So you tried them on in store and were satisfied? That's not enough really to feel the shoe. It's a totally different feel but look at this thread and see the reviews, generally positive and a strong positive at that.

Don't use the ankle rolls as an excuse. Dudes in the NBA roll their ankles all the time. That's part of what happens when those big *** dudes put that much strain on their feet with that fresh court conditions they're exposed to.

Kobe ruptured his Achilles but you don't mind the 8s do you?
My buddy has a pair, I tried them on, on the court... lol.
And what's with the super defensive mode, I stated ankle rolls should never be blamed on the shoes... just wow.

But the shoe is lacking in some areas. Time will tell, maybe sooner then later, just not sold yet on it as being a good all around performance shoe for league type play.
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You're the one who mentioned it first...

No super defensive mode. I just think it's silly for people to say negative things about a shoe without ever trying it. Can't knock it until you try it status. I don't believe your boy has a pair that you tried on court, but if you did then congrats.

I would never let my friends put a pair of my new shoes on court. :lol:
Yeah, I can kind if hear where your coming from, that's what had still keot me from pulling the trigger... And I just have weak ankles combined with fairly severe cartilage deterioration in my knees to begin with and am prone to rolling issues do, despite the advice if others I'm still really hesitant to pick up a pair. Even if they do perform my mentality alone is not going to let me be at the confidence I need to play without that in the back if my mind.. Took all the way until kobe 8 for me to feel ok playing in lows and even that was not live at first sight.
You're the one who mentioned it first...

No super defensive mode. I just think it's silly for people to say negative things about a shoe without ever trying it. Can't knock it until you try it status. I don't believe your boy has a pair that you tried on court, but if you did then congrats.

I would never let my friends put a pair of my new shoes on court.
Yeah, I can kind if hear where your coming from, that's what had still keot me from pulling the trigger... And I just have weak ankles combined with fairly severe cartilage deterioration in my knees to begin with and am prone to rolling issues do, despite the advice if others I'm still really hesitant to pick up a pair. Even if they do perform my mentality alone is not going to let me be at the confidence I need to play without that in the back if my mind.. Took all the way until kobe 8 for me to feel ok playing in lows and even that was not live at first sight.
Definitely. The Kobe 8's had a good lockdown despite it being a low. There was an immense difference going from the elites vs. the lunarlons as far as movement response goes because of the zoom vs. more mushy lunarlon, but once you got going it felt great. Instilling that sense of confidence to push your limits like you mentioned. I didn't get that feel from the Hyperrevs, sure they 'felt' ok and light but my ankles were feeling wobbly on some cuts and moreso on lateral movement on defense... going over/under blind screens for recovery.
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If you let a shoe prevent you from fully committing to your game you will never change your opinion on it. I know exactly how you feel. If you're having second thoughts about it and then step into them and they don't immediately change your stance, you're doomed.

That's what happened with me and Kobe 1s and Bron 7 PS. Don't know why but I had a ton of problems with ankle rolls.
Yep... And with as much issues I have between knees and ankles it's a hard thing to Shake... I either have to be really sold on the design or go shoot around for quite a while to get the feel for me to have that trust. The HRs are such a different approach it's hard for me to get my head around them especially without ever seeing in person... From the pics on the web I trust them about as much as I trust a stripper...:lol:
Confidence is about familiarity. The Hyperrevs are a new entry so of course it's going to leave folks with a sense of initial doubt since it hasn't been proven over a longer course of time yet, plus it just feels different on feet then most traditional and current basketball sneakers. First time I tried a pair with zoom air my og taxi's from '96, I thought they were so stiff, I wondered where was the cushioning, it felt like walking on planks... compared to the flights and uptempos cushioning. But once broken in I fell in love with them. Still one of my classic favorites to ball in, I cement barged back my og pair just for that purpose lol. They're tanks... anyways, I like the hyperrevs gave it a chance, wasn't sold on them yet but it was one game. I'm going to pick up a pair for myself to put it through more wear and see if I love them over time or shelf them like the bastard kobe 7's i have.

Good times... lol. 
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So I've played in the shoe for about 2 weeks now and I've got to say, it gets better after every time you wear them.  I'm not sure if the mesh stretches just perfectly for your foot or whatnot but the fit is amazing.  Not gonna lie, traction sucked for the first 4 or 5 times wearing them but after that I feel like they've improved exponentially.  I recommend them to any hooper, just make sure you give it time to break in and perform. 
Ready to get back home, get out of these Johnston and Murphys, slip on my Revs and BALL...
Definitely. The Kobe 8's had a good lockdown despite it being a low. There was an immense difference going from the elites vs. the lunarlons as far as movement response goes because of the zoom vs. more mushy lunarlon, but once you got going it felt great. Instilling that sense of confidence to push your limits like you mentioned. I didn't get that feel from the Hyperrevs, sure they 'felt' ok and light but my ankles were feeling wobbly on some cuts and moreso on lateral movement on defense... going over/under blind screens for recovery.
This.. It's funny I feel way more comfortable moving laterally in my Kobe 8 than in these. Is it all in my head?? I enjoyed the transition running in them but I was hesitant to cut like normal and it held my game back.. I've rolled my ankle twice in the Kobe 8 btw lol
This.. It's funny I feel way more comfortable moving laterally in my Kobe 8 than in these. Is it all in my head?? I enjoyed the transition running in them but I was hesitant to cut like normal and it held my game back.. I've rolled my ankle twice in the Kobe 8 btw lol
Same here, rolled it once kind of badly in a half court game, not doing anything out of the ordinary.  Had to sit out at least a week.

Healed up enough to play again, balled in Kobe V's all day without any ankle issues at all.

Played in Kobe VIII's again, no problem.

Then played in them one more time and same ankle injury, just from running.  I'm not sure if the muscle got fatigued or it's the shoe, but again, I wasn't doing anything unusual.

Very reluctant to play in them again.  I had em ranked with the V's as a GOAT, but definitely not my go to shoe anymore.
Same here, rolled it once kind of badly in a half court game, not doing anything out of the ordinary.  Had to sit out at least a week.

Healed up enough to play again, balled in Kobe V's all day without any ankle issues at all.

Played in Kobe VIII's again, no problem.

Then played in them one more time and same ankle injury, just from running.  I'm not sure if the muscle got fatigued or it's the shoe, but again, I wasn't doing anything unusual.

Very reluctant to play in them again.  I had em ranked with the V's as a GOAT, but definitely not my go to shoe anymore.
See but that's the thing.. I still play in mine love the shoe.. I'm going to give the Hyper Rev another shot they are very comfortable and the cushion is well appreciated. Wish I could get full zoom on some Kobe's..
Rarely does Nike make the perfect shoe.  They always leave something to be desired and you better believe it's deliberate.

Kobe IV - perfect shoe except the forefoot cushioning died quickly

Kobe V - met-bag, not entire forefoot or full length zoom

Kobe VI - met bag

Kobe VIII - lunarlon dies out quickly

Kobe VIII elites - either heel zoom only or bottom loaded zoom

Of course they could implement a normal forefoot/heel zoom setup in the Kobe VIII.  Then no one (meaning most people) would buy into any of their other crap.
I understand trying to innovate but there's a difference in tried and true. Lunarlon is AMAZING out of the box. Only problem is how short it lasts.
And that's quite a big problem.

If they sold insoles individually, that wouldn't matter as much.  But we all know what would happen then.
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