Never steal NT....FML.

Mar 17, 2007
So today I go to Nordstorms to exchange some jeans for a bigger size, they didnt have the size so I returned them and as I was walking out, I see some burberry walllets, the id kind, not the bi-fold, so I decide to go ahead and take 'em. I take 2 of 'em and a northface beanie with no problem.

 I figured I'd re-sell the burberry wallets to make some cash for books...
..and just keep the beanie.

So as im walking out the store..BAM..2 dudes come up and stop me. At that moment, I thought my life was over, im going to jail and im %@%@$+

But I cooperated, and dude didnt call the cops or nothing. Turns out hes been spying me ever since I was returning the jeans, because I didnt have the receipt for them, so he thought I stole them. The total of what I stole was 320$, and dude said Nordstorms has the right to double or triple the amount

Anybody else been in this situation before?

Take it from me NT....never steal, it really isnt worth it
Yeah... You got lucky the police didn't get involved. It would suck if you went out to apply for a job and they did a background check and they found out you had charges for petty theft. Especially if you're over 18 its not worth it...
Originally Posted by 93SnakedFox

I hope you learned your lesson.

$20 says you'll (try to) steal again, though.

Hell no..i learned my lesson...f that

Sounds like dude from Nordstroms is hittin an extortion move on you.

Edit: "dude didnt call the cops or nothing. Turns out hes been spying me eversince I was returning the jeans, because I didnt have the receipt forthem, so he thought I stole them."


Analyze that and think what you need to do.
you told this story like you're not embarrassed by it or as like part of a store deal, you were told to go out and tell everyone what you did. i've never heard someone talk about a crime so nonchalantly. was this your first time stealing store merchandise?
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

you told this story like you're not embarrassed by it or as like part of a store deal, you were told to go out and tell everyone what you did. i've never heard someone talk about a crime so nonchalantly. was this your first time stealing store merchandise?
This is how i tell

Na it wasnt my first time, not like i do it everyday, it was my first time getting caught, got me shook a lil.
yeah dont #%+# with nordstrom, they have a lot of loss prevention undercover. If youre gonna do something like that, at least know what you are doing and be smart. I know exactly what wallet thing youre talking about. I got me the exact same one for 15 bucks
Wow, I don't think I could ever steal. I always have some type of phobia when walking through alarm systems. Like... I hate when your issh is paid for, but you know.. they forget to scan the stuff all the way and you walk out and the alarm goes off? I have the sense that's ALWAYS going to happen

You a brave dude to just up and steal some wallets like that tho and just plan to waltz right out. In nordstrom of all places too

You've had similar success before?

I don't think I could ever have the courage to steal and besides there is nothing I can think of worth potentially ruining my life over.  I hope you learned your lesson.
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Wow, I don't think I could ever steal. I always have some type of phobia when walking through alarm systems. Like... I hate when your issh is paid for, but you know.. they forget to scan the stuff all the way and you walk out and the alarm goes off? I have the sense that's ALWAYS going to happen

You a brave dude to just up and steal some wallets like that tho and just plan to waltz right out. In nordstrom of all places too

You've had similar success before?
i feel you.

Not gonna brag or anything, but ive had similar succes, not proud of it though...
I didn't pay anything. The dude said that ill be receiving a mail from them with the amount I gotta pay

he also said they'll double the price more then likely,there goes 640$ down the drain.
if you pay the fine they probably wont press charges and it wont be on your record. It will be your little secret
are you a minor
The funniest %+*% is being at a mall and witnessing when people get caught trying to steal
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