New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

I've been telling cats for years that the biggest mistake Lakers front office made was not building a team around Mike Penberthy. A core of Mike P and Jelani McCoy would still be devastating to this day. Jelani wasn't utilized correctly and Mike Penberthy was more of a scorer than Kobe. Now they are going into a 5 to six year period of early playoff exits while Penberthy rots on the L.A. SLAM.

Originally Posted by Essential1

It's time folks.

It is time to accept that this Big 3 is the team that comes back next year. Any trade we make involving any of the Big 3 will not move us in any direction but down. Not Derrick Williams. Not Scola. Not Kevin Martin. It's time to accept it as it were.

There is no PG out there for us better than Sessions.

So while we are bs'ing ourselves it is time to just say what moves can we make...

The answer...not much.

And in bright news we may lose Jordan Hill to the T'Wolves... Talk amongst yourselves.

I can accept that as long as they improved the least... I believe we can compete for the title with decent bench
As of right now Clippers > Lakers
Find another place to troll. Reported
How am I trolling?
... if someone creates a thread specifically for fans of a given team - e.g. "The Official Harlem Globetrotters Season Thread," it is considered TROLLING for fans of other teams to go into that thread specifically to annoy people.

It's expected that series threads and game threads will consist of fans representing both teams.  Team threads, however, are considered a sanctuary for fans of that team ONLY.  There should at least be one place where you can go on NikeTalk to discuss your favorite team without being harassed by 15-year-old front runners and the like.
Kevin Ding's article on why we should trade for Dwight has me on the fence.. It really does.. Even if I know he is leaving after 2012-2013 season.
So I post an article from a Lakers reporter, and make a pretty reasonable statement of who the better team in LA is, but I annoy everyone and make all of your blood boil somehow.

Y'all act like Lakers fans don't go into other team threads, for example the Heat thread and post. Or that people can't be fans of multiple teams of players.
So I post an article from a Lakers reporter, and make a pretty reasonable statement of who the better team in LA is, but I annoy everyone and make all of your blood boil somehow.
Y'all act like Lakers fans don't go into other team threads, for example the Heat thread and post.
Changing the subject doesn't mean you're not trolling. I'm acting like you're in here trolling. Pretty simple.
Or that people can't be fans of multiple teams of players.
But that's not what happened, though. So you're in here... the Lakers thread... as a fan, then? Riiiiiiiiight.
Originally Posted by quik1987

So I post an article from a Lakers reporter, and make a pretty reasonable statement of who the better team in LA is, but I annoy everyone and make all of your blood boil somehow.

Y'all act like Lakers fans don't go into other team threads, for example the Heat thread and post. Or that people can't be fans of multiple teams of players.

Get outta here troll
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

Originally Posted by quik1987

So I post an article from a Lakers reporter, and make a pretty reasonable statement of who the better team in LA is, but I annoy everyone and make all of your blood boil somehow.

Y'all act like Lakers fans don't go into other team threads, for example the Heat thread and post. Or that people can't be fans of multiple teams of players.

Get outta here troll
I'm normally not a gambling man. But the way I see it.. Let's make the deal for Dwight.

Dwight & Hedo for Bynum, Blake, McRoberts, Sacre.

It's obvious we don't have the juice to win a title with the Big 3 alone. It is obvious, that we don't have the resources to make a bench that is close to top 15 that lifts us past the Thunder.

So why not. Why not give it the run. 1 title try.

Do we shop Pau? Yes. But only for the right deal. Josh Smith. Be advised Ferry is not trading us Josh, so we are keeping Pau.

If Dwight leave, that sucks. But it would be no different than this team now. No title chance.

I'd rather make a serious run at a title this year only. Then watch this team act as if we have a shot.

After 2013-2014 season we get a full reset. Very few contracts would be on the books, maybe Sessions, Hill, whoever our mini-MLE is and a bunch of rookie contracts.

If we keep Hedo & Metta through 2013-2014 season. Combined with Kobe & Pau. $69.665million coming off the cap after 2013-2014.

We're backed in a corner. Making a move that we'd rather not make.. But what other choice do we have?
Im thinking the same thing Essential...
Even if Dwight leaves after a season, hes going to want a sign and trade so we would still probably get something back.
If we have Dwight, I dont think we need to trade Pau. He would be the perfect compliment to him.
Get Dwight and Turk, keep Pau, re-sign Sess and try to add another perimeter player. Im all for that team.
My dude bobbing and weaving like it is of dire importance that he maintain the ability to come in here and annoy the fans of a team he loves to hate.

Oops, was that out loud?
Originally Posted by ToneLow

Im thinking the same thing Essential...
Even if Dwight leaves after a season, hes going to want a sign and trade so we would still probably get something back.
If we have Dwight, I dont think we need to trade Pau. He would be the perfect compliment to him.
Get Dwight and Turk, keep Pau, re-sign Sess and try to add another perimeter player. Im all for that team.

Word is we're talking to Rashard Lewis and Jameer Nelson.

Why not mash up 2009 Magic & Lakers together.

Keep in mind Bynum hasn't signed an extension yet. For all we know, he could be tired of the Lakers pursuing Dwight and dangling his name out there. He could be just as close to leaving next summer as Dwight would be...
Looks like Raptors are really close to obtaining Nash becuase of that big offer sheet they just offered to Fields.

So...maybe....Calderon to Lakers to tag up with Pau.

Bring in Dwight




I see a Conference Finals team...but not a NBA Finals team.

Going to need more better consistent 3 point shooters.
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