New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

Iggy for Bynum sounds like a steal for 76ers ... and they almost NEVER make smart trades/deals. I'll believe it when I see Dwight in Lakers jersey.
They've got Jamison and Jordan Hill to start.

Pau and Dwight would be something SPECIAL...

But it doesn't seem possible, and I think the Lakers need to get that star to carry the team into the post-Kobe generation. I was equally uneasy about the LO/Pau for CP3 trade, but was ultimately for it because of this reason.
yet six 3s in the 2nd half
Yet all of his 3s were catch-and-shoot and/or in rhythm... exactly what I said he needed to do in my previous post.

He took a heat check over the set defender and missed it... He tried the one-on-one play in the first half, was awful, and the Internet was calling for his head...
Some things to keep in mind...

John Hollinger ‏@johnhollinger
As others have noted, this one reeks of "hey Houston, we're gonna do this. I swear. I'm just about to do it. No really. Here I go ..."

netw3rk ‏@netw3rk
4-way trades are like 4-ways in real life, only two of the people will only touch each other and the other two cant know what's going on.
Best case scenario, this is getting Houston to up their offer of assets to give Orlando (for Bynum)

If Orlando wound up with Pau, I'm sure they'd want at least as much as the Lakers wanted for him (back when they were trying to trade him)
The Lakers are in a tough position. Trade for Howard and lose Bynum/Gasol. Don't trade and could lose Bynum for nothing. Geez.
As much as I would hate to have to trade both Bynum and Gasol, if that's truly the only possible way to bring Dwight to the Lakers, then I'm for it.

It's a move that gives us future cap relief and, more importantly, it gives us a real superstar to lead us post Kobe retirement.

We'd be at least a marginally better team in the short term, and we'd be saved from years of the lottery in the long term.

That said, I really hope we can somehow swing this without trading away Pau.
As much as I would hate to have to trade both Bynum and Gasol, if that's truly the only possible way to bring Dwight to the Lakers, then I'm for it.
It's a move that gives us future cap relief and, more importantly, it gives us a real superstar to lead us post Kobe retirement.
We'd be at least a marginally better team in the short term, and we'd be saved from years of the lottery in the long term.
That said, I really hope we can somehow swing this without trading away Pau.

Agreed. I understand the Lakers point of view if this is the trade that goes down. Put simply, we aren't going to win the title with our team structured the way it is even with Bynum switched out for Dwight. The bench is still at least two players away from giving us what we need, and with a payroll that would be locked up for the foreseeable future it doesn't make sense to carry that much weight at the top with four players. Trade one of those mega earners away, and trust that Kobe, Dwight and Nash with a solid bench can carry the team. If not, then at least there's an opportunity to upgrade through free agency with money available.
Eric Pincus seems to doubt this story.

He said if Lakers can land Howard by giving Pau to Orlando, then they wouldn't need a 4 team deal. (I understand Bynum goes to Philly) he's saying pertaining to Lakers/Magic.

If it does happen I think the Lakers end up with upwards of 6 players
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A Cavs official tells Pro Basketball Draft that news of Orlando offering Dwight Howard in a 4-team deal with the 76ers, Lakers, and Nuggets is not surprising. "They (Magic) want to find as many potential trade scenarios as possible." Magic already know the deal that they worked on with LA and the Cavs is still there if they choose to pursue it. - 8 minutes ago

Almost sounds like the HOU and CLE deals are still on the table. Maybe Orlando is trying to get them to up the offers.

Hopefully there are all 3 deals on the table - Dwight ends up with LA in any one, just a matter of which ORL chooses
Pau for Harrington?


As expected, Jason Richardson's name is coming up in a scenario where he would join Dwight Howard and Al Harrington in LA.

Sort of want...but not really. :rolleyes


Not...bad...but I'd rather keep the Pau and Kobe together.



Little more money freed up, lot more shooting, less injury worry with Dwight than Drew

I'd take it.

Iggy to Denver for Al and Affalo, I'd do that.
Bynum to Philly for Iggy, I'd do that
Pau and Affalo + whatever other scraps for Dwight, not ideal, but what else they gonna do? :lol:
still wanna see how Gasol plays with Nash, hopefully this is only a rumor like the billion other trade rumors
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