[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

why would he wait this long ? beltran would test my patience, dude just seems too careless. pretty grimey on his part waiting till now to get the surgery . metfans im getting soft, i actually feel bad for u guys
Originally Posted by onewearz

why would he wait this long ? beltran would test my patience, dude just seems too careless. pretty grimey on his part waiting till now to get the surgery . met fans im getting soft, i actually feel bad for u guys
I don't think it was handled properly...but can you read?
"Carlos Beltranhad worsening of osteoarthritis of the right knee during theoffseason. He had not been experiencing pain following the conclusion of the season and into his early offseason conditioning. The symptoms returned to thepoint where pre-spring training conditioning became too painful. He elected to undergo arthroscopic clean out of the arthritic area of his knee byBeltran"s personal physician Dr. Richard Steadman today in Colorado. He is anticipated to return to baseball activities in 12 weeks."

Either way, it sucks and definitely changes things for this season, I'd be surprised to see him in centerfield this year.
honestly i didn't read anything. im just posting after what i heard on the fan. i still think he could've addressed this earlier. reality is some guysjust dont care ......
Point is he waited cause Mets "medical staff" (if you wanna call em that) told him to, and his patience was wearing thin and he went ahead and gotadvice from other doctors privately.

I don't blame him one bit, and what;s more upsetting is that they made no changes to the medical staff (just hired two extra doctors).

He's going to miss the first few weeks of the season.
Arthritic knee is no joke. Dude played hurt but it just kept getting worse.

I'm sure you remember him playing a few days after damn near breaking his whole face runnin' into Mike Cameron (in the wild card hunt). Or him playinghurt last season when gado reyes were gone, and the lineup was just Tron/Wright for a month.

His knee acts up too often but I can't call dude soft.
He should've had this surgery a while ago but the Mets didn't let him.

I rather he miss the first month and be healthy rather than him start the year without the surgery, then see him get hurt in July.
I agree, but he'll prolly have another injury by the end of the season...

I think this team will still be just as bad as it was last year. I have no confidence that we are improved at all. To be honest I think they should of blowneverything up and started rebuilding but that obviously ain't happening.
If everyone were healthy they would've competed for a playoff spot. Everything is just magnified because the Phils won the division w/o a challenege andthe Yankees won it all.

They were 6 games over .500 once Gado got hurt (despite the average first month), and once Reyes was out everything went downhill. Now with Bay here (and ifGado signs to platoon at 1st), offense won't be an issue. Molina has already lowered his asking price to 2 years so he'll probably be a Met as well.Anyone other than Schenider is a huge upgrade.

Pitching is another story, depends if Pelf stops over-thinking and goes back to his dominant 08' season. We still need another starter or 2.
sheets to throw on tuesday. I think sheets can be the number 2 we need but we cant only get him, especially with beltrans development. we cant afford to getoff to a slow start. this teams is as stable as a schizo. if we get sheets, then we should get garland. i dont trust pinero and hes not worth it. we have toomany bad contracts to add a guy who is a career sub 500 pitcher and has never won 15 games before last year. get sheets, garland, and hudson. pagan in centerand castillo to the bench. BOOM GO METS
Hudson to me is kinda over-rated, otherwise teams would've been flocking for him the past two years. Castillo, as much as guys have a natural dislike forhim,, outplayed him last season.

Pagan can play in center till Tron comes back, we still need a reliable first baseman because the lack of power from center will make matters worse to startthe year.

Stay away from Piniero, Sheets is a little risky but if he's cheap he's an option to explore. Garland is a reliable guy.
Mets reached out to the commissioner's office to get advice on what legal action to take on Beltran. He needs to move to one of the corners in Citi.

Also looking at Branyan for 1b.
Read: The Carlos Beltran Story, according to Carton
January 15, 2010 at 8:36 am · 29 comments

by Matthew Cerrone

This morning on WFAN's Boomer & Carton Show, which airs weekdays at 6 am, host Craig Carton said he talked yesterday to the Mets, as well as withCarlos Beltran's people, and people in the medical community, and the following, in his words, 'is exactly what happened,' it is 'thetruth,' and these are 'indisputable facts.'

Carton said Beltran told the Mets in November he was again having an issue with his knee, which he noticed when increasing his off-season workouts.

Dr. Steadman is the premier knee doctor in the country, according to Carton, "He went to the one guy everybody goes to."

Steadman talked to Dr. Altchek, the Mets team physician, who conferred with Steadman that having Beltran wait and continue to rehab was not the appropriateanswer.

According to Carton, Beltran had roughly 25 pieces of loose cartilage in the knee, 'and it had to be taken out,' and all sides agreed that havingarthroscopic surgery was the best solution.

Carton explained, "When they finally get to Jeff Wilpon and Omar Minaya and the rest of the Mets brass, they wanted a couple of days to confer with Dr.Altchek and Dr. Steadman to decide if they agreed surgery was the only answer to this situation. Apparently, in the course of the Mets talking about it, Dr.Steadman told Beltran, 'There is no reason for your to wait, you need to get this done.'"

He continues, "Now, Wilpon and Minaya are out in Arizona at the Owners Meetings all week, so Steadman, not Scott Boras, gets in touch with the Mets,because he's not allowed to operate on Beltran without the Mets blessing. The Mets sent over to Dr. Steadman the workmen's compensation papers, whichallow him for insurance reasons, to actually do the operation. So, the doctor goes, 'I have an opening at 7:00 am, we'll get you in firstthing.'"

Carton says the Mets claim they didn't know on Tuesday that Beltran was going in for surgery at 7 am on Wednesday. However, Omar Minaya knew, because,according to Carton, "Beltran called Minaya out of respect and said, 'Listen, all the doctors are on board here, I'm gonna have this done and whywait, I want to get back as soon as possible,' and Omar said, 'I'm with you, good luck, let us know how it goes.'"

In the end, Carton believes, 'There is now a major problem between Beltran and the Mets.'

The Boomer & Carton Show airs every weekday from 6 am to 10 am on 660 AM WFAN, which you can listen to all day, from your computer, at WFAN.com.
'There is now a major problem between Beltran and the Mets.'

Don't buy this at all.

I can understand the Mets having issues with Boras, but last thing they want is to have any issues with Beltran and make things look worse than they really are(because imo this isn't a big deal at all).

...and besides, Omar knew already and this was something that had to be done.
Mets pretty much told Molina to go !%*@ himself after he rejected their one year offer, and good. He just signed with San Fran again for 1 yr/4.5M. Last yearwas basically Santos rookie year and he hit as well as Molina with half the homers (in half the games).

Delgado is rumored to be back with Toronto (one yr deal as a DH)...he is clearly not able to field yet and won't anytime soon. Seems like he was hurtingand just snatched up the first deal he was givien from an AL team

Buster_ESPN Heard this: The Mets' catching target is now Yorvit Torrealba, who had failed to reach an agreement with the Rockies.

I'm still upset at LaRoche signing for so cheap, he would've solved our 1st base problems easily. There are still other guys/deals that couldpotentially happen, esp since guys like Brandon Phillips/Arroyo are available.

We shall see.

Buzz: The Ben Sheets Audition
January 19, 2010 at 16:30 pm · 74 comments

by Matthew Cerrone

Ed Price of AOL FanHouse says Mets physical rehabilitation specialist Chris Correnti was on hand to watch free-agent RHP Ben Sheets pitch today.

According to Price, one scout guessed the Mets, Cubs and Rangers would be the leaders to sign Sheets, followed by the A's and others.

The scout told Prince Sheets threw 'very well,' and, 'He threw easy.'
Just let Santos and Thole play it out behind the plate. We have enough options in the line up to not worry about catcher. Imo upgrading at 2nd is moreimportant.
Mets won't pay Castillo and another 2nd basemen like 5-6M extra for one position, makes no sense.

Bengie is fat and old even though he can knock some out of the park, guy hit into more double plays then he had walks last season (.285 OBP).

I'm straight with Thole/Santos but I don't want to go into the season with question marks AGAIN.
im actually fine with santos/thole. give santos the vote of confidence see if it motivates him to excel. forget getting anymore offense. Focus on pitching.only option im down for is sheets and garland. Sheets is high risk but with an incentive laid deal hell be the perfect #2 behind santana. stay away from agingexpensive player ala mariners. Worst case scenario we get piniero, and just have niese on deck. i think niese is gonna turn heads this year. Hes 24 and itstime to bring him up and see what he can do. enough AAA.
[h2]Ouch: Mets Least Effecient Team of 00s[/h2]
January 19, 2010 at 16:50 pm · 15 comments

by Matthew Cerrone

According to Tom Verducci's research, in this report for SI.com, the Mets were the least efficient team in baseball during the last decade.

i dig the fancy math, tom, but a quick look at my blood pressure results would have told you the exact same thing

In the report, Verducci asks:
"How badly run are the Mets? Think about this: the Mets played in a World Series and still were the least efficient team in baseball. They spent $737.5 million more than Florida and won four more games than the Marlins."

i mean, what else is there to say, other than i hope things get better… i mean, no team in the National League won more games during 2006 to 2008, yet it feels like 2006 is a 100 years ago

For comparative purposes, Verducci says the Phillies were the sixth-most efficient team over the last 10 years, in terms of getting the 'biggest bang for their buck,' while the Yankees, who spent $1.6 billion on payroll, and won two rings, checked in just six spots better that the Mets.

The Marlins were the most efficient team in baseball, according to Verducci's research.

To see the rest of the list, check out Verducci's report, here.
A ton of teams spent as much as the Mets (100M+) and can be considered less efficient than the Marlins, the article is ******ed.
"Also, as the off season moved on, Molina became more and more skeptical of playing in New York.
I had some people suggest he might have become leery of fan and media criticism, while another person speculated he was scared off by how Carlos Beltran's surgery was communicated in the press, saying, "Players talk."...What's more, from what I can gather, the Mets offered at least $1 million more than the Giants, and also offered a player-controlled option for 2011."

"…well, much like with Bengie Molina, it appears pi<neiro didn't want to pitch in Citi Field, as well; instead choosing the Angels for what i believe was essentially the same contract offered to him the Mets…"

While i could care less about these two players (Molina is a west coast guy to begin with), seeing players sign elsewhere for less is a bit
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