Never steal NT....FML.

I used to rack %%@+ a lot back when I was a kid, but you grow out of it quickly. I'm very grateful I never got bagged because the temptation is overwhelming and it's so easy. But being a grown man and doing this is not a good look whatsoever.
I worked at Burlington Coat Factory and them dudes have Ocean's 11 security. They can zoom the camera on a piece of paper on the floor and read everything off of it. I would no lie, see about 10 people walk out in cuffs on a  regular Saturday. But there was this one dude who was like a damn mystery, he would steal all of the Evisu's (that were actually TIED to the rack) and they can never catch him. Dude was professional.
I have no sympathy for you because I know you've stole before. So it was only time you get caught.
I've only stole once in my life, and it was this Christmas at Walmart.

They had a TON of PS3 games for returns in carts. I took the best game that was there (FIFA 10) and went to the pillow section, opened up the case, and stuffed the game in my family jewels.

But like some dude said here, I have a phobia of those alarm things. I feel like they're ALWAYS gonna go off on me.

Hope you learned your lesson OP. Coulda been a lot worse.
At the mall last week some girl got caught trying to steal. Don't know what happened to her, but she was bawling.
Originally Posted by 10Sakuragi

Originally Posted by 10Sakuragi

The one that get's caught is a thief, the one that gets away is an artist"

  my friend wouldwear baggy jeans, took bunch of jeans at least 5 of em, put the one he likes under it, go to the fitting room, put em on and the baggy jeans on top, go back and put them where they were.... walk out with no flaws, did it again a month ago. lol my friend did it, i was with him in case he needed help. he said make sure it doesn't have any tags or anything that can make the alarm goes off.

my friend is baadd. but he gets away with almost everything.
that was my crews mean scheme in hs, never got caught either. same procedure and all...go where the camera's can't go
Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

if you pay the fine they probably wont press charges and it wont be on your record. It will be your little secret
are you a minor
Thats why I dont have a problem with paying the fees, as long as I don't have a record, then I'm straight.
I'm 19..and since I cooperated and whatnot, dude didn't give me a hard time, didn't call the cops or nothing too. I just had to sign some papers and then I dipped.

I'm not allowed to go to any nordstorms store, and also the rack for 2 years, if I do, then they can arrest me, but Im not going back.

J Dilla Himself[/td][td]

Turns out hes been spying me ever since I was returning the jeans, because I didnt have the receipt for them

false.  i remember seeing your pic.  the real reason they had you on their UAV was because you look arab

Really? i mean some say I look persian, but I get a lot of " you look spanish"...

You guys can call me an idiot,dumb,stupid or whatever, not gonna effect me at all..
..but take it or leave it, stealing is NOT worth it.
I dunno if I'm the only one but I do imagine me stealing like mad stuff. Like if I see someone pull out a wad of cash...I like I imagine would I what/how I'd make them come up off that. Same thing with merchandise too. Like how can I snatch this and escape?? You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I dunno if I'm the only one but I do imagine me stealing like mad stuff. Like if I see someone pull out a wad of cash...I like I imagine would I what/how I'd make them come up off that. Same thing with merchandise too. Like how can I snatch this and escape?? You're not an idiot for stealing, just for your sloppy execution/getting caught.
I couldnt tell if i was being watched, I was so focused on stealing, I wasnt paying attention around me.

If i didnt return the jeans, then i wouldve gotten away with it imo.
Karma stays testing me.

Some old woman in Wal-Mart about a week ago went around a corner and left her purse in her cart.

Purse was wide open. I saw $80 at the surface. She probably had more deeper down as well.

Instead I said "hey ma'am you forgot your purse." i was wishing she could have tossed me one of those 20s though.

but a wallet? get a velco joint for like $4.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Karma stays testing me.

Some old woman in Wal-Mart about a week ago went around a corner and left her purse in her cart.

Purse was wide open. I saw $80 at the surface. She probably had more deeper down as well.

Instead I said "hey ma'am you forgot your purse." i was wishing she could have tossed me one of those 20s though.

but a wallet? get a velco joint for like $4.
Damn, are you that poor?
All you guys callin him an idiot nd sayin I hope your fines get tripled, need to fall back. Its one thing if dude was stealin from a person (smh) but from big bad nordstrums? The only person being affected from tht is OP. N he got caught, so chill.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by soltheman

Karma stays testing me.

Some old woman in Wal-Mart about a week ago went around a corner and left her purse in her cart.

Purse was wide open. I saw $80 at the surface. She probably had more deeper down as well.

Instead I said "hey ma'am you forgot your purse." i was wishing she could have tossed me one of those 20s though.

but a wallet? get a velco joint for like $4.
Damn, are you that poor?
I'm poor for wishing that the old woman would toss me a 20?

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by soltheman

Karma stays testing me.

Some old woman in Wal-Mart about a week ago went around a corner and left her purse in her cart.

Purse was wide open. I saw $80 at the surface. She probably had more deeper down as well.

Instead I said "hey ma'am you forgot your purse." i was wishing she could have tossed me one of those 20s though.

but a wallet? get a velco joint for like $4.
Damn, are you that poor?
I'm poor for wishing that the old woman would toss me a 20?

Originally Posted by 23kidd

I didn't pay anything. The dude said that ill be receiving a mail from them with the amount I gotta pay

he also said they'll double the price more then likely,there goes 640$ down the drain.
Le crime ne paie pas.

You are an idiot.
got arrested when i was in 7th grade for stealing some shirts from macy's so i have a petty theft charge on my juvenile record. been shook to even THINK about doing it ever since then so i know exactly how you're feeling. btw does anybody know if employers can see your juvenile record when they do background checks? because i heard your juvenile record gets expunged after a certain amount of years if you've only had one charge.
Originally Posted by pacers31

got arrested when i was in 7th grade for stealing some shirts from macy's so i have a petty theft charge on my juvenile record. been shook to even THINK about doing it ever since then so i know exactly how you're feeling. btw does anybody know if employers can see your juvenile record when they do background checks? because i heard your juvenile record gets expunged after a certain amount of years if you've only had one charge.
varies from state to state.
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