News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

i might be the only one hyped for the gi joe sequel
I'll probably get around to watch it
No, I'm also hype for GI Joe 2. I thought the first one was fine, not elite, but good enough. Sad that Sienna Miller isn't back tho, love that chick.
I wouldn't even say it was fine.... but it was passable I guess 

But IDK what it is, GI Joe is something that'll always suck me in
Last fall it was revealed that Mark Millar, the writer behind comic books like "The Ultimates," "Kick-***" and "Superman: Red Son," had been hired by Twentieth Century Fox as a consultant on the studio's upcoming Marvel Comics adaptations. Today, Millar himself has revealed another new development that could pave the way for a shared cinematic universe.

"Just off the phone with Fox and some excellent news," Millar posted on Twitter. "Matthew Vaughn is producing Josh Trank's Fantastic Four reboot!"

To be directed by Chronicle's Josh Trank, Fantastic Four is targeted for release on March 6, 2015. Vaughn, who directed 2011's X-Men: First Class, is producing the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past as well and, while nothing has been confirmed as of yet, it has been speculated that Fox could develop their Marvel properties for the same kind of crossover potential shown with Marvel's The Avengers.
More than Avengers I hope they get F4 right. There's a certain way to depict where it can really last in to a sustainable and highly profitable franchise with great stories that can last a decade.
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:x That's not the F4 I'm talking about.

That's how I dealt with how worthless the F4 movies were.
Kerry Washington and Vic Mackey were better than that. :smh:

[h1]Bryan Singer's gonna erase that piece of ****, X-Men: The Last Stand[/h1]
IGN: One thing that’s interesting about the alternate universe/timeline in Days of Future Past is that it could potentially give you the opportunity to revisit things that happened in the third film in terms of characters and endings that you might like to see changed.

Bryan Singer: You mean, what you’re politely saying is, “fix s**t.” Is that what you’re saying? That’s what I’m hearing. [Laughing]

IGN: [Laughing] Maybe…

Singer: There’s going to be a little of that, a few things I can repair.

IGN: Are fans going to be pleased with these things you will be repairing?

Singer: I think so, I think so, yes.




1) I forgot April O'Neil was a cartoon character. :nerd:

2) What I would've gave to hear the convo between Megan Fox and her agent. :wow:
....You got no choice, baby. Who else gonna pay you? >D it looked like a scene straight out of Sucker Punch. :smh:

3) The lack of dambs Bay gave when he offered her the part.

4) It ain't like suddenly they messed up what woulda been a good movie. :lol:
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i know i shouldnt trash a movie that i havent seen, but 'jack the giant slayer' looks horrible..

and the dude who just made it, made some very bland x-men movies and a piss poor superman has the audacity to talk sh*#

The people at Fox must be drunk or high all the time. Who the hell okayed those X-Men scripts? They put minimal effort into their superhero movies.
and the dude who just made it, made some very bland x-men movies and a piss poor superman has the audacity to talk sh*#

I'm not gonna defend those movies...I see where Supes was coming from and it's still trash.

...but after everything they've done to X-Men, I trust this dude to at least put out a good one.
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I'm not gonna defend those movies...I see where Supes was coming from and it's still trash.

...but after everything they've done to X-Men, I trust this dude to at least put out a good one.
in my opinion, first class was the best of the x-men movies to date..

i think we have a tendency to overrate the first 2 x-men films just because of our thirst for anything x-men.. or hell our thirst for any of those beloved characters from our childhoods to be brought to life (comic book movies in general)

spiderman 1 and 2, were done right.. but i just think the first two x-men films were just bland.. they were safe.. and could have been a hell of alot better
in my opinion, first class was the best of the x-men movies to date..

i think we have a tendency to overrate the first 2 x-men films just because of our thirst for anything x-men.. or hell our thirst for any of those beloved characters from our childhoods to be brought to life (comic book movies in general)

spiderman 1 and 2, were done right.. but i just think the first two x-men films were just bland.. they were safe.. and could have been a hell of alot better

I actually watched those again after I saw Avengers, cuz I didn't wanna compare hyped up memories to something fresh.

Spidey 1 and 2, yea. 1's really good with sketchy effects. 2 is still great. Everything holds up like it was yesterday.

X1 is what it is, forget that. That was the beta. They had no clue what they were doing, and just threw **** at the wall. :lol:

X2 is really, really good for what it is. It's not Spidey 2 or TDK good, but what is?

The script isn't that great, but the ideas are, and the action beats are always just well done and on time, and the pacing is smooth.

It hit these real, memorable, awesome moments. You remember Nightcrawler in the White House...Mystique owning the every scene she's in...Magneto taking the metal outta the security guard...the attack on the school...Iceman's parents...Pyro fighting the cops...the X-Wing and the missiles...that little girl in Prof. X's delusion...Jean vs. crazy Cyclops...Wolverine vs. Kelly Hu...the hype of what's to come with that ending. :smokin

It's been a decade. I know you remember those.
They're still really well done, memorable, comic book movie moments. Flicks like that hope to have a couple, this had like 10.

No, it didn't especially age well. And it's pretty basic and simple. And it doesn't hit as deep as a Spider-man or Nolan Batman...but that is damn good comic book movie.

The problem is, it's attached to the 1st movie which is a joke, then everything they built up got ripped apart by the Last Stand, which is straight trash. :smh:
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I actually watched those again after I saw Avengers, cuz I didn't wanna compare hyped up memories to something fresh.

Spidey 1 and 2, yea. 1's really good with sketchy effects. 2 is still great. Everything holds up like it was yesterday.

X1 is what it is, forget that. That was the beta. They had no clue what they were doing, and just threw **** at the wall. :lol:

X2 is really, really good for what it is. It's not Spidey 2 or TDK good, but what is?

The script isn't that great, but the ideas are, and the action beats are always just well done and on time, and the pacing is smooth.

It hit these real, memorable, awesome moments. You remember Nightcrawler in the White House...Mystique owning the every scene she's in...Magneto taking the metal outta the security guard...the attack on the school...Iceman's parents...Pyro fighting the cops...the X-Wing and the missiles...that little girl in Prof. X's delusion...Jean vs. crazy Cyclops...Wolverine vs. Kelly Hu...the hype of what's to come with that ending. :smokin

It's been a decade. I know you remember those.
They're still really well done, memorable, comic book movie moments. Flicks like that hope to have a couple, this had like 10.

No, it didn't especially age well. And it's pretty basic and simple. And it doesn't hit as deep as a Spider-man or Nolan Batman...but that is damn good comic book movie.

The problem is, it's attached to the 1st movie which is a joke, then everything they built up got ripped apart by the Last Stand, which is straight trash. :smh:

My thoughts exactly. S3 did the same thing as well to that franchise as well.
new suit is crack!!!
dem bug eyes!!!
always felt the previous suits (Raimi's & ASM1) had eyes that were too small



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Why does it look like Spidey hung himself in two of those pics????
Chick looks like a man. That strong neck. :x

Got to be a stunt woman or something...
forreal, chick looking like channing tatum in those pics. :smh: she used to look like this though
*shrug* that's just AWG, no makeup. :lol:

But she's a damn good actress, though.
Yall should really check out The Descendants.
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But MJ is suppose to be a stunner, that chick you turn your heads and not to make a double take to make sure it isn't a dude.

I mean at least snaggletooth had 2 redeeming qualities and and Raimi managed to showcase them, in all of it's wet glory.
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