News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Bryan Singer Confirms Bishop and Warpath for ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’

Posted on Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 by Angie Han


Bryan Singer has eagerly shared most of his casting announcements on Twitter for X-Men: Days of Future Past, but he’s been less forthcoming about which characters his new stars will be playing. Today, though, he dropped a major hint.

In a Vine video, Singer offered a rundown of the mutants who’ll feature in the movie. Some of them are characters we already knew about, like Professor X or Magneto or Storm. But he also revealed that Bishop and Warpath would pop up, likely in the form of recent additions Omar Sy and Booboo Stewart. Hit the jump to keep reading.

Singer posted the video clip earlier today. In it, the camera follows a semicircle of chairs with the characters’ names printed on them: Logan, Xavier, Magneto, Storm, Bishop, Kitty Pryde, Bobby “Iceman” Drake, Peter “Colossus” Rasputin, Blink, and James “Warpath” Proudstar.

As a side note, I do wonder what happens if both Xaviers or both Magnetos need to rest their legs at the same time. Every mutant needs a place to sit, yes, and some need two because of all the timejumping.

The video all but confirms the long-running rumor that Sy will be playing Bishop. The character was introduced in 1991 as part of a mutant police force from a dystopian future. He wasn’t created until after the Days of Future Past storyline in the comics, but played a prominent role in the ’90s animated TV series adaptation of the arc. He has the power to absorb and project energy.

Stewart’s role was more of a mystery, but the Vine clip strongly suggests he’ll be Warpath as Stewart is the only Native American in the cast. Warpath made his comic book debut in the ’80s. His powers include flight and enhanced strength and speed.

Fan has previously been reported to be playing Blink. Adan Canto‘s character hasn’t been revealed, though the actor has hinted that he could be playing Sunspot or another character with fire-related powers. Peter Dinklage‘s villain part remains under tight wraps.

X-Men: Days of Future Past opens July 18, 2014. James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, and Nicholas Hoult return from X-Men: First Class, and Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Shawn Ashmore, and Ellen Page reprise their original trilogy roles.

sorry if posted already
That's becoming a pretty stacked up roster. I'm pretty interested to see how he uses all of them in the movie.
That's becoming a pretty stacked up roster. I'm pretty interested to see how he uses all of them in the movie.
honestly i think they doing too much which will kinda kill the movie. i have hopes but honestly they are not that high. just give the franchise back to marvel and let marvel tell this story. btw i wonder will we ever get to see apocalypse against the xmen on the big screen.
ALSO i hope for man of steel 2 if they do one we can see darkseid or doomsday. now THAT would be dope.
I have a feeling they will be background characters

..maybe not bishop. But alot of the others - like colossus - might just get 5 mins screentime and then mostly action etc.
I don't trust Singer to pull off such a huge cast of heroes/villains, he's no Whedon.
I don't trust Singer to pull off such a huge cast of heroes/villains, he's no Whedon.
yup.. i have very little faith.. i thought his first 2 x-men films were ok, but i just remember sitting there the whole time thinking they both could have been soooooooo much better
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That's becoming a pretty stacked up roster. I'm pretty interested to see how he uses all of them in the movie.
honestly i think they doing too much which will kinda kill the movie. i have hopes but honestly they are not that high. just give the franchise back to marvel and let marvel tell this story. btw i wonder will we ever get to see apocalypse against the xmen on the big screen.
ALSO i hope for man of steel 2 if they do one we can see darkseid or doomsday. now THAT would be dope.

If we'd get to see Darkseid, I would think they'd be wise to save it for a JL movie instead. But if they won't be making one, Man of Steel 2 wouldn't be that bad of an idea after all :smokin

I don't trust Singer to pull off such a huge cast of heroes/villains, he's no Whedon.

I don't trust Singer to pull off such a huge cast of heroes/villains, he's no Whedon.

yup.. i have very little faith.. i thought his first 2 x-men films were ok, but i just remember sitting there the whole time thinking they both could have been soooooooo much better

I honestly don't know what to expect for in this one
Its seems like they're just stacking as much as they can into the upcoming Xmen movie. With a big team like that they better have epic battles with Magneto's crew.
Its seems like they're just stacking as much as they can into the upcoming Xmen movie. With a big team like that they better have epic battles with Magneto's crew.

X3 :x I know it wasn't Singers film but he did leave to do Superman Returns.
Well with Denzel, they can usually make him look young like Will. But I understand that they want someone younger for BP to continue on with the future Avenger films.

I'm mostly eliminating him, cuz over his dead body would he do a superhero flick. :lol:

But bar for an X-Men film is so low. I mean, I didn't especially like the non-Magneto stuff from First Class. So as long as it's better than that stuff, Wolverine and Last Stand, I'm good. :\
Iron man 3 after credits spoiler here

That iron man 3 after credits scene was incredibley lack luster SMH

Stark is telling banner a random story. Banner falls asleep he was so bored, Stark wakes him up to tell him another story. Pretty sick scene right!? :smh:
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The main thing that makes this movie interesting is the large scale of mutants cast for it though.

The Last Stand kind of underwhelmed in that area. I want to see big action sequences with the mutants fighting off the Sentinels. I don't want to see just a large Sentinel head fall through a cloud of smoke. That was one of the most disappointing moments for me.
I didn't say it was a spoiler, though. It's probably not a big deal, but just in case.. that's all.

Edit: then unspoiler it... I don't care :lol:
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I remember Edi from House, I don't think he could pull off Blade either.

I like Idris as BP and I think he'd be affordable too but I've been seeing rumors of Morris Chestnut as BP, he's been tweeting about brushing up on the comics as well.
I forgot about him. Most memorable from Chronicle cuz again he was the black guy that died. He'd be good if he can stop delivering lines in this brand new surprised way he tends to. Like right now I couldn't see him as Blade.

Some other black superhero though.

Most memorable from Chronicle? Chronicle was good, but that's Wallace from The Wire. (And Jamal from Hard Ball.)

Blade has to be played by a younger actor with the properties of Wesley crossed with Michael Jai White.
Haven't watched The Wire yet. I went this long without watching so I'm not in a rush. Don't plan on watching FNL and I aint watching no Hard ball :lol: I say most memorable cuz he fulfilled that same ol trope of being the only black guy in the movie that ends up dying.
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I like Idris Elba too, but that wouldn't conflict with him already being Heimdall? Especially if BP were in the Avengers.

Hard Ball was one of those movies that I enjoyed as a kid. It's probably a lot different now, but I still like the movie.
I like Idris Elba too, but that wouldn't conflict with him already being Heimdall? Especially if BP were in the Avengers.

Hard Ball was one of those movies that I enjoyed as a kid. It's probably a lot different now, but I still like the movie.

Desmond Honsou would have been the best BP too bad dude is so old. Maybe he could play BP's father though.
I like Idris Elba too, but that wouldn't conflict with him already being Heimdall? Especially if BP were in the Avengers.

Hard Ball was one of those movies that I enjoyed as a kid. It's probably a lot different now, but I still like the movie.
Heimdall aint really important to Thor or he doesn't need to be. He's really just a plot device but even so I say let him be two ppl anyway.

Using Idris as Heimdall was an extreme misuse of talent.
Do you know what happens to a Toad when it gets struck by lightning??

Same thing that happens to everything else.
:x :rofl:

im saying though who the hell thought that line was even remotely good

Did not even one person try to intervene on that part? :lol:

Did Joss Whedon work on this film?

He was brought in to work on the screenplay (as a script doctor), but all of his work was thrown out, except for two pieces of dialogue: Storm's line to Toad, and Wolverine calling Cyclops a ****.

What exactly were the lines Whedon wrote that ended up in the film?

According to Whedon, the exchange was: "It's me." "Prove it." "You're a ****." He also wrote Storm's line, "Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else."

Everything Joss right isn't gold but I always heard that it was Halle's delivery that killed it. Its suppose to be a joke not a serious statement *shrugs*
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