New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

Some of y'all are putting way too much emphasis on the bench. I take it some of you assume the entire 2nd unit will be playing long periods of time with each other on the floor. Rotations like that RARELY ever happen like that in the NBA. I definitely think another piece is needed(meeks), but after that the FA additions should be done
I agree. Miami's bench wasn't that deep. They just staggered the substitutions. They always had one or two of the "big three" on the floor while the others rested. Fortunately for us, we have four to work with. Our bench now is miles ahead of last years. Just need a sg/sf
Just Get Meeks... And figure out how to make the best damn offer to the Magic with the Cavs or Rockets as the third team... Hound the phones and get a 4th team, a 5th team, a 6th team involved if need be... Or a 4th team that likes Verejao...

If our bench is

Blake at 10mins
Meeks at 18mins
JRich at 22mins
Jamison at 22mins
Hill at 20mins

Everything after is irrelevant.

Then we'd have a slightly above league average bench. That I'd have no problems with

We can run a traditional second unit. A staggered approach.. Whatever..
Throw in:
Either Tristan Thompson or Tyler Zeller
2 1st from Cleveland (They have a pick from Miami and Lakers.. Both guaranteed late 20s picks.. Just use those)
2 2nds that Cleveland got from Orlando
1 2nd from Charlotte
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Just Get Meeks... And figure out how to make the best damn offer to the Magic with the Cavs or Rockets as the third team... Hound the phones and get a 4th team, a 5th team, a 6th team involved if need be... Or a 4th team that likes Verejao...
If our bench is
Blake at 10mins
Meeks at 18mins
JRich at 22mins
Jamison at 22mins
Hill at 20mins
Everything after is irrelevant.

brown is a defenive minded coach who is completely goo goo gaga over blakes "scrappy" mentality/defense.

he was playing blake like 24 minutes a game
If i had to pick one. I rather get Tmac than Gil.

Size matter. Tmac is long and can still post up smaller guard. Gil is useless nowadays. He no longer has that quick first step and he's 6'2 tall. Blake at this point of his career is better than Gil.

Sign Tmac or that Mile dude from Utah and call it a day. We don't have much option.
If i had to pick one. I rather get Tmac than Gil.
Size matter. Tmac is long and can still post up smaller guard. Gil is useless nowadays. He no longer has that quick first step and he's 6'2 tall. Blake at this point of his career is better than Gil.
Sign Tmac or that Mile dude from Utah and call it a day. We don't have much option.

blake has never been better than arenas.. i think the lakers should give him a chance, since they said he looked good last year in try outs.. if he keeps working with tim grover, he'll be back in shape, besides him and jamison have that G-state and DC connection

and arenas is 6'4
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Yea you're right, those minutes should've went to our other PG...................oh wait :rolleyes
Right?! :lol:[quote name="ACBboyz84"]If i had to pick one. I rather get Tmac than Gil.
Size matter. Tmac is long and can still post up smaller guard. Gil is useless nowadays. He no longer has that quick first step and he's 6'2 tall. Blake at this point of his career is better than Gil.[/quote]Mos def.

I just wish more people would realize this:

[quote name="ACBboyz84"]We don't have much option.[/quote]
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Blake, Gilbert....are essentially a wash. At this point, give me Blake. At least he his turnovers are minimal and I trust his decision making for the most part.
The bench is already serviceable, its not off the charts but its far from our glaring weakness like last year.... i honestly think our biggest weakness is coaching.

I know some people hate to even discuss it but i wonder if we got this monster bench would it matter with the coaching we have, MB worries me more than anything.
If i had to pick one. I rather get Tmac than Gil.
Size matter. Tmac is long and can still post up smaller guard. Gil is useless nowadays. He no longer has that quick first step and he's 6'2 tall. Blake at this point of his career is better than Gil.
Sign Tmac or that Mile dude from Utah and call it a day. We don't have much option.

Id still take my chances with Gilbert. He will be surrounded by Vets who can help him.
blake has never been better than arenas.. i think the lakers should give him a chance, since they said he looked good last year in try outs.. if he keeps working with tim grover, he'll be back in shape, besides him and jamison have that G-state and DC connection
and arenas is 6'4

Have you watch Gilbert in the last 2 years? I said Blake at this point is better than Gil. He shot better. He's faster and play better defense than Gil

Don't get me wrong. I love agent zero but i rather get Tmac unless Gil agree to accept a 10 day contract

BTw NBA height is inflated. Gil is 6'2, 6'3 ish at best
i wonder what goes on in howard's mind now.. teams and management are getting tired of his indecisiveness and are considering to let him walk... and the magic is making it even harder that it should be
Yea you're right, those minutes should've went to our other PG...................oh wait
son , he was playing him at sg too 
 ......with ramon sessions on the court.

and i forgot we got so much pg depth this offseason  

you know with the whole losing ramon sessions thing

and who can forget goudelock and morris setting the summer league on fire


how we splitting them minutes?

im not saying blake isnt garbage.....because he sucks , im aware

im just saying thats brown's guy.
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:lol: playing glock at PG to reduce Blake's minutes

glock is JUST now learning how to play pg. did you see how terrible he was in summer league? He was already terrible at defense but he wasn't even showing out on offense

and you expect him to be better than Blake? :stoneface:

Y'all just have to accept that Blake is going to be a part of this team. No one is going to waste a pick on him to take him off our hands. Deal with it

and yall serious with Gil? Ill admit. Wanted to take a chance on him last year, but he is DONE.

all we need is this bench to be better than it was last year, its already vastly improved. Sign meeks and call it an offseason.

Who needs a top 5 bench when you arguably have a top 3 starting 5?

I really can't stand your guys' negativity. There are a lot of positives to look forward to this season, and you guys act like were walking into training camp with NO improvement.
son , he was playing him at sg too :lol:  ......with ramon sessions on the court.

and i forgot we got so much pg depth this offseason  >D

That's what I'm saying, what options were there? You either overuse Ramon, split time with Blake, or throw one of the rookies out there. It was a lose lose either way.

And for your second statement........quality >>>> quantity, so yep, we did add depth this offseason IMO :wink:
As of last year. And even currently

Blake > Goudelock
Blake > Morris
Blake > Gilbert

Yes. Playing him at SG was extremely dumb... But still he's better than any option we had out there.. Including Ebanks as well.

As for getting Barbosa AND Meeks.. It's too much.. It'd be way too hectic of a rotation and people would start to get disgruntled on the bench because there wouldn't be enough minutes.. If we could get rid of Blake, then yes go for both. But since Blake is hard to move (Yes we've been shopping him) it's one or the other.. And I read on the Lakers HoopsHype rumors page, I'm not sure of who the source was, but that the Lakers were trying to get Barbosa for the Veteran's Minimum. I'm not sure there is a likely prospect that we get him for Veteran's minimum..

Blake/Meeks/Richardson (Assuming Dwight is ever traded) or Blake/Barbosa/Richardson works because offensively Richardson is a 2. Defensively he plays 3. If you had Meeks and Barbosa you have 2 combo guards plus Blake and only 34 minutes of available time for the 3.

The one thing I am worried about is that we are trying to sign people to 1 year deals.. Building the bench next year is going to be a *****.
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well if we get mac we wont need a traditional point guard from the bench. glock could play pg with mac handling with hill and jamison and ebanks rounding the bench off...
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