New video of the Oscar Grant shooting

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrestedinstead of arguing and fighting back.
Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.

- oh boy......
Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.
i hope you're shot for no

and out here in inglewood, california...the majority of muders were committed by police.
Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.
Still salty about the Dolphins huh?
There's one thing that can't be witnessed on the video, since the audio is so jumbled...

What if that Oscar guy was poppin off at the mouth, with death threats to the cops and such???
Would that be a justifiable reason for the cop to pull out a gun?
Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.
So if you resist arrest much less talk back to law enforcement that gives them the right to shoot you in the back while you're laying facedown on the ground?

Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

Originally Posted by BlazeKicks

Damm thats just sad
That Officer makes me dont want pursue Law Enforcement anymore

I don't know that you have too many other options.
lord knows that we dont need any more unintelligent law enforcement officers.
Originally Posted by 430AM

There's one thing that can't be witnessed on the video, since the audio is so jumbled...

What if that Oscar guy was poppin off at the mouth, with death threats to the cops and such???
Would that be a justifiable reason for the cop to pull out a gun?

c'mon now
Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.

Spoiled, attention hungry, insecure, Jersey cornball pig....catch a slug in the line of duty.

The world will be a better place.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.
Still salty about the Dolphins huh?
UGHH YES, I can't help it I've had more hatred then ever after that lose!
Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.
*queue MJ popcorn gif*
As stated already, it doesn't even matter if it was accidental ornot, at the very minimum he deserves jail time and also being stripped of the ability to be a police officer. If that doesn't happen, it's not fair atall.
Why do transit officials have guns anyway. Thats what the real issue is. They're in no place of power. They're security guards.

Tasers at most, but give these fools batons and extendos. Guns? If transit cops have guns who else do? Do the traffic cops that write up nothing but ticketsall day? That system needs some reform to prevent garbage like this from happening again.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

people saying he thought it was his taser

accidents do happen...would the right way be charging him with murder?
If I were in a struggle with someone I had subdued and I thought I reached for my taser and fired, but it was my gun, and I ended up killing him, would I be charged with murder?

Yes, I would.

But even if you don't think so, if I had thought that I had pulled a taser on a cop and I fired, but it was my gun, and I ended up killing him, would I be charged with murder? No. I'd be killed, by other cops.

Yes, charging him with murder would be the right thing to do. Either he intentionally shot a subdued man in the back, killing him... or he was negligent with his weapons (for those of you who buy the 'He thought it was a taser' bullcrap), and his negligence resulted in a fatal wound.

Either way, the responsibility for that man dying lies solely on the shoulders of that moron with a gun.

Too many cops fight for power during a crisis when what they're supposed to be fighting for is control. They are supposed to gain control of situations, not get in power struggles, but so many of them... nearly all of them... get into power struggles, and nothing ends a power struggle quite like a bullet fired from a gun. Those people who get into these power struggles don't need guns and shouldn't be cops... but they are, and their irresponsible, power hungry actions are too often protected instead of addressed.

Nothing will happen to this cop.


Thank you for glad you see what I see. I mean for reals how many time do we watch the news and see cops shoot civilian because he actually fired atthem, like you said if something of that sought happened he would have been shot by the other cops no two ways about that. He should be charged and pay theprice for what he did.
Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.
W. So now we badmouthing the dead now too? Hope you OD on roids.
Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Idiot got what he deserved, never resist an arrest in any way. Police don't take it lightly. Should of just kept quiet and proceeded with being arrested instead of arguing and fighting back.
We've got a real bright one here. Resisting arrest = death sentence? Yeah right. You can't even tell he's resisting in the videoeither. What you can tell is that under NO circumstance should a gun have been pulled and fired.
the taser excuse is lame. he was on the force for 2 years. if he cant figure out the difference between the two in that amount of time he's a danger tosociety anyway. lock him up.
What was the guy doing at around 3:22? Throwing something?

Mind you, the train doors were also, its not like people couldn't approach the officers from every which way...And the station is open, aswell.
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