News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

I wish I could keep up.... but there's just soooooo many words 
I wish I could keep up.... but there's just soooooo many words 

Not really something you can put into cliffs.

At the end of the day though, you probably aren't missing much. Even I can admit that and I am in the middle of the argument. :lol:
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Possible JL plot?

Chalk this one up to the rumor mill, but if true, could be pretty damn awesome. An unconfirmed source has hit the interwebs with news of Warner Bros. new JUSTICE LEAGUE script (by two unannounced up-and-coming screenwriters) that has replaced the tossed Will Beall version. The description below goes into great detail about how WB plans to implement Henry Cavill's Superman and an "established" Batman, as well as utilizing elements established in GREEN LANTERN (namely the Corps itself, if not Hal Jordan).

Grain of salt, folks:

I can unofficially confirm that the movie WILL use Henry Cavill’s Superman, as well as an already established Batman (who has been left open enough to use Nolan’s John Blake if the situation were to arise *wink wink*), and will follow the two as they try to piece together the Justice League when a new threat shows up with Earth conquest on his mind.

Following the events of “Man of Steel,” NASA and Lex Luthor begin sending signals out into space to attract other alien beings which reach Apokolips, prompting an invasion of “Hunger Dogs” sent by Darkseid and lead by Kalibak, Orion, and the Female Furies.

Superman and Batman, knowing they won’t be able to fight them alone, recruit the help of Green Lantern, (who’s left open to be either Ryan Reynold’s Hal Jordan or John Stewart, either way they’ll be using the already established Green Lantern corps from the Martin Campbell film), J’onn J’onzz the Martian Manhunter (who is confirmed as not being CGI), who comes to protect Earth after escaping from a prison on Apokolips because he knows the next planet on Darkseid’s mind will be Mars once he conquers Earth, the Barry Allen incarnation of the Flash who will gain his powers in the first 1/3rd of the film, and Princess Diana of Themyscira, who is ready to leave Themyscira and refuses to continue standing by and not use her ability to help the Justice League when she finds out the world is in crisis.

This isn’t campy lasso using, invisible plane driving, star spangled banner Linda Carter Wonder Woman either, she’s got super strength and truly kicks ***.

As I don’t want to give away too much information, I’ll leave it as that but the movie will absolutely blow your mind, it’s filled with cameos of lesser known heroes and villains (like Lobo and the baddies Mongrul and Sinestro to name a few!) to establish them for the sequel, all while maintaining a consistent “grounded in reality” but not TOO realistic approach that fans like so much today.

The heroes save the day, and the army of “Hunger Dogs” retreat back to Apokolips, where a furious Darkseid punishes Kalibak while Orion begins to question his loyalty to his father. Darkseid then goes to the furthest depths of Apokolips to release a prisoner known only as “Doomsday” and sets the movie up immediately for a sequel following a quick glimpse of the baddest villain in the DC universe. Prepare to be rocked is all I have to say.
In all honesty, this sounds pretty great, but being that it's completely unconfirmed I won't get too worked up. It's well in line with the rumor that both Cavill and potentially John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) or Christian Bale would be back for the film, but even those are shaky. I have no doubt that WB is exploring all options (why wouldn't they?), but it's probably way too early to call for sure. But, definitely not too early to speculate, am I right?

JUSTICE LEAGUE is set for release sometime in 2015. Maybe.

Or you can read the article on JoBlo at this link
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Darkseid as the first villain sounds like a very big mistake. I really do think DC needs to take some lessons from Marvel and slow it down, use a lesser known villain to put the origins story and how they got together out of the way and put heroes that people has soured on (GL/Hal Jordan) over.

I also think a Batman/Superman film first is a good intro that could lead to a JLA film. No need to jump the gun just to compete with Marvel or try to milk off of the #s the Avengers did.
Well, DC/WB does make horrible decisions. Except Nolan's TDK trilogy of course :wink:
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Boston bombing? Big deal. Race of Heimdall? Not so much an issue in mind.
Wow. :lol:

That's the point. Your opinion is your opinion, but you can't really change whether things happened. They did or they didn't.

I only read SSH, CBR, CS, etc... If it was posted there, it is usually there once and not a recurring issue where they would post every actors opinion on the debate. To me, that just isn't a big deal or a huge backlash.

So then nothing ever happens? Cuz there's only a couple Boston bombing threads on I guess it wasn't anything?

I'll play, though...SSH/CS...CBR...

Idris Elba to Play Heimdall in Thor
Why is there still such a fuss over Idris Elba as Heimdall?
Heimdall was cast! ... 65 pages of wasn't a big deal

Comic Book Resource
Extremist Group Urges Boycott Of Thor Over Casting Of Idris Elba
Bigots Boycott "Thor" Over Black Actor as Heimdall
Why is Idris Elba Heimdall and not Luke Cage?

Comics Alliance: Racists Totally Freak Out Over Idris Elba Playing Norse God in 'Thor'
IGN: Elba Talks Heimdall Flap

It's just the weirdest thing to be stubborn about. No one's saying you don't know comics or weren't aware of whatever. Just...there's a difference between your opinion and saying nah...didn't happen like that, you guys are just making a big deal out of nothing.

And we aren't even making a big deal. Just how almost everyone remembers it went down.

Name any news/movie/comics anything that ever talked about Thor and they mentioned the backlash about Idris getting casted.
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jesus what the hell is going on here
Remember when they casted Idris Elba in Thor and a lot of jackasses were like WTF?! HELL NO!

Yeah, most of us remember that too.

Is it far fetch for someone not o watch Extra or Access Hollywood?
Aw cmon. >D :rofl:

Aight, gimme a minute.

Bro, you got too much invested in this. :lol: Let it go. Not a big deal.

You want to win the argument? Fine I am wrong and you are right! Do not reason with me because I am close minded will just say "F U! Your ish don't matter".


Now can we please move on?
It's just the weirdest thing to be stubborn about. No one's saying you don't know comics or weren't aware of whatever. Just...there's a difference between your opinion and saying nah...didn't happen like that, you guys are just making a big deal out of nothing.

Bro I never said it never happened. Where are you getting this? You can't read or something? All I said is I never saw it as a big deal. Where did I say it didn't happen? Never said you guys are making a big deal out of nothing, again my opinion is I never saw it, simple as that.

Bro look at your posts and the research and effort and tell me you aren't making a big deal of it. :lol:

And no, I do not go to the SHH forums much, just the main page with the news.

You're too desperate to make someone who disagreed with you wrong. Move on. :rofl:
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Boston bombing? Big deal. Race of Heimdall? Not so much an issue in mind.
Wow. :lol:

That's the point. Your opinion is your opinion, but you can't really change whether things happened. They did or they didn't.

I only read SSH, CBR, CS, etc... If it was posted there, it is usually there once and not a recurring issue where they would post every actors opinion on the debate. To me, that just isn't a big deal or a huge backlash.

So then nothing ever happens? Cuz there's only a couple Boston bombing threads on I guess it wasn't anything?

I'll play, though...SSH/CS...CBR...

Idris Elba to Play Heimdall in Thor
Why is there still such a fuss over Idris Elba as Heimdall?
Heimdall was cast! ... 65 pages of wasn't a big deal

Comic Book Resource
Extremist Group Urges Boycott Of Thor Over Casting Of Idris Elba
Bigots Boycott "Thor" Over Black Actor as Heimdall
Why is Idris Elba Heimdall and not Luke Cage?

Comics Alliance: Racists Totally Freak Out Over Idris Elba Playing Norse God in 'Thor'
IGN: Elba Talks Heimdall Flap

It's just the weirdest thing to be stubborn about. No one's saying you don't know comics or weren't aware of whatever. Just...there's a difference between your opinion and saying nah...didn't happen like that, you guys are just making a big deal out of nothing.

And we aren't even making a big deal. Just how almost everyone remembers it went down.

Name any news/movie/comics anything that ever talked about Thor and they mentioned the backlash about Idris getting casted.
This is on some holocaust denial steez :lol:
It's just the weirdest thing to be stubborn about. No one's saying you don't know comics or weren't aware of whatever. Just...there's a difference between your opinion and saying nah...didn't happen like that, you guys are just making a big deal out of nothing.

Bro I never said it never happened. Where are you getting this? You can't read or something? All I said is I never saw it as a big deal. Where did I say it didn't happen? Never said you guys are making a big deal out of nothing, again my opinion is I never saw it, simple as that.

Bro look at your posts and the research and effort and tell me you aren't making a big deal of it. :lol:

And no, I do not go to the SHH forums much, just the main page with the news.

You're too desperate to make someone who disagreed with you wrong. Move on. :rofl:
There's a difference between accusing you of saying it didn't happen and accusing of you saying it didn't happen like that. He's accusing you of the latter not the former. I don't know why you can't see that. It's right there in the quote you're replying to. He never said you said it didn't happen.

He just provided proof that it was a big deal from sites you claim to visit. So I'm not seeing how you can spin this in to him trying to win an argument.
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Darkseid as the first villain sounds like a very big mistake. I really do think DC needs to take some lessons from Marvel and slow it down, use a lesser known villain to put the origins story and how they got together out of the way and put heroes that people has soured on (GL/Hal Jordan) over.

I also think a Batman/Superman film first is a good intro that could lead to a JLA film. No need to jump the gun just to compete with Marvel or try to milk off of the #s the Avengers did.
Not only that they just spoiled the WHOLE movie before it even started shooting :lol:
Might as well not even watch the first one now. They should just start shooting part 2 :lol:
Boston bombing? Big deal. Race of Heimdall? Not so much an issue in mind.
Wow. :lol:

That's the point. Your opinion is your opinion, but you can't really change whether things happened. They did or they didn't.

I only read SSH, CBR, CS, etc... If it was posted there, it is usually there once and not a recurring issue where they would post every actors opinion on the debate. To me, that just isn't a big deal or a huge backlash.

So then nothing ever happens? Cuz there's only a couple Boston bombing threads on I guess it wasn't anything?

I'll play, though...SSH/CS...CBR...

Idris Elba to Play Heimdall in Thor
Why is there still such a fuss over Idris Elba as Heimdall?
Heimdall was cast! ... 65 pages of wasn't a big deal

Comic Book Resource
Extremist Group Urges Boycott Of Thor Over Casting Of Idris Elba
Bigots Boycott "Thor" Over Black Actor as Heimdall
Why is Idris Elba Heimdall and not Luke Cage?

Comics Alliance: Racists Totally Freak Out Over Idris Elba Playing Norse God in 'Thor'
IGN: Elba Talks Heimdall Flap

It's just the weirdest thing to be stubborn about. No one's saying you don't know comics or weren't aware of whatever. Just...there's a difference between your opinion and saying nah...didn't happen like that, you guys are just making a big deal out of nothing.

And we aren't even making a big deal. Just how almost everyone remembers it went down.

Name any news/movie/comics anything that ever talked about Thor and they mentioned the backlash about Idris getting casted.
This is on some holocaust denial steez :lol:
It's just the weirdest thing to be stubborn about. No one's saying you don't know comics or weren't aware of whatever. Just...there's a difference between your opinion and saying nah...didn't happen like that, you guys are just making a big deal out of nothing.

Bro I never said it never happened. Where are you getting this? You can't read or something? All I said is I never saw it as a big deal. Where did I say it didn't happen? Never said you guys are making a big deal out of nothing, again my opinion is I never saw it, simple as that.

Bro look at your posts and the research and effort and tell me you aren't making a big deal of it. :lol:

And no, I do not go to the SHH forums much, just the main page with the news.

You're too desperate to make someone who disagreed with you wrong. Move on. :rofl:
There's a difference between accusing you of saying it didn't happen and accusing of you saying it didn't happen like that. He's accusing you of the latter not the former. I don't know why you can't see that. It's right there in the quote you're replying to. He never said you said it didn't happen.

He just provided proof that it was a big deal from sites you claim to visit. So I'm not seeing how you can spin this in to him trying to win an argument.

Links were posted once on the main page, I read it and saw it once. Forums, NT & SF are the only ones I visit. Again, posting the same articles/issues in different places doesn't mean it is re-occurring over and over and over. I never went to those forums and read peoples opinion. So again, I never saw it as a big deal. Probably because I disagreed with their views so I made no big deal about it.

Again I never said it didn't happen, I just viewed it differently. Is that so hard to understand?
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Darkseid as the first villain sounds like a very big mistake. I really do think DC needs to take some lessons from Marvel and slow it down, use a lesser known villain to put the origins story and how they got together out of the way and put heroes that people has soured on (GL/Hal Jordan) over.

I also think a Batman/Superman film first is a good intro that could lead to a JLA film. No need to jump the gun just to compete with Marvel or try to milk off of the #s the Avengers did.
Not only that they just spoiled the WHOLE movie before it even started shooting :lol:
Might as well not even watch the first one now. They should just start shooting part 2 :lol:

Well to be fair, that is still just a rumor and the JLA movie could still be cancelled if MoS flops big time.
Darkseid as the first villain sounds like a very big mistake. I really do think DC needs to take some lessons from Marvel and slow it down, use a lesser known villain to put the origins story and how they got together out of the way and put heroes that people has soured on (GL/Hal Jordan) over.

I also think a Batman/Superman film first is a good intro that could lead to a JLA film. No need to jump the gun just to compete with Marvel or try to milk off of the #s the Avengers did.
Not only that they just spoiled the WHOLE movie before it even started shooting :lol:
Might as well not even watch the first one now. They should just start shooting part 2 :lol:

Well to be fair, that is still just a rumor and the JLA movie could still be cancelled if MoS flops big time.
Even if it flops it will do NUMBERS
Possible JL plot?

Chalk this one up to the rumor mill, but if true, could be pretty damn awesome. An unconfirmed source has hit the interwebs with news of Warner Bros. new JUSTICE LEAGUE script (by two unannounced up-and-coming screenwriters) that has replaced the tossed Will Beall version. The description below goes into great detail about how WB plans to implement Henry Cavill's Superman and an "established" Batman, as well as utilizing elements established in GREEN LANTERN (namely the Corps itself, if not Hal Jordan).

Grain of salt, folks:

I can unofficially confirm that the movie WILL use Henry Cavill’s Superman, as well as an already established Batman (who has been left open enough to use Nolan’s John Blake if the situation were to arise *wink wink*), and will follow the two as they try to piece together the Justice League when a new threat shows up with Earth conquest on his mind.

Following the events of “Man of Steel,” NASA and Lex Luthor begin sending signals out into space to attract other alien beings which reach Apokolips, prompting an invasion of “Hunger Dogs” sent by Darkseid and lead by Kalibak, Orion, and the Female Furies.

Superman and Batman, knowing they won’t be able to fight them alone, recruit the help of Green Lantern, (who’s left open to be either Ryan Reynold’s Hal Jordan or John Stewart, either way they’ll be using the already established Green Lantern corps from the Martin Campbell film), J’onn J’onzz the Martian Manhunter (who is confirmed as not being CGI), who comes to protect Earth after escaping from a prison on Apokolips because he knows the next planet on Darkseid’s mind will be Mars once he conquers Earth, the Barry Allen incarnation of the Flash who will gain his powers in the first 1/3rd of the film, and Princess Diana of Themyscira, who is ready to leave Themyscira and refuses to continue standing by and not use her ability to help the Justice League when she finds out the world is in crisis.

This isn’t campy lasso using, invisible plane driving, star spangled banner Linda Carter Wonder Woman either, she’s got super strength and truly kicks ***.

As I don’t want to give away too much information, I’ll leave it as that but the movie will absolutely blow your mind, it’s filled with cameos of lesser known heroes and villains (like Lobo and the baddies Mongrul and Sinestro to name a few!) to establish them for the sequel, all while maintaining a consistent “grounded in reality” but not TOO realistic approach that fans like so much today.

The heroes save the day, and the army of “Hunger Dogs” retreat back to Apokolips, where a furious Darkseid punishes Kalibak while Orion begins to question his loyalty to his father. Darkseid then goes to the furthest depths of Apokolips to release a prisoner known only as “Doomsday” and sets the movie up immediately for a sequel following a quick glimpse of the baddest villain in the DC universe. Prepare to be rocked is all I have to say.
In all honesty, this sounds pretty great, but being that it's completely unconfirmed I won't get too worked up. It's well in line with the rumor that both Cavill and potentially John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) or Christian Bale would be back for the film, but even those are shaky. I have no doubt that WB is exploring all options (why wouldn't they?), but it's probably way too early to call for sure. But, definitely not too early to speculate, am I right?

JUSTICE LEAGUE is set for release sometime in 2015. Maybe.

Or you can read the article on JoBlo at this link
The plot involving the villain sounds like it was directly taken in broad strokes from Smallville involving the same villain :lol: Other parts sounds like something for a cartoon ep or animated movie but hey we shall see.

I know writers and directors tend to have their own vision damned comic continuity but to me it seems too much is all being connected to that one place and I definitely don't care for that one character starting off on the villains side.

It'll be cool to see John Stewart and a non-cgi J'onnz though.
Darkseid as the first villain sounds like a very big mistake. I really do think DC needs to take some lessons from Marvel and slow it down, use a lesser known villain to put the origins story and how they got together out of the way and put heroes that people has soured on (GL/Hal Jordan) over.

I also think a Batman/Superman film first is a good intro that could lead to a JLA film. No need to jump the gun just to compete with Marvel or try to milk off of the #s the Avengers did.
Not only that they just spoiled the WHOLE movie before it even started shooting :lol:
Might as well not even watch the first one now. They should just start shooting part 2 :lol:

Well to be fair, that is still just a rumor and the JLA movie could still be cancelled if MoS flops big time.

At this point, I really can't see MoS flopping big time.
Possible JL plot?

Chalk this one up to the rumor mill, but if true, could be pretty damn awesome. An unconfirmed source has hit the interwebs with news of Warner Bros. new JUSTICE LEAGUE script (by two unannounced up-and-coming screenwriters) that has replaced the tossed Will Beall version. The description below goes into great detail about how WB plans to implement Henry Cavill's Superman and an "established" Batman, as well as utilizing elements established in GREEN LANTERN (namely the Corps itself, if not Hal Jordan).

Grain of salt, folks:

I can unofficially confirm that the movie WILL use Henry Cavill’s Superman, as well as an already established Batman (who has been left open enough to use Nolan’s John Blake if the situation were to arise *wink wink*), and will follow the two as they try to piece together the Justice League when a new threat shows up with Earth conquest on his mind.

Following the events of “Man of Steel,” NASA and Lex Luthor begin sending signals out into space to attract other alien beings which reach Apokolips, prompting an invasion of “Hunger Dogs” sent by Darkseid and lead by Kalibak, Orion, and the Female Furies.

Superman and Batman, knowing they won’t be able to fight them alone, recruit the help of Green Lantern, (who’s left open to be either Ryan Reynold’s Hal Jordan or John Stewart, either way they’ll be using the already established Green Lantern corps from the Martin Campbell film), J’onn J’onzz the Martian Manhunter (who is confirmed as not being CGI), who comes to protect Earth after escaping from a prison on Apokolips because he knows the next planet on Darkseid’s mind will be Mars once he conquers Earth, the Barry Allen incarnation of the Flash who will gain his powers in the first 1/3rd of the film, and Princess Diana of Themyscira, who is ready to leave Themyscira and refuses to continue standing by and not use her ability to help the Justice League when she finds out the world is in crisis.

This isn’t campy lasso using, invisible plane driving, star spangled banner Linda Carter Wonder Woman either, she’s got super strength and truly kicks ***.

As I don’t want to give away too much information, I’ll leave it as that but the movie will absolutely blow your mind, it’s filled with cameos of lesser known heroes and villains (like Lobo and the baddies Mongrul and Sinestro to name a few!) to establish them for the sequel, all while maintaining a consistent “grounded in reality” but not TOO realistic approach that fans like so much today.

The heroes save the day, and the army of “Hunger Dogs” retreat back to Apokolips, where a furious Darkseid punishes Kalibak while Orion begins to question his loyalty to his father. Darkseid then goes to the furthest depths of Apokolips to release a prisoner known only as “Doomsday” and sets the movie up immediately for a sequel following a quick glimpse of the baddest villain in the DC universe. Prepare to be rocked is all I have to say.
In all honesty, this sounds pretty great, but being that it's completely unconfirmed I won't get too worked up. It's well in line with the rumor that both Cavill and potentially John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) or Christian Bale would be back for the film, but even those are shaky. I have no doubt that WB is exploring all options (why wouldn't they?), but it's probably way too early to call for sure. But, definitely not too early to speculate, am I right?

JUSTICE LEAGUE is set for release sometime in 2015. Maybe.

Or you can read the article on JoBlo at this link
The plot involving the villain sounds like it was directly taken in broad strokes from Smallville involving the same villain :lol: Other parts sounds like something for a cartoon ep or animated movie but hey we shall see.

I know writers and directors tend to have their own vision damned comic continuity but to me it seems too much is all being connected to that one place and I definitely don't care for that one character starting off on the villains side.

It'll be cool to see John Stewart and a non-cgi J'onnz though.

I hope it's not this J'onnz though :lol:

Darkseid as the first villain sounds like a very big mistake. I really do think DC needs to take some lessons from Marvel and slow it down, use a lesser known villain to put the origins story and how they got together out of the way and put heroes that people has soured on (GL/Hal Jordan) over.

I also think a Batman/Superman film first is a good intro that could lead to a JLA film. No need to jump the gun just to compete with Marvel or try to milk off of the #s the Avengers did.
Not only that they just spoiled the WHOLE movie before it even started shooting :lol:
Might as well not even watch the first one now. They should just start shooting part 2 :lol:

Well to be fair, that is still just a rumor and the JLA movie could still be cancelled if MoS flops big time.

At this point, I really can't see MoS flopping big time.

Same here, been hearing great things about it but you'll never know. A lot seemed impressed with SRs trailer and opens to $52 mil but then everyone stopped watching and it didn't even make it's budget in the end iirc. I'm trying not to have huge expectations but it's so damn hard not to get excited.
It'll be cool to see John Stewart and a non-cgi J'onnz though.

Right actor and make-up artist can easily make it work. The hard part is the casting. I thought Abin Sur in GL was decent, though the purple does look a bit too Ivan Ooze-ish.

It'll be harder to not cgi his Martian form though.
It'll be cool to see John Stewart and a non-cgi J'onnz though.

Right actor and make-up artist can easily make it work. The hard part is the casting. I thought Abin Sur in GL was decent, though the purple does look a bit too Ivan Ooze-ish.

It'll be harder to not cgi his Martian form though.
Boys and girls
Girls and guys
Gather around
And feast ur eyes
I bet u all
U just can't loose
When u have a batch
Of Ivan's ooze
:lol: can't believe I still remember that
(I'm 27 going on 28)
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^ ^ ^

And damn, IM3 reach $300mil internationally already. Marvel/Disney just needs to deliver cases and cases of cash to RDJs house to keep him in this franchise.

I was going to post in the IM3 thread but I'm barely going to see it tonight and don't want to risk seeing any spoilers.
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