under", your dogs were near the hole/fence line? If I knew a dog was digging, I would maybe contain my dogs in other parts of the yard. But I'm guessing he dug, got through to your yard, roamed around, killed the puppy, and took him back to his yard?
The husky didn't spend that much time digging, I mentioned earlier that the bricks we used to cover the last hole were on his side of the fence indicating he dug the hole and i'll try to post pics later when I get home. My pops said that the dog stuck his whole head through, dragged the puppy into his yard and the puppy's mom saw and went in trying to save him. My pops loved those dogs and if he saw anything close to a hole, he would have covered if up first thing. Thats how we know he dug it in a quickness. The district attorney said that there needs to be more than 1 witness to testify in a "vicious dog trial" to even begin to have a case against the husky. 
This thread is too much. *turning on Family Guy the episode where Brian killed a dog and thought he committed a murder
yeah huskies are quick diggers, mine dug a 1 foot hole in about 30 seconds.

OP, was the dog normally aggressive when he saw your dogs? Huskies are usually insanely friendly dogs... if they are socialized, like any other dog. Mine has a fixation with smaller dogs, but she knows how to play with them without hurting them. Hell, her friendliness has gotten her in trouble with bigger older dogs.

Sorry to hear about your dogs tho, my silky terrier almost got attacked by a MUCH bigger dog but I was luckily able to pull him off. Husky has had some run in with pitbulls too.

OT: did you run through some Atmosphere cds after this happened? My music of choice whenever I feel down.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

yeah huskies are quick diggers, mine dug a 1 foot hole in about 30 seconds.

OP, was the dog normally aggressive when he saw your dogs? Huskies are usually insanely friendly dogs... if they are socialized, like any other dog. Mine has a fixation with smaller dogs, but she knows how to play with them without hurting them. Hell, her friendliness has gotten her in trouble with bigger older dogs.

Sorry to hear about your dogs tho, my silky terrier almost got attacked by a MUCH bigger dog but I was luckily able to pull him off. Husky has had some run in with pitbulls too.

OT: did you run through some Atmosphere cds after this happened? My music of choice whenever I feel down.
Yeah he would bark at them whenever he was put in the backyard. I never thought that huskies could even do that, the ones i've met were so friendly. Thanks for the condolences. 
Atmosphere is my music of choice period lol i've been to numerous concerts, painted that same picture of him and had him sign it. He gets a kick out of my name being Lucy lol 
Sorry about your loss man. But please don't listen to these fools that are telling you to indirectly kill that other dog. Why would you do that? We claim we are better than animals but people are suggesting this nonsense. No.
damn, i havent read anything but the OP. i just gotta say, as a dog lover, I will pray for you and your fam.  I can't even imagine how you must feel.  Your dogs were hella cute too. RIP to them.
Just kill the other dog..... since you wanted them to euthanize the other dog.
Cause all this talk about not doing it contradicts your true feelings.

do it


keep it moving
Originally Posted by Mexcellence

On Friday, my neighbor's husky dug a hole under the fence and pulled my 3 month old puppy through and killed him. His mom went in for to save him, and she didn't make it out alive either. 
Called animal control, they took the husky on Friday and kept it until last night. I was told he would be euthanized and later, the District Attorney said the neighbor's dog wasn't at fault (according to California law) because my dogs were found on his property. So, he wasn't put down. 

He was fined for having an unregistered/unvaccinated dog. So pretty much, their dog got away with murder. The only thing I can do now is complain to animal control when he barks at my dogs or tries to start *$%* with them (he does it at least 2 hours out of the day). The pictures show that that bastard dug the hole. Even if that were the case (that they were trespassing) no dog should dismember other dogs for any reason what so ever. 

Anybody ever have this happen to them? 

RIP Cosmo and Puppy, he didn't even have a name yet 

Wow, that's really sad, but I see where the judge is coming from. Without any emotional attachments, it makes sense that since the puppies wernt found on your property dead, there's no hard evidence that they didnt dig the hole themselves and go to his yard. Keep in mind how the law works.

And you're not seriously suggesting that dogs actually have that much depth in their judgement, are you?

RIP to your cute little pups bro.
'you kill my dog...i'ma kill your cat...thats jus the unwritten laws of rap...'
Sorry for your loss.

I don't think you should do anything to the dog yourself. Its not the dog's fault, it's the owners. I am sure the owner knew he was like that, so he should have him in the house or restrained somewhere. I would put up a hardcore barricade to protect your other dogs, and if that dogs acts up again, record it for evidence to show the police later.

I lost my two dogs, but they got old. I can't imagine what you are going through. My condolences.
although i feel for you...why were your dogs outside? we keep my 7lb chihuahua/pinscher mix inside at all times

you had a 3 month old puppy outside???
Predatory instincts are strong, so Siberians should be supervised around small animals in and around the home.
Taken straight from American Kennel Club

I'm sorry for your loss, but hopefully you learned you only get to keep what you fight for.  My neighbor's rottweiler tried to kill my dog about 10 years dog died of old age.
Originally Posted by MECKS

although i feel for you...why were your dogs outside? we keep my 7lb chihuahua/pinscher mix inside at all times

you had a 3 month old puppy outside???

OP wants to kill other people's dogs because he couldn't take care of his own 
Originally Posted by Mexcellence

Originally Posted by CWrite78

yeah huskies are quick diggers, mine dug a 1 foot hole in about 30 seconds.

OP, was the dog normally aggressive when he saw your dogs? Huskies are usually insanely friendly dogs... if they are socialized, like any other dog. Mine has a fixation with smaller dogs, but she knows how to play with them without hurting them. Hell, her friendliness has gotten her in trouble with bigger older dogs.

Sorry to hear about your dogs tho, my silky terrier almost got attacked by a MUCH bigger dog but I was luckily able to pull him off. Husky has had some run in with pitbulls too.

OT: did you run through some Atmosphere cds after this happened? My music of choice whenever I feel down.
Yeah he would bark at them whenever he was put in the backyard. I never thought that huskies could even do that, the ones i've met were so friendly. Thanks for the condolences. 
Atmosphere is my music of choice period lol i've been to numerous concerts, painted that same picture of him and had him sign it. He gets a kick out of my name being Lucy lol 

yeah i've been to a couple of his shows. didn't like the crowd, bunch of teeny boppers going crazy over dude. good chunk of the crowd was easily under 18, made me feel like the old man trying to still be cool

love his music tho. slug is that dude. you painted your avy? got a pic of it? you can send it over pm so it won't derail your thread.
yo. how do you go from typing like an infomercial here......

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

I swear this is some potent stuff. Within 2 days I noticed a big difference. They use the same stuff that the strips have. Get the toothbrush as well and you will see a big difference fast. This stuff is potent and works. I bought 3 tubes at $2.99 a piece while they are on sale.

I definitely notice a subtle whitening difference. I would recommend using half the amount you normally use to brush. It works well, but its definitely strong lol. Honestly for me, it works as well as the whitening strips did.

When I use it I can feel the hydrogen bubbles going to work on my teeth. The stuff is thick and it works 100% Make sure to use half the amount of toothpaste you would normally because its so intense or you will be foaming at the mouth like a mad dog because its really foamy.

I highly recommend you get this! Here is a CVS coupon for it on CVS website..-->http://cvssavingscentral....1460_OpticWhiteQ3_LL_TRM
to typing like this... ???

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

My thoughts:

Other day a dog same as OP dog which my neighbor have ran u on my small dashound in my hard and started barking and bitting it. My dog was not fighting back. My neighbors are old and i hate that yapping think Im a bulldog dog.

Anyway I kicks the dog so hard it flew 20 feet and cried and ran back into his yard. The old peeple yelled at him and ofcourse called me stupid and called the police. Nothing happen but the police telling neighbor to keep dog in their yard and gave them a ticket for non leash

OP what you should do is leave the hole alone, poison so red meat and put it right by the hole but in your yard. Let the Husky drag the red meat out and poison his ownself. Justice served issue over with

and then you want to say you weren't getting paid to post that about the toothpaste... you clearly lack English skills bruh.
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