Originally Posted by memphissfinest





Originally Posted by HankMoody

The thing is this was an opinion thread that I was interested in: about watches as perfect substitutes for wedding rings. That was actually being discussed before the entire concept of giving something to someone you marry, on your own terms, was questioned. A lot of people think it's all about coercion when there are legitimate reasons for the concept of a ring/watch. It looks good and it's always accessible and easy to display on your person. While people assume it's only about "stunting", why can't I assume and purchase with the intent that it's about displaying the commitment? I sure as hell want to easily show the world how much I enjoy being with ___. Is that so bad? We all project our values every single day in a variety of ways. Why is this one taboo?

Is any of this necessary? No. But what really is? That's where I was trying to take the conversation but to DC, absolutely nothing outside of the bare necessities is worthwhile. Where can the discussion possibly go from there? Nowhere.

I understand that and I respect that. You don't need to justify your actions to me or anyone else. In my first post in this thread, I said "What people do with their money is their own business."

If you want to buy your girl a ring, buy her a ring. I don't agree, and I won't do that. I'll buy her something else. My comments were never meant to be shots at someone else's choices and I'm sorry if they came across that way.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh look!!!'s sillyputty!...I'm so surprised, we really gonna get back into this???...what is it to you?? are so much about perspective, yet is sooooooo crazy for you to comprehend that we shall all lead our lives differently

I'm glad someone pointed out what is one of many hypocrisies with this character. He's like Niketalk's Skip Bayless. Just likes to say #$$# for the sake of saying it, no matter how much he contradicts himself. 
I've just been trying to ignore. 
But I love seeing people discuss life issues as if they're academic. 

Looking to question just for the sake of questioning with seemingly no real life experience on the subject. 

Going on color coded rants in an attempt to prove some "point" to make themselves feel as if they've "won" something. 

The most important things I've learned in life I didn't learn in a classroom or from a book. Or on a sneaker forum. I learned them by living. 

Dudes have more posts in a few months than I put up in a year. Get outside and accrue some genuine life experience and then you might be able to genuinely speak intelligently on a subject. Judging from how they present themselves, that lack of life experience is hard to miss. 

For the record, I wish I had thought of this when I got engaged! 
Originally Posted by HankMoody

While people assume it's only about "stunting", why can't I assume and purchase with the intent that it's about displaying the commitment? I sure as hell want to easily show the world how much I enjoy being with ___. Is that so bad? We all project our values every single day in a variety of ways. Why is this one taboo?

Is any of this necessary? No. But what really is? That's where I was trying to take the conversation but to DC, absolutely nothing outside of the bare necessities is worthwhile. Where can the discussion possibly go from there? Nowhere.
1. How is "displaying the committment" not stunting? Stunting is just that, displaying something. It isn't Birdman stunting no, but it is still stunting. It isn't bad at all but I only say that to the person that says the ring PROVES (keyword here) that you TRULY love someone. Which is why I always ask, if there is no ring does that mean there is not true love?

2. You are right, if everything is pointless to me why am I even wasting my time discussing this. You got me there. (No sarcasm).
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh look!!!'s sillyputty!...I'm so surprised, we really gonna get back into this???...what is it to you?? are so much about perspective, yet is sooooooo crazy for you to comprehend that we shall all lead our lives differently

I'm glad someone pointed out what is one of many hypocrisies with this character. He's like Niketalk's Skip Bayless. Just likes to say #$$# for the sake of saying it, no matter how much he contradicts himself. 
An example.
Please. I beg of you.

I've just been trying to ignore. 

No one is stopping you from continuing to do so.

But I love seeing people discuss life issues as if they're academic.

Because I NEED a degree to find reasons to do something instead of blindly accepting "tradition" or "thats just what we do" as a valid answer? 
Looking to question just for the sake of questioning with seemingly no real life experience on the subject.

I guess I should own a slave in order to really be against slavery.  
Going on color coded rants in an attempt to prove some "point" to make themselves feel as if they've "won" something.

 Or rather organizing my posts to appropriately address points in a clear and direct manner. 
The most important things I've learned in life I didn't learn in a classroom or from a book. Or on a sneaker forum. I learned them by living.

 No challenge from me there. 
I also didn't learn from blindly accepting traditions that people do "just because" 

Dudes have more posts in a few months than I put up in a year.

Meaning, what? You're clearly browsing NT, stop making it seem like you're really doing something with your time. 
Get outside and accrue some genuine life experience and then you might be able to genuinely speak intelligently on a subject.
Lets talk ABOUT the discussion without actually contributing to it...thats a GREAT way to make a point. 
Funny how as of yet, you haven't offered your stance on it...instead everything you post is an attempt to discredit the argument instead of actually addressing it. 

Judging from how they present themselves, that lack of life experience is hard to miss.

For the record, I wish I had thought of this when I got engaged! 

Sarcastic NTer, is sarcastic. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wait in order to lead a rightful life I must be in touch with every single tradition every corner of the world has??...why should I care about a tradition I don't follow?...does that mean I should step to a black wedding and say they are stupid sheeps for jumping a broom?...that's where YOU are wrong, you demand explanations and question people for following their traditions, like who the %++# do you really think you are????....seriously?



Why do you care about the traditions you DO follow? 

You don't even know WHY you do the things you just do them. AMAZING! 

This is my point...I have no problem with certain things we do...we have a tradition to NOT kill, steal, rape, or lie, wash your hands, get the flu shot, work out regularly, etc.

There is a reason that we can use to justify those concepts MORE than "buy a ring, get married, etc"

The amazing part is, you already know the traditions you dont follow are pretty pointless and some are borderline stupid...but some-how YOUR traditions automatically get a pass and are free from criticism. Its lovely how that works. 

i do because I WANT TO....because IM HAPPY LIVING MY LIFE THIS WAY...what is it to you??? I the only person in the planet that feels this way???...highly doubt it, are you gonna question everyone??...lets be serious, to you this is nothing but a debate, not really a discussion, you treat a damn discussion as a sport, is ridiculous homie and its getting played out....
stealing is a tradition bro??...where?...

im i here talking down on someone elses tradition??? me....quit bending my posts around, i never said someones tradition is pointless, thats you homie, you are the supreme debate being that needs some sort of logical explanation to deem something important....get over yourself bro.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by HankMoody

While people assume it's only about "stunting", why can't I assume and purchase with the intent that it's about displaying the commitment? I sure as hell want to easily show the world how much I enjoy being with ___. Is that so bad? We all project our values every single day in a variety of ways. Why is this one taboo?

Is any of this necessary? No. But what really is? That's where I was trying to take the conversation but to DC, absolutely nothing outside of the bare necessities is worthwhile. Where can the discussion possibly go from there? Nowhere.
1. How is "displaying the committment" not stunting? Stunting is just that, displaying something. It isn't Birdman stunting no, but it is still stunting. It isn't bad at all but I only say that to the person that says the ring PROVES (keyword here) that you TRULY love someone. Which is why I always ask, if there is no ring does that mean there is not true love?

2. You are right, if everything is pointless to me why am I even wasting my time discussing this. You got me there. (No sarcasm).

So you are basically against all expression? All art is stunting then according to you? Artists are displaying their visions, which is usually based on their personalities and values, for others. But that's "productive" right? That actually "means something" right? Lowly ol' me? My expression of myself and what is important to me surely can't mean anything. That's just stunting. I should keep quiet. I'm nobody. Heterogeneity? LMAO, what a farce.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh look!!!'s sillyputty!...I'm so surprised, we really gonna get back into this???...what is it to you?? are so much about perspective, yet is sooooooo crazy for you to comprehend that we shall all lead our lives differently, I'm not pushing my beliefs on to anyone, I'm just stating how I feel, to me a 3-6k on a ring is nothing for the woman I'm marrying, add up everything I've spent on clothes and is far beyond that figure.

Your opinion on this matter is extremely biased if you are not married or even considering the thought, I don't even know why I waste my time...I personally like to keep my girl happy, wether is belief, brainwashed, or whatever else you call it, it's my choice and hers to go along with it, get off your damn high horse trying to shut everyone's ideals down that differ from what you believe in...go live your life the way you want bro.

DC - its beyond the content of this thread, a lot of dudes view this topic in a very selfish way, I did myself at one point "hell she gets a ring, the hell do I get?" if you understand that and know that a lot of the value and idea of an enagagememt ring is for the woman's happiness then what are we arguing here about?...why are some of you so intensely caught up on doing things so different, like what is really so wrong about marriage, tradition, religious belief, a RING?

Btw no one said go out and spend 3 months salary on a ring, depending on the woman she'll be happy with a damn 700$ ring, it's just the idea behind it for a lot of are asking them to marry you and here is a ring to back it up, not just randomly some day ya sitting down at McDonald's and say "sup, let get married" ::throws a burger in mouth::

Get the picture?

I disagree with this wholeheartedly

If you do something you should know why you do it, and want to do it.
That jumping the broom crap, I aint no slave I aint doing that garbage.
That wedding song, made by a a nazi, wont be played at my wedding.
If you dont know thats ok but if you have the knowledge to find out and refused too, yet still take part in it your crazy.
I believe everyone should have a questioning mind, but also willing to be open.
Most ppl dont even know what the ring represents but will spend stacks on it.

I dont think what DC is saying is selfish at all.
I think he is just questioning why materialism is being associated with love.
Kobe got that girl the biggest ring in the world, he still cheated on her.
Love is unconditional and has nothing to do with a ring, I agree with him.
We have the power to make new better traditions thats what this thread is about.
But even at that Im sure op wants a watch thats 5k.

This is all about materialism.
At the end of the day if you are not a materialistic person I doubt you would be marrying someone who is.

Just realize the thread got derailed
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wait in order to lead a rightful life I must be in touch with every single tradition every corner of the world has??...why should I care about a tradition I don't follow?...does that mean I should step to a black wedding and say they are stupid sheeps for jumping a broom?...that's where YOU are wrong, you demand explanations and question people for following their traditions, like who the %++# do you really think you are????....seriously?



Why do you care about the traditions you DO follow? 

You don't even know WHY you do the things you just do them. AMAZING! 

This is my point...I have no problem with certain things we do...we have a tradition to NOT kill, steal, rape, or lie, wash your hands, get the flu shot, work out regularly, etc.

There is a reason that we can use to justify those concepts MORE than "buy a ring, get married, etc"

The amazing part is, you already know the traditions you dont follow are pretty pointless and some are borderline stupid...but some-how YOUR traditions automatically get a pass and are free from criticism. Its lovely how that works. 

i do because I WANT TO....because IM HAPPY LIVING MY LIFE THIS WAY...what is it to you???

This is my clearly find some VALUE in doing things the way you do them...i'm asking you WHY thats default way of going about things. 

Do you understand the question? 

WHY do you value western marriage, rings, and all of those other "traditions"? 

Do you value them because they have a LITERAL benefit or do you MAKE UP THE SYMBOLISM and add your own meaning to those things? I the only person in the planet that feels this way???
Does it matter?
If 1 million jump off a bridge, would you?

Things that are legitimate will be so regardless of if 5 people or 5 billion follow it. 

Being a part of a group that does something doesn't mean its more VALID, TRUE, or REAL outside of the MADE UP SYMBOLISM behind it...kinda like religion...but we're not going there today.

...highly doubt it, are you gonna question everyone??

And if I do? 
You're not getting it.

The number of people that do something DOESNT MAKE THAT THING MORE REAL, VALID, or TRUE. 

Those qualities exist irrespective of the number of supporters it has. 

The theory of relativity will be true if you believe in it or not. 

The need to wash your hands will be true whether you believe or not...the need for people not kill each other will be something to value because of empathy and social and genetic benefit.

The value of a ring or a wedding is what YOU make it...there is no literal benefit to any of it. Its all MADE UP. Its as pointless as trading barbie dolls. 

...lets be serious, to you this is nothing but a debate, not really a discussion,

I'm not sure you understand what you're trying to say here. 
if you're responding to me trying to make your point, its pretty much both, and I fail to see where debate and discussion are "different" ...debate tends to have a more formal structure though...if you want to go into syntax...

you treat a damn discussion as a sport, is ridiculous homie and its getting played out....

And you're responding because...

I mean if its not important to you to "discuss" things...then don't talk. Its really simple. 

stealing is a tradition bro??...where?...

The same way stoning women who aren't virgins is tradition elsewhere.

We make our OWN social mores and standards to guide members of society...some are more or less justified than others. 

Stealing is something we decided that sucks because it cheats people from things they worked hard to we collectively work to prevent it.

Thats a tradition. 

Forcing people to wash their hands after taking a dump? Tradition...of course there is a good reason to do it, but the fact that we support it with more evidence than say, buying diamond rings, doesn't change it from what it is. Its a tradition. Washing your hands is not ITSELF a fact of life...its something we do to get desired outcomes of better health and is supported by scientific studies. 

But the act of washing our hands is itself a tradition. 

Hopefully that makes sense to you.

im i here talking down on someone elses tradition??? me....quit bending my posts around,

This is what you're not getting.

Thats not what I said. 

I said that CLEARLY you don't follow THEIR traditions...why not?

if you can invalidate their traditions, I can also invalidate yours.

Don't you see the point here? 
i never said someones tradition is pointless, thats you homie,
So why you sacrifice your babies to the sun-god? Or dance in circles beating drums for rain to come? 
Again, there are dozens of things you DONT why do you adhere the ones you've chosen to follow? 

you are the supreme debate being that needs some sort of logical explanation to deem something important....get over yourself bro.

Since when is asking for the reasoning behind something a bad thing? 
Should I accept everything society tells me to do automatically? 

If people wouldn't say that it proves how much love someone has for another person then I wouldn't even be singing this song. But since folks want to go there with it, I am shooting that idea down and simply referring to it as a form of stunting.

Yes we all stunt but when people downplay their motives is when I speak up on it. Just like when folks claim they they wear the latest releases for themselves. No you wear them because they are in style and they are a status symbol. I don't have an issue with anyone wearing shoes, I just have an issue when people have to cover up their reason for wearing those said shoes. Fashion is something to display, you don't get all glamored up for yourself. You do it to appease others.

Same thing with the ring. I mean if you are going to buy your wife a nice ring just admit that it is because you want her to show it off to the world instead of passing it off as a way to show the world that you truly love her. In a situation like that I believe the main reason for purchasing an immaculate ring is to feed the ego, not to "prove" how much love is present. There is no correlation between ring size/purchase to amount of love someone has for their mate.

That is all I am saying.

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Love is unconditional and has nothing to do with a ring, I agree with him.
But I don't believe love is unconditional.  A man and a woman don't love unconditional at the point of getting married. Maybe down the road when they are older and have some time together but once they are marrying, nah I can't call that unconditional at all.
Hey Silly, I'm seriously tired of reading every post you write up, I'm sorry...I can't keep up with your continuos need for explanations I don't have, I follow it/value it because of my upbringing, my wife the same, our parents both married, our parents both taught us when you find that one person, that's what you should do, to us is the ultimate form of commitment, to us is the right way to initiate a family, TO US.

If that's not enough to you, I dont know what to tell you, now that I answered your question the best I could, WHAT IS IT TO YOU?...can you answer me??...not just your tipical answer "because I can question whatever I want" but seriously, why do you need an explanation as to why some men/women do the things they do??...and if those things dont exactly make sense to you, why must you talk down on them and heavily criticize them?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican


If people wouldn't say that it proves how much love someone has for another person then I wouldn't even be singing this song. But since folks want to go there with it, I am shooting that idea down and simply referring to it as a form of stunting.

Yes we all stunt but when people downplay their motives is when I speak up on it. Just like when folks claim they they wear the latest releases for themselves. No you wear them because they are in style and they are a status symbol. I don't have an issue with anyone wearing shoes, I just have an issue when people have to cover up their reason for wearing those said shoes. Fashion is something to display, you don't get all glamored up for yourself. You do it to appease others.

Same thing with the ring. I mean if you are going to buy your wife a nice ring just admit that it is because you want her to show it off to the world instead of passing it off as a way to show the world that you truly love her. In a situation like that I believe the main reason for purchasing an immaculate ring is to feed the ego, not to "prove" how much love is present. There is no correlation between ring size/purchase to amount of love someone has for their mate.

That is all I am saying.

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Love is unconditional and has nothing to do with a ring, I agree with him.
But I don't believe love is unconditional.  A man and a woman don't love unconditional at the point of getting married. Maybe down the road when they are older and have some time together but once they are marrying, nah I can't call that unconditional at all.

DC but to some people it is, doesn't mean you should play by the same rules, married men in here are not constantly making threads criticizing those that are not, however those that are not married are constantly criticizing and talking down on those who made the move and HOW THEY DID IT....wether they bought an expensive ring, threw a lavish wedding, etc.My question is, why does it matter to you if you don't believe in it??...if you find an answer that makes sense to you, would that automatically turn you want to go searching for a wife? seems like a lot of things said are said for the sake of discrediting as oppose to actually try to understand, you guys are more than set on your ways, let others live man.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Hey Silly, I'm seriously tired of reading every post you write up, I'm sorry...I can't keep up with your continuos need for explanations I don't have, 
Do you always do things you don't have explanations for?
Lets say I wanted all men to lay their jackets on the grown when women come to a puddle. Instead of asking why, I implored you to just do so without asking. Then i called it tradition. 

Would you have a problem with that?

I follow it/value it because of my upbringing, my wife the same, our parents both married, our parents both taught us when you find that one person, that's what you should do, to us is the ultimate form of commitment, to us is the right way to initiate a family, TO US.

So you're doing it, because everyone else did it. 
Ok...but WHY are you doing it? 

Thats my point. 

I tell kids not to touch hot stoves...not because they're stoves, but BECAUSE they'll get burned.

There is still no reason here besides "we follow what everyone else does" instead of the things you do having actual INTRINSIC merit.

If that's not enough to you,

Its not.
I dont know what to tell you, now that I answered your question the best I could,
Try harder. 
WHAT IS IT TO YOU?...can you answer me??...not just your tipical answer "because I can question whatever I want" but seriously, why do you need an explanation as to why some men/women do the things they do??

Yes, partly because I CAN question everything...but honestly, it doesn't bother me...its not like that tradition MEANS anything. Its empty and intrinsically void of any meaning.

Its a vapid ritual that you choose to continue...even though you know its nonsense. You've admitted this when it comes to buying rings. 

I like having explanations because it helps to validate things...

Doing things without having reasons for doing them,  makes the things we do pretty damn pointless. 

Its the same as you view traditions you DONT take part in... You dont do them, correct? They're not important to you. They lack meaning to you...

In the same way THEIR traditions lack meaning, YOUR traditions lack meaning ultimately. Even though you think more highly of them. 

Thats my point.

Its ALL nonsense. All of it. 
...and if those things dont exactly make sense to you, why must you talk down on them and heavily criticize them?

Are you telling me I should accept things I don't understand? 
Now I feel, you are just trollin....

@ "try harder"

My dude I have no need for your approval...with all respect to the time you spend trying to expose me or anyone else, I am done.
Silly are you trying to a make a point that you don't do certain traditions because you don't find the reasons they exist important?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Love is unconditional and has nothing to do with a ring, I agree with him.
But I don't believe love is unconditional.  A man and a woman don't love unconditional at the point of getting married. Maybe down the road when they are older and have some time together but once they are marrying, nah I can't call that unconditional at all.

 I meant you said love has nothing to do with the ring, I just bunch the sentenced up.

I somewhat agree with what you are saying,
but I mean unconditional in the sense that it doesn't matter if you have a ring or not if that person loves you they will still marry you.
I dont want a ring, but if my future fiance is dead set on getting me one, I will still marry him.
Whether the conditions are something I like or dont like if I care for you I will be willing to deal.
I would love to be there when some of the people in this thread propose to their women.
"I noticed that your oil light was on so I got you a case of Penzoil instead of a ring because it's more practical"
Originally Posted by lfuqua3

I would love to be there when some of the people in this thread propose to their women.
"I noticed that your oil light was on so I got you a case of Penzoil instead of a ring because it's more practical"

Keep in mind though, a lot of the people posting in this thread are 18-19 year old kids..
Been saying it for years, my lady will know my love for eloquent timepieces by the time I pop the question.. I expect a nice watch following our engagement. 
Although it's a cultural custom to buy an engagement ring, I don't find that buying a ring, large or small, determines the amount of love each couple has for one another. Even though I acknowledge that the diamond engagement ring grew out of a shrewd marketing scheme, I don't think it's all that bad of an idea. I share the same views with the new idea for an engagement watch; if the couple can afford it, that's great, if not, that's okay too, but you can't judge affections for one another on material items.
Originally Posted by lfuqua3

I would love to be there when some of the people in this thread propose to their women.
"I noticed that your oil light was on so I got you a case of Penzoil instead of a ring because it's more practical"

There would be nothing wrong with if thats what you wanted to do.

You're doing it for a certain reason and it has meaning.

Our lives are so generic, everything we do, we do it just cause the last person did it.

Im generic as heck, but when it comes to money Im cheap so thats where I look to be different.

If you want to live life following every single tradition that is fine,

 but dont look down on the next person who decides to be original.

You do it because you were told to do it.

Lets reverse time and the rule was" Buy a necklace"

or with earrings..With your example, 

"buying a household product they dont have and pop the question"

You would do it, no questions asked.

You wouldn't see it as wrong because it would have been the norm.

But all of this is meaningless when it comes to what marriage is truly about.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by lfuqua3

I would love to be there when some of the people in this thread propose to their women.
"I noticed that your oil light was on so I got you a case of Penzoil instead of a ring because it's more practical"

There would be nothing wrong with if thats what you wanted to do.

You're doing it for a certain reason and it has meaning.

Our lives are so generic, everything we do, we do it just cause the last person did it.

Im generic as heck, but when it comes to money Im cheap so thats where I look to be different.

If you want to live life following every single tradition that is fine,

 but dont look down on the next person who decides to be original.

You do it because you were told to do it.

Lets reverse time and the rule was" Buy a necklace"

or with earrings..With your example, 

"buying a household product they dont have and pop the question"

You would do it, no questions asked.

You wouldn't see it as wrong because it would have been the norm.

But all of this is meaningless when it comes to what marriage is truly about.
 All I'm saying is, try these big internet ideas when you get a little older and in real life and see how well it goes over. Hell, pm me and I'll fly out, record it, and pay for the engagement crock pot
Originally Posted by lfuqua3

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by lfuqua3

I would love to be there when some of the people in this thread propose to their women.
"I noticed that your oil light was on so I got you a case of Penzoil instead of a ring because it's more practical"

There would be nothing wrong with if thats what you wanted to do.

You're doing it for a certain reason and it has meaning.

Our lives are so generic, everything we do, we do it just cause the last person did it.

Im generic as heck, but when it comes to money Im cheap so thats where I look to be different.

If you want to live life following every single tradition that is fine,

 but dont look down on the next person who decides to be original.

You do it because you were told to do it.

Lets reverse time and the rule was" Buy a necklace"

or with earrings..With your example, 

"buying a household product they dont have and pop the question"

You would do it, no questions asked.

You wouldn't see it as wrong because it would have been the norm.

But all of this is meaningless when it comes to what marriage is truly about.
 All I'm saying is, try these big internet ideas when you get a little older and in real life and see how well it goes over. Hell, pm me and I'll fly out, record it, and pay for the engagement crock pot

LOL you're being condescending, but I get what you're saying we have to be realistic.
In honesty its about who you marry, I would never date let alone marry a deeply materialistic or traditional dude. 

 It wont be a crock-pot it will be meaningfully fabulous 

If it happens

Here's the deal for me. 
Silly Putty and DC can dissect you guys' posts all damn night and none of it will matter because in the end NOBODY has justified not paying 3-6k on a ring, but turning around a paying that much on a damn watch. 

I don't care what anyone argues about anymore. I've read through this entire thread, and it hasn't been addressed yet. 

This thread wasn't made for people's opinions on the worth of the ring. It was a poll. You %*+*+%% vote about it. If it doesn't pertain to the subject of choice between the two, why are you bringing it up? WHO %*+*+%% CARES if you think a ring is worthless. Is that what the OP asked you? No. So keep that to yourself. 

You guys always try to get so cotdamn deep with your replies that you get off the damn topic. Nobody asked your beliefs on marriage. The biggest thing that has driven Niketalk down the $*!# hole has been the recent wave of threads where dudes can't stay on %*+*+%% topic. Back in the day on older message boards (and even here on NT) there was such a thing as being off topic, and other members who contributed to a thread would tell you to stop %*+*+%% posting because you aren't saying anything that has to do with the discussion. 

We're talking about rings vs waches, and then you fools start bringing up your beliefs in marriage and how the ring is insignificant/ how its stupid to pay this much for a ring/ or how weddings and all the extra is a waste of money because you can buy a house or some $*!#. 

It was a simple question. A choice. 

Paper or plastic?

Fries or onion rings?

Ring or watch?

Just %*+*+%% choose. Its not that hard of a damn question. 
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