[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

So the deal was for Stokes?

Money wise its a steal since the Angels will pay a majority of the contract, but where does he play once Tron comes back?

Mets were never high on stokes yet he was one of the power arms in the pen, prob my fav reliever, so I'm not enthused that he's gone.

He does make our bench stronger with Pagan there as well.
so what do ya'll think this trade means?

apparently the Angels will pay 21 of the 23M owed to Matthews so hes basically free. Pagan is a better player and much younger, but the Mets knew him startingin CF would be short lived since he gets hurt a lot.

Is this an insurance move just to have some much needed depth, or will there be a package revolving around a guy like Pagan to get a starter?
How is it a steal? Matthews Jr. is a horrendous baseball player. Pagan is 10x better than him.

The only way it could have been considered a steal is if Castillo was the one going to LA.
I meant we got him at a steal money wise, considering we dont have Beltran. I would rather have this guy then pay a lot of money and get a center fielder likedamon.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

so what do ya'll think this trade means?

Is this an insurance move just to have some much needed depth, or will there be a package revolving around a guy like Pagan to get a starter?
Everyone thinks its a stupid move so I cant imagine they did this thinking it was for the best. Hopefully it is apart of some future package for astarter..I mean at this point everybody thinks theyre a joke and thats evident by players signing contracts with other teams for lesser money or the same moneythat was offered by the mets to them. If the two blown division leads and the year on the DL last year doesnt wake them up the actions by the players theyvebeen making offers to has got to tell them that they need to change A LOT.

Bringing in another 30+yr old guy is sickening to me...The team is getting older and older while the glaring problem remains unfixed

I dont care who they bring in for offense/defense..if they want to rely on Pelfrey/Maine/Perez behind Santana this team will FAIL.

Omar minaya always preaching pitching and defense, which is why citi field is the way it is, but we have yet to add a significant pitcher. yet we targeted molina, and this guy.

Sheets is step 1. get to it omar.
Originally Posted by jhova718

Omar minaya always preaching pitching and defense, which is why citi field is the way it is, but we have yet to add a significant pitcher. yet we targeted molina, and this guy.

Sheets is step 1. get to it omar.

well sheets is gone
Omar is a puppet, ownership is the problem.

Tatis is re-signed, power moves son.

3rd place.
For one though, don't sleep on Nieve.

I have a feeling Nieve will continue where he left off and Neise will finally make his mark.

I'm not even concerned about the O....Bay replaces Gado's bat so I'm straight. I just want to see a true # 2 starter here.
from metshillblog
"Buzz: Mets still looking at SP, Bedard signs with M’s
February 4, 2010 at 11:24 am · 0 comments

by Matthew Cerrone

John Morosi of FoxSports.com believes the Mets are still willing to add a starting pitcher, “if the price is right.
[h2]MEET THE MESS[/h2] [h3]By Murray Chass[/h3] February 4, 2010
The word is multitasking. It is such a relatively new word that it doesn’t appear in my dictionary, the third edition (1992) of the American Heritage Dictionary. A nice lady at Houghton Mifflin, the publisher, told me multitasking first appeared in the fourth edition published in 2000. She was also kind enough to read the definition: “The concurrent operation by one central processing unit of two or more processes.

Greedy ownership. Never really thought the Wilpons were like that.

Ever since the Ponzi, these dudes have been tight-fisted. Money clearly is the driving force for them.
Can we make a new thread for the upcoming season?....

Anyway, has anyone copped the new jersey? They look pretty good.


I bought one of these the other day...


And this is the new BP cap...

What? So if he fails their plan is to just fire him mid-season?

Really, Who does that? I **!%@%$ hate this team goddmanit
I don't hate Jerry but I'm not a crazy fan of his.

Omar makes some questionable moves (at times) but for the most part he's a puppet to the greedy owners.

This team will never win until the Wilpons sell the team, it starts up top.
I don't buy that it is the Wilpons fault...This team is sending more than enough money to be successfull. I'm not even going to act like I know what the problem is, the whole organazation is just a big @*@!*!% mess.
Jerry Manuel is not the problem... its Omar Minaya. He's just clueless when it comes to building a team. The Mets play in a huge park so they could be using this to their advantage but they are not. The main priority should be pitching and having team speed and defense. Instead they acquire players that are the complete opposite of what they need.
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