**NEW** Common - Stay Schemin' (Drake Diss)

Originally Posted by Deuce King

My man tried to say a hired bodyguard is a goon/henchman.................
whats the difference?  both get paid, both do the dirty work the rich guy won't.
NT, land of the extremes.
Y'all are out of control.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

My man tried to say a hired bodyguard is a goon/henchman.................
Uhhh...I don't see what's so funny about that. They're not being paid to give you business advice or some @%++.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by CashBanks

How you send a bodyguard to press a joe schmo tattoo artist YOU said YOU'D beat up this boy Drake is sweet pun intended
and no being a bi-racial jewish cornball from canada doesnt mean you cant be hip hop but it does mean you cant talk tough

because assault charges ain't cool dummy.

you will still catch an assault charge for sending your hired goon in to rough someone up, so this logic doesn't hold.  you can't send your bodyguard in to beat someone up then stand back like you had nothing to do with it.  even if drake says he didnt send him, he's still catching that case.

Originally Posted by CashBanks

you're a clown the bodyguard didnt put hands on anyone sooo what assault charge stupid? oh and i'm sure a millionaire cant get an assault charge taken care of
he couldve went in there and addressed it like a man and why say you're going to"+*@+ him up" if you scared of assualt charges?

think before you address me you !@%#!+!

and this.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by CashBanks

How you send a bodyguard to press a joe schmo tattoo artist YOU said YOU'D beat up this boy Drake is sweet pun intended
and no being a bi-racial jewish cornball from canada doesnt mean you cant be hip hop but it does mean you cant talk tough

because assault charges ain't cool dummy.

you will still catch an assault charge for sending your hired goon in to rough someone up, so this logic doesn't hold.  you can't send your bodyguard in to beat someone up then stand back like you had nothing to do with it.  even if drake says he didnt send him, he's still catching that case.

Originally Posted by CashBanks

you're a clown the bodyguard didnt put hands on anyone sooo what assault charge stupid? oh and i'm sure a millionaire cant get an assault charge taken care of
he couldve went in there and addressed it like a man and why say you're going to"+*@+ him up" if you scared of assualt charges?

think before you address me you !@%#!+!

and this.
the whole point of a goon is to make threats or carry out an assault so the bread winner doesn't catch a case..
we're getting off topic here but why else would you hire a goon? why the hell do you think they're called goons.  they're just big dummies that carry out brute work and take charges.
Man, Drake can't win for NOTHING.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

If he responds, ya'll don't respect him.

If he doesn't respond then ya'll don't respect him.

Dude will never be given his props.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

NT, land of the extremes. 
 Y'all are out of control.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

My man tried to say a hired bodyguard is a goon/henchman.................
Uhhh...I don't see what's so funny about that. They're not being paid to give you business advice or some @%++.

I mean you would think for all the movies and ghetto novels these guys read, that they would understand the imagery presented here...I mean that IS the standard around here right? Since focusing on JUST the music is too much for you all. 

Bosses don't do dirty work. 

Thats why dudes like Wayne look dumb as hell doing jail time over gun-charges...
...but you got a gang load of people in your entourage? 

But let Drake catch an assault charge: "Oh hes trying to be hard," "that was dumb," "where his goons at?!," etc.

Again, the double standard here is incredible. 

That being said...it was an incredibly corny move to even attempt to do something in the first place. 
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

because assault charges ain't cool dummy.

you will still catch an assault charge for sending your hired goon in to rough someone up, so this logic doesn't hold.  you can't send your bodyguard in to beat someone up then stand back like you had nothing to do with it.  even if drake says he didnt send him, he's still catching that case.

Originally Posted by CashBanks

you're a clown the bodyguard didnt put hands on anyone sooo what assault charge stupid? oh and i'm sure a millionaire cant get an assault charge taken care of
he couldve went in there and addressed it like a man and why say you're going to"+*@+ him up" if you scared of assualt charges?

think before you address me you !@%#!+!

and this.
the whole point of a goon is to make threats or carry out an assault so the bread winner doesn't catch a case..
we're getting off topic here but why else would you hire a goon? why the hell do you think they're called goons.  they're just big dummies that carry out brute work and take charges.
which i get.  but when you sit outside said tattoo shop in your car while the goon is gooning it kind of defeats the purpose of discrete goonery, no?

if it was hm being scared to catch a case/lawsuit, then he's an idiot for going about it the way he did.

it sounds more like he doesn't want to get his hands dirty.  which is fine.  but then when people call him a *+$%$ he has no right to get mad.  because HE won't do anything.

but back on topic.  common (argyle pants, sweater vest, and all) pulled his card.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Deuce King

My man tried to say a hired bodyguard is a goon/henchman.................
whats the difference?  both get paid, both do the dirty work the rich guy won't.

A bodyguard does not do "the dirty work" as you suggested.  A bodyguard helps ensure that a person doesn't get attacked, keeps crazy or erratic fans away from the person they are watching over, aand things of that nature.  A bodyguard is not a goon in the sense you are trying to suggest. 

Man, Drake can't win for NOTHING.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

If he responds, ya'll don't respect him.

If he doesn't respond then ya'll don't respect him.

Dude will never be given his props. 

Why are you trying to throw Drake a pity party??  "Dude will never be given his props"......."come on NT feel sorry for Drake, woe-is-me-Drake."  He's not damned if he responds, it's actually encouraged as far as I'm concerned.  Now how good or great his response is another factor, but in this case I would say he would have to respond.
ofcourse you realize you dont know what the %##* you're talking about and throw out generic insults
and there is no e-thuggin over here my guy I was makin a statement you got butt hurt and started talkin out your *!# trying to defend a grown man you dont know
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Man, Drake can't win for NOTHING.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

If he responds, ya'll don't respect him.

If he doesn't respond then ya'll don't respect him.

Dude will never be given his props.
What you mean? If Drake responds AND the diss is dope he'll get his props. It's just that it'll have to be really dope, plus it can't be having any of that exaggerated Imma body you/hurt you/fake tough guy nonsense in it. If he do his homework and dig up some dirt that'll help too.

If he want even though some may not buy it he can try hard and say Com is just mad that he hit Serena if he's willing to throw her under the bus like you've been trying to say this is really about or is partially about.

At the end of this Drake has to try and steer this in a direction where it doesn't look like he felt Com was talking about him on Sweet and actually get at dude for something but if his heart aint in it it'll just be shallow (even if they're clever) punch lines and over the top insults.

And on another topic bodyguard =/= goon. A goon is someone down to do the dirty work cuz he's down with you. A bodyguard is a hired protector. Only way yall blurring lines is if you're telling me Drake's bodyguard was his friend before he hired him and it was a situation where he's putting homey on the payroll. 6'5 300 lbs retired linebackers and police men who get paid to protect you are not your goons.

Now if yall trying to compare Drake to some mob boss who hires a hitman, just stop it
If you assume we'd call Drake for getting an assault charge I don't see how'd you not think we'd call him dumb for being at the scene where his bodyguard threatens/menaces/assaults a dude over a tattoo
Originally Posted by CashBanks

ofcourse you realize you dont know what the %##* you're talking about and throw out generic insults
and there is no e-thuggin over here my guy I was makin a statement you got butt hurt and started talkin out your *!# trying to defend a grown man you dont know
i think the blatant hate you feel over someone you don't know explains exactly what kind of person you are...carry-on with your pathetic life cashbanks
I mean seriously? 28 pages for this thread? Are any of you related to Drake or Common? Does anyone get their rent, mortgage, or car note because of these guys? You guys are arguing over some WWE !+@ & it's foolish. I sincerely hope most of you are younger than 20 or so because arguing over 2 black men beefin' when they shouldn't be is ridiculous...SMH at every single last one of you.
Originally Posted by psk2310

I mean seriously? 28 pages for this thread? Are any of you related to Drake or Common? Does anyone get their rent, mortgage, or car note because of these guys? You guys are arguing over some WWE !+@ & it's foolish. I sincerely hope most of you are younger than 20 or so because arguing over 2 black men beefin' when they shouldn't be is ridiculous...SMH at every single last one of you.

I think you will be alright
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

[h1]Common On Battling Drake[/h1]

After listening to that, Common is clearly OK throwing stones and hiding his hand...and this is from someone who really loves his music and has been playing his new CD endlessly.
Common is the instigator here but then once he gets on the radio, he loses all that edge he had on the record. You calling the man's parents out and entire ethnicity... But now you wanna back-track? Where is all that forwardness? 

Dude was backtracking like hell: "I was just speaking my mind...I dont want no problems...I wasn't talking to drake at first...I just want this on wax"

Nothing more than a hip-hop "elitist" mad that CDs and MP3s are being used over vinyl and wax cylinders (THIS IS SARCASM
...I know the stuff doesn't bode well with you all
) trying to force his view of what music should be on another guy who happens to be more popular in music than he is. ...Talking about "getting back to the essence"

Whats the Essence, Common? Music evolves. Things change. Surely he doesn't forget the struggles he faced trying to brand himself as a conscious rapper, and even less being a rapper in general. No one is contesting your contributions to the genre, nor was anyone unwilling to recognize your presence. But now he has a problem with the fact music isn't conforming to HIS standards. If he really had a problem, he'd get out of hollywood and start putting out more musical content. He'd start trying to keep up in the internet age by using the new methods of music promotion on blogs and videos. There is a new method of staying relevant and hes mad the bar of admission has changed

Dude is salty. No denying it.

Once again, rap fans don't even know what they want. People are letting "genre" definitions come between them and musical expression. Which is all it really is. Dude had a problem with Drake rapping AND singing AND his background growing up in the burbs...Way to have an original thought, Common. As if Drake hasn't been ridiculed for that before. 

Common said he wants more "edge" in his music...but then wants to be conscious. He wants to have Maya Angelou on records...but wants to talk his misogyny. He enjoys R&B...but he doesn't like when rappers do it. Man sit down. Your boy and label-mate Kanye was singing before Drake even decided to. All while failing to recognize that Drake offers far more variety in his content than Common does, but thats another story for another day. 

After listening to this, you can't deny the Serena...And Taraji...and Erykah (rumored)
"Helen of Troy-esque" impact here. 

That being said...If Drake responds, and I really doubt he will, I hope he BODIES Common.

Edit: Is Drake corny for pseudo-checking that tattoo artist? Yeah...slight fail there. But in the context of the beef, Common is on the losing end in my eyes. 

There is no middle ground with NTers. People are quick to call others "Drake stans" but then what are Common fans? ...they call themselves "Hip Hop Heads"...Seriously?

EDIT: Listen to this interview with YN he just did: http://rapradar.com/2012/...n-on-evr-radio/#comments

Common is showing how salty he is. 

Can ya'll not see this? 

Dude is just mad that things aren't the way HE wants them to be. 

Rap fans are idiots sometimes. Dude said he likes talking about actually hitting dudes with bottles...Thats what makes you "REAL" now? Fighting? Rapping about being hard? Thats what makes Hip-Hop beautiful to you, Common? Mr. First Conscious Rapper, Common?

I can't think of a bigger hypocrite, hater, or both than this dude right now. 

Dude just needs to admit that he's mad a light skinned dude who raps and sings smashed his ex and he doesn't understand what the world sees in the new kid.

Lonnie is the type of dude to get mad and throw a fit when he doesn't get his way. 

Dude is acting like he is the only validation of what "rap" or "hip-hop" is.

But its ok for Common to write his psuedo-song about his past relationships on his latest album, right? 

In my eyes, there is nothing worse than an old-timer trying to force his hand in extremely OPINIONATED fields like music about what things "should" be. 

Common must have forgot how hard he fought to gain respect and support when he started out.  Rap was much less accepted then than it is now. He fought for dudes like Drake...scratch that...KANYE... to even exist, now you want to start pulling cards? Then get mad when they respond? Nah. 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Man, Drake can't win for NOTHING.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

If he responds, ya'll don't respect him.

If he doesn't respond then ya'll don't respect him.

Dude will never be given his props.
What you mean? If Drake responds AND the diss is dope he'll get his props. It's just that it'll have to be really dope, plus it can't be having any of that exaggerated Imma body you/hurt you/fake tough guy nonsense in it. If he do his homework and dig up some dirt that'll help too.

If he want even though some may not buy it he can try hard and say Com is just mad that he hit Serena if he's willing to throw her under the bus like you've been trying to say this is really about or is partially about.

At the end of this Drake has to try and steer this in a direction where it doesn't look like he felt Com was talking about him on Sweet and actually get at dude for something but if his heart aint in it it'll just be shallow (even if they're clever) punch lines and over the top insults.

And on another topic bodyguard =/= goon. A goon is someone down to do the dirty work cuz he's down with you. A bodyguard is a hired protector. Only way yall blurring lines is if you're telling me Drake's bodyguard was his friend before he hired him and it was a situation where he's putting homey on the payroll. 6'5 300 lbs retired linebackers and police men who get paid to protect you are not your goons.

Now if yall trying to compare Drake to some mob boss who hires a hitman, just stop it
If you assume we'd call Drake for getting an assault charge I don't see how'd you not think we'd call him dumb for being at the scene where his bodyguard threatens/menaces/assaults a dude over a tattoo
So you want him to do his research and homework yet you also want dude to respond in only 2 days.  Unbelievable. 

I know you damn sure weren't seeing the Honor Roll in school with those study habits
This dude sillyputty

Anyway, Drake can definitely put out a good diss but dude has put himmself to deep in that sensitive R&B lane people probably wont even give him the credit. When Drake wants to spit he can go in. Thats whats frustrating about dude. Aint no way in hell Drake is gonna body Common. Common has been here before with another rap legend. You can get that out your head.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

98% of all mainstream rappers live a lie...they are storytellers.  Doesn't mean I can't enjoy what they put out.  I know Rick Ross is a fraud, but I like his music. 

How would Common's problem be with me when I 100% support EVERYTHING he puts out? 

I just laugh at the clown-like tendencies of Drake as I would with ANYONE who has a fugazi tough-guy act and then tries to carry that +$!+ into the real world (strong-arming the tattoo artist).  The line about catching bodies is flat out hilarious considering the source.  It would be like Waka cutting a track on the importance of education.  C'mon now...+$!+ is comedy. 

Because you're also listening to artists that he claims are "ruining" hip-hop.

Alright, this is my last reply.  Spent way too much time in here
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

It's really sad how much image plays a role in Hip Hop.

I can't think of a single other type of music where it's so important and the fans actually dictate what they like sonically based on an artist's persona.

It's like "damn he can rap and the beat is nice but I can't listen to him because he looks corny".
fashion and persona has always been part of hiphop's DNA since its inception.

plus dont act like rock music didn't rely heavily on image as well....
Originally Posted by Tha Flashy One

danm there is still no response??? where you at Drake???

"don't be duckin like you never wanted nothin"

he scurred...and he shouldn't of jumped out da window in da first place with all those subliminals...
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