NEW YORK METS 2010 SEASON POST: Collins named New Manager

Sony DSC-HX5 10.2 MP Digi cam.....did my research for a the 10x OPTICAL ZOOM
and it records in 1080p HD Video (one of the few that can zoom in/out) while video recording.

Its $300+ but you get what you pay for, plus it has GPS and shoots great under low light.
Originally Posted by Proshares

d5, I hope you know I was being sarcastic with the lucky comment. My sarcasm fails a lot on the interwebz, I need to start italicizing when I'm being sarcastic.
I hear you but it still sounds like you (and most Yankee fans) are making excuses...which I find funny after all of the injuries and slumps the Mets have endured.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

pro....i will never go to that collesium.

Mez, where were you sitting exactly.  I was up originally in the second deck in right field, pretty decent seats. 

At the top of the 8th I moved down to thesecond or third row in left field

We should all do a summit in June or July sometime, maybe even invite some of the Yankee fans
Originally Posted by ddot7

Originally Posted by Proshares

d5, I hope you know I was being sarcastic with the lucky comment. My sarcasm fails a lot on the interwebz, I need to start italicizing when I'm being sarcastic.
I hear you but it still sounds like you (and most Yankee fans) are making excuses...which I find funny after all of the injuries and slumps the Mets have endured.

Not at all, we lost two outta three fair and square.  Yanks could have played better and won but credit to the Mets for playing well with their injuries.  I've grown indifferent to the Mets and their fans.  I'd rather see them succeed than fail.  Just not against the Yankees.  I'm not one to just come in to a thread and hate
hopefully it's not taken that way.
pro....i will never go to that collesium.
you're missing out man, if you ever change your mind lemme know.
maybe even invite some of the Yankee fans

Penny I was sittin in the Champions Club behind home plate....its a private
restaurant/bar with window views so I was sitting indoors for most of the game
since I was just in a polo and jeans and the temp dipped.

Private bathroom was appreciated though.....good thing is I can pretty much
get in even with any crappy ticket, my boy's pops has to be working there that
day though.

He hooked me up with some random food and cookies.
^My bad proshares
When it comes to Mets and Yankees I always get defensive cause Yankee fans are the worst out here.  Either way count me in on a summit at citi if its ever planned. 
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Penny I was sittin in the Champions Club behind home plate....its a private
restaurant/bar with window views so I was sitting indoors for most of the game
since I was just in a polo and jeans and the temp dipped.

Private bathroom was appreciated though.....good thing is I can pretty much
get in even with any crappy ticket, my boy's pops has to be working there that
day though.

He hooked me up with some random food and cookies.
I sat there for the Giants game when Hank White hit the walk off. Spent the 4-7 inside and just watched on TV because it was too damn hot out
Wilpons did a great job including areas like that.

Acting like those two wins have erased every loss off the Mets record

Acting like those two losses didn't put the Yankees back six games.
Why are Yankee fans in here? Why can't you just let us enjoy this series win.
It's really just one toolbag. Proshares and True Blue are pretty reasonable, and post here at least once a week.
Jeter's range at SS is incredible. He's like what I imagine Castillo would be in the field in two years if he's not in a full body cast.

Big series coming up, let's see how we do with a couple fill-ins and Big Pelf. Hopefully Niese's hamstring doesn't keep nagging.
Reyes....3 runs scored.

Nobody in the lineup struck out, which is surprising considering this is a fastball hitting team.
Huge game by Reyes, Frenchy looked good, Bay got a couple RBI. Dickey came up big and got himself out of some jams.

I guess Wright got the laugher he was hoping for.
What is the story behind the "I Like Ike" shirts? I tried searching for them online but they weren't available..
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