News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

From the description RFX posted it seems like Jamie looks like he should. Other than looking silly (Which is probably the point) I'm on board withit so far.
at first i was skeptical about jamie playing electro but as it unfolds im starting to like the path Amazing spider-man is taking. I mean i was also skeptical of lizard from the first film but i really enjoyed the movie because it was like i was actually reading something out of a comic book; cheesy at times but still packs a great story, i mean the director isnt trying to get that compelling nolan style super hero movie out of amazing spider-man and i think dude is doing a good job.
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Jamies role is suppose to be this giant dork who is a SpiderMan fanatic so it kind of makes sense how he looks.

And watch this fool steal the entire movie.
One part I don't get in that article is that Tom is a bigger name than James. Outside of their marvel movies I haven't heard of anything either of them have been in, especially Hiddleston. What movies have I missed where he's really impressed with his acting or why girls love him? :nerd: I really didn't find his Loki great and in comparison McAvoy's Prof. X portrayal was much better.

Avengers $1,511,757,910
1st Class $353,624,124

At the end, the numbers speak over talent but in this case, I did find Tom stealing the spotlight in Thor, McAvoys Prof X was forgettable likely because Fassbender owned Magneto and overshadowed everything in the film.

Tom pulled off being that funny and sneaky prankster that you envision for Loki while bringing in the dramatic speeches and delivering it well. When he yelled at Odin to tell him where he came from, you could feel it in the cold silent theater.

McAvoy was a bit awkward trying to hit on girls saying "groovy" and such, I know it was the time period but he didn't pull it off as well as I had hoped.
If it's just the Marvel movies I'm really not seeing it. It must be strictly about how much each grossed cuz I'm still not getting the ladies like Hiddleston line. Are young girls treating Loki like Edward and Jacob?

Tom's Loki was pretty underwhelming for me so it was just as forgettable as James' Prof. X difference being he was clearly out acted by Fassbender. Tom, if he is a really good actor, had nobody to compete with in Thor and was barely a memory and his role in Avengers left much to be desired.

Seems a lot of what was being talked about after the Avengers movies I just wasn't aware of. I thought the whole Rufflao is a better Banner than Norton and the future telling judgement of Norton wouldn't have fit in Avengers were the worst opinions being agreed upon coming off that.

Tom beat Pattinson as the "sexiest Man Alive" in 2012:

Women gets their panties wet when he is around. We are dudes in NT so these types of things just fly by w/o much care or hype. Don't put too much thought into it, you'll just hurt your head. :lol:
Well damn, that first part alone. I just don't get it :smh: :lol:
Jamies role is suppose to be this giant dork who is a SpiderMan fanatic so it kind of makes sense how he looks.

And watch this fool steal the entire movie.
He's easily the 2nd best actor in the movie and given it looking like he's the main villain he'll probably have more scenes to outshine Paul.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I had no idea Amazing Spider Man 2 was going to be a comedy.
I can buy it now though. Spidey is suppose to be funny to someone with all of the wisecracks he makes to villains.
That Thor trailer got me HYPE. Hopefully Stringer Bell is back for the Thor sequel too. :pimp:
He is for sure in it

I love that he's finally getting the respect he deserves and starting to get more and more non-American roles
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I might be in the minority but I liked the first thor and that trailer has me pumped for The Dark World.

I thought the first one was great don't see why people didn't like it.

Most people liked it when it came out.

I mean, I thought it was decent...the Asgard stuff was good and Hemsworth and Hiddleston were perfect casting.
Just the Earth stuff was trash, though. But the movie wasn't bad to me, just kinda average.
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Most people liked it when it came out.

I thought it was decent...the Asgard and Loki stuff was good. Hemsworth was a perfect pick.
The Earth stuff was trash, though. But the movie wasn't bad to me, just kinda average.

I thought it did a great job of introducing the Thor character to the general public, lets be honest if you would have told me a thor movie would be made I would have laughed. Hell even Guardian of the Galaxy seems farfetched but its funny how this current generation is in tune with Comics. Hollywood is starting to figure out that you don't have to dumb it down to people anymore (thats why X-3, the Origins Wolverine sucked). I even liked first class i don't get peoples gripe with it I though it was good and they really built up the mythology of Magneto/Prof X.
Yeah, superheroes are so mainstream now. When I was growing up X-men, Spiderman, Batman, TMNT, Transformers cartoons were popular but actual comic book collecting was seen as dorky. One of my roommates in college is really into comic books and people thought he was a loser :smh: :lol:. Comic book movies have such a broad appeal now and are the biggest money makers in Hollywood.
Yeah, superheroes are so mainstream now. When I was growing up X-men, Spiderman, Batman, TMNT, Transformers cartoons were popular but actual comic book collecting was seen as dorky. One of my roommates in college is really into comic books and people thought he was a loser :smh: :lol:. Comic book movies have such a broad appeal now and are the biggest money makers in Hollywood.

For hollywood its easy. You got the story already there, bulit in fan bases, hell you got storyboards/character design already to go :lol:
Yeah, superheroes are so mainstream now. When I was growing up X-men, Spiderman, Batman, TMNT, Transformers cartoons were popular but actual comic book collecting was seen as dorky. One of my roommates in college is really into comic books and people thought he was a loser :smh: :lol:. Comic book movies have such a broad appeal now and are the biggest money makers in Hollywood.

For hollywood its easy. You got the story already there, bulit in fan bases, hell you got storyboards/character design already to go :lol:


Comic book movies should be the easiest movies to make but some how they always find a way to F them up. :lol: :smh:
Yeah, superheroes are so mainstream now. When I was growing up X-men, Spiderman, Batman, TMNT, Transformers cartoons were popular but actual comic book collecting was seen as dorky. One of my roommates in college is really into comic books and people thought he was a loser :smh: :lol:. Comic book movies have such a broad appeal now and are the biggest money makers in Hollywood.

For hollywood its easy. You got the story already there, bulit in fan bases, hell you got storyboards/character design already to go :lol:


Comic book movies should be the easiest movies to make but some how they always find a way to F them up. :lol: :smh:

too many cooks in the kitchen. The director has one vision. the producer has another and the movie studio has 3. Look at Spider-Man 3. Raimi didn't want to put Venom in it but because of everyone clamoring about it SONY was like put him in!!! And you see what happened.I really wonder what that film would have been if it was just a sandman/new goblin flick
Yeah, superheroes are so mainstream now. When I was growing up X-men, Spiderman, Batman, TMNT, Transformers cartoons were popular but actual comic book collecting was seen as dorky. One of my roommates in college is really into comic books and people thought he was a loser :smh: :lol:. Comic book movies have such a broad appeal now and are the biggest money makers in Hollywood.

For hollywood its easy. You got the story already there, bulit in fan bases, hell you got storyboards/character design already to go :lol:


Comic book movies should be the easiest movies to make but some how they always find a way to F them up. :lol: :smh:

It's just the opposite. With big dumb movies like Transformers and Fast and Furious, you can sorta do whatever you want to do. You just need to have a couple important things and then do whatever you wanna do.

With comics you gotta get the characters right, get the bad guys right, get the setting right, tell one of the favorite stories, cast someone the fanboys won't riot over, realize that everyone's seen every superhero movie, so half of your ideas have already been done. You gotta get the tone right, cuz you want women and kids to see em, and a lot of those comics were written for kids. Make it too kiddie and you get Fantastic Four. **** the tone up, you get X-Men: The Last Stand.

And for all the crazy things that happen in a comic book movie...they have to make sense. I mean, if Fast and Furious or Transformers don't make sense, people *****, but everyone mostly doesn't care...they came for cgi fights and T&A.

If any of these comic book movies were like Transformers or FF, you guys would be pissed. That's stupid. Blah blah wouldn't do that. They forgot this, this and this. They should've just called it something else, cuz this aint ______. I mean, everyone would hate those. X-Men Origins: Wolverine wasn't that bad. If it wasn't a Wolverine movie. If it was a Jason Statham whatever, it'd be stupid fun. But it's not.

And it costs 100+ mil for each one. And everyone expects sequels that cost even more. So 20 studio people wanna produce. 20 studio writers want to change 2 scenes (probably for the worse) and get that residual money. Some of them are fanboys who know all the lore and will stick non-theatrical in just for the hell of it and put people off. Suddenly you wanna go the populist way just to make sure it makes as much money as possible, but there's that thin line between being fun and cool and emo dancing at a jazz club.

Comic book movies have a ton of baggage, and the fans will make sure no one goes. Look at Scott Pilgrim. No one went cuz all the fans were pissed that they casted Michael Cera, but that was a really, really well done adaptation. Kick-***? Ehhhh...never heard of the main kid and McLovin's in this? Pass. Great adaptation. They even changed stuff for the better.

You can do everything right and still have no one show up.

Comic book movies are not easy. They're not even easy for people who made great ones, cuz at the end of the day...Raimi did Spidey 3.
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