News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

They both aren't stunners but Kirsten had a better body.

And come on, Kirsten was somewhat attractive in SM1 days. This new chick just looks plain and average.

I'd honestly take old Kirsten to this new chick.
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This new chick looks like JGL when he was in 3rd Rock from the Sun.

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Eh, Kirsten is past her prime like Lohan, this new chick already looks average even before she hits the big screen.
No one was complaining much with Kirstens looks in SM1 because that was her prime, she was on the rise and she looks sexy as hell as a rich ***** in Crazy/Beautiful.
Again, easy to find ugly pics of Kirsten now but back then, every dudes jaw dropped in the upside down make-out scene with Kirsten.

Kirsten looks terrible now no doubt and it is hindsight being 20/20 but this new chick has yet to impress in the looks department and definitely has ugly pics too.
Old Kirsten SM1 days > Shailene so far.
This is from ten years ago.


It ain't hindsight.

When I heard she and Tobey got casted, I was disappointed.

A part of it is her looks, yeah. You can take a snapshot and find the ugly in anyone, but she just she makes hit faces all the time. She's not a good actress and the way she acts can just be unflattering all the time. When they gave her much less to do, like Virgin Suicides and Eternal Sunshine, she's okay.

But when they push her upfront. :smh:

That's what I liked about them casting Shailene. Yea, she looks like an average teenage chick, but she seems to be a damn good actress. And she can turn it up if she wants to. And I think there'll be a lot less cringe moments with her than Kirsten. She can have a couple moments where she looks good...(the cafeteria and the kiss in the rain), but then they give her things to say and do and nails on a chalkboard happen.
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Eh, you are one of the very few that complained back then when the movie came out but most loved the movie and didn't really turn on Kirsten until much later. I can see the hate before the films, Ledger got the same crap for being cast a Joker. I still think Tobey played Peter Parker well, better than Garfield to be honest but Garfields interpretation is a bit different, more hipster emo than the OG Peter.

Again she looked decent back then and looks good in the film. Never defended her acting but like I said, not many complained back then. So yeah it isn't hindsight for you but it is for most. These are also pics from 10-12 years ago, SM1 and Bring It On. She just got progressively worse from SM1.

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Don't get me wrong, I really liked the first movie. I mean I knew Raimi would do something interesting, but she was actually decent. And Dafoe killed it.

It's weird, I'll like movies despite her, like Melancholia and Jumanji and Bring It On.

2nd Spidey, all the cracks started showing. 3rd one. :x
People remember the dancing scene, but they forget how trash she was.

With Tobey, it's different though...he doesn't have range to me. Like he's a legit good actor, but he only has 2 expressions and one of them's that schmuck face that's perfect for Raimi's tone and sense of humor. Wheels fell off in the 3rd one though. :smh:
She coulda held the spirit stick just fine back then. O just hates her. She was fine early in the Spiderman franchise, and then lost it somehow.

As for Spidey themselves, I liked Garfield much much more. I'm interested to see what he does with 2 and see if it continues, but part of me probably has a bad taste still from Spidey 3 and that's got me angry at Tobey.

New girl is the daughter from Descendants? She'll be fine. She can act which is the hard part, they're in Hollywood, they can tan her, pluck her, color her hair, brush it for her, spraypaint makeup, etc etc. She'll be lookin right by the time the movie comes out.
could kirsten get it, of course..

but i've never been a fan.. her 'appeal' worked in crazy/beautiful (as mentioned above).. but they could have easily found someone better

the worst occurance of this to me is maggie gyllenhaal in the dark knight.. that is the one flaw of that movie to me.. granted, i think she has a certain appeal in secretary
I don't know, they have to do a lot of work to her to even contend with Emma Stone.

For a redhead, they should have gotten Karen Gillan, she is just so cute and adorable and actually sexy at times.

I really wish I am proven wrong though, Marc Webb did a decent job on TASM but this sequel is becoming real iffy real quick. Foxx as Electro, Giamatti as Rhino, Average looking MJ.... Giant white eyes is a good sign though but we shall see where this movie goes.
O just hates her.
Alonzo :lol:

For a redhead, they should have gotten Karen Gillan, she is just so cute and adorable and actually sexy at times.

Redhead from Doctor Who? Loved Amy Pond. Shame she left the show.

Shailene's a better actress though.
And I don't know that she could do an American accent that well.

But yeah, she's real cute...after Ron Howard's kid, she'd be the best looking chick in any of the Spideys.
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Yes, Amy Pond. Really loved her on that show.
I think she can do an American accent well.

Iono. That just seems like a regular chick trying an accent on. :lol:

I'm sure she could learn one, but I just remember this episode of this Showtime show...Episodes >D

They were adapting this British show for the US and wanted to cast the original old British guy for their show, so they brought him in to meet their bosses as a formality. But they wanted to see him do a little of the part. Then they say they want it in an American accent. He's an old pro, he's learned it, he's got it in his bag of tricks. But when he tries the role out, it's like it handicaps him. The warmth...the gets wiped out by him trying to nail the accent.

Trying to concentrate on your accent, while you act, while you try and get back to what it is that makes you watchable and likeable is damn complicated. Ask Penelope Cruz.

I just wanna see her do a movie with an accent.
See if she still has that Amy Pond glow.
Cuz just putting on an accent can wash that out. Make someone flat.
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Actors from across the pond (no pun) are much better at mimicking an American accent. Look at all the actors here that can act and easily do an American accent with ease. I am sure she can pull it off if given the chance.
I remember that girl being cute in The Descendants. How did her neck get so thick? Nt'ers would call it a sturdy neck. Paul Giamatti is playing Rhino? WTH?

i dont know if this has been posted but im LOVING the ultimate spiderman look for the amazing spiderman 2
Who's Alonzo? Gif? Wha talkin? :lol:

Actors from across the pond (no pun) are much better at mimicking an American accent. Look at all the actors here that can act and easily do an American accent with ease. I am sure she can pull it off if given the chance.

I'm not saying she can't...I'm just saying, she's young and not like a great actress, so I'll believe it when I see it. There are plenty of great, great British actors out there, trained old ones and good ones that made it work.

I'm not talking about just doing a good accent. I'm talking about keeping that quality that makes people like you and want to watch you when you're not using your natural accent. She's got a pretty thick Scottish accent. How much of her charm comes from that? How much of her comic timing comes from speaking naturally? How much of liking her as an actress is in that? Because an American accent is pretty damn flat, controlled and deadpan compared to hers.
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Kirsten and Tobey were miscast from the get. It didn't help that Kirsten's looks progressively got worse as the trilogy went on.

This new girl looks like a linebacker in those pictures. I looked her up on Google and I don't think she's pretty or the least bit attractive. That's just my opinion though.

Robert Downey Jr speaks on possibly leaving the Iron Man series:
[h1]Robert Downey, Jr. on Leaving Iron Man and Tony Stark[/h1][h2]"I don't have to overstay my welcome," says star.[/h2]

by Scott Collura

February 26, 2013

For how long can Robert Downey, Jr. play Iron Man? It's a nice problem for Marvel to have, one supposes, considering that it was only five years ago when the first Iron Man film was about to come out and the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe was an unproven concept.

But the fact is, Downey, Jr. is getting expensive for Marvel. The notoriously cost-conscious studio reportedly had to fork over upwards of $50 million to the actor for The Avengers, including box office bonuses and backend compensation. Plus, word has it that Downey, Jr.'s contract is up after Iron Man 3 hits this May, so Empire recently asked Tony Stark himself how much longer he might stick around in the metal suit.

"Let's just say that the only thing I ever let go of had claw marks in it," Downey, Jr. said in that typical Downey, Jr. way. "There's a little bit of soul reclamation going on. I feel that the first time I played Tony, I did it best. Sorry! The affinity with Tony now is: how do you sustain something? I'm not stupid, I like to play ball, I love the company, I love the character, and the business side of things, I'm not [too] picky about that either."

Of course, Marvel's head honcho Kevin Feige has floated the possibility of replacing Downey, Jr. eventually, James Bond style. "I hope Downey makes a lot of movies for us as Stark," Feige said back in April. "If and when he doesn't, and I'm still here making these movies, we don't take him to Afghanistan and have him wounded again. I think we James Bond it."

Empire asked the actor how he would feel about that, but he doesn't seem to be sweating it.

What's Going on in this Iron Man 3 Mandarin Poster?

"It would probably be the best thing in the world for me," he said. "You know, ego... but sometimes ego just has to be smashed. Let's see what happens. I take the audience very seriously - I feel bad when I see folks doing movies and the audience is like, 'Don't do that anymore.' I don't have to overstay my welcome..."

My humble suggestion would be to blast Tony off into space or something once you know Downey, Jr. is done -- send him on a mission from which the actor/character might eventually return years later for a cameo or grand return appearance. But what do you guys think? Will it still be Iron Man if a different actor is playing him?

He is Iron Man. I don't think there would be a recasting good enough to do the job he did.
Man it seems to be some sick trend to continually cast an ugly chick as Mary-Jane. Might as well let DDL put on a wig and do it if the excuse is wanting good acting.

Really don't care for that line of thinking with Iron Man, just take the James Bond approach and over the years ppl can have their own fav IM. This whole RDJR is IM will hurt more than it helps especially when it comes to your enjoyment of the movies. Similar stuff wit ppl still having SM3 in their heads when were already so far removed from it. Just keep it moving.
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Kirsten and Tobey were miscast from the get. It didn't help that Kirsten's looks progressively got worse as the trilogy went on.

This new girl looks like a linebacker in those pictures. I looked her up on Google and I don't think she's pretty or the least bit attractive. That's just my opinion though.

Robert Downey Jr speaks on possibly leaving the Iron Man series:

[QUOTE url="[URL][/URL]"]
[h1]Robert Downey, Jr. on Leaving Iron Man and Tony Stark[/h1]

[h2]"I don't have to overstay my welcome," says star.[/h2]

by Scott Collura
February 26, 2013


For how long can Robert Downey, Jr. play Iron Man? It's a nice problem for Marvel to have, one supposes, considering that it was only five years ago when the first Iron Man film was about to come out and the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe was an unproven concept.
But the fact is, Downey, Jr. is getting expensive for Marvel. The notoriously cost-conscious studio reportedly had to fork over upwards of $50 million to the actor for The Avengers, including box office bonuses and backend compensation. Plus, word has it that Downey, Jr.'s contract is up after Iron Man 3 hits this May, so Empire recently asked Tony Stark himself how much longer he might stick around in the metal suit.

"Let's just say that the only thing I ever let go of had claw marks in it," Downey, Jr. said in that typical Downey, Jr. way. "There's a little bit of soul reclamation going on. I feel that the first time I played Tony, I did it best. Sorry! The affinity with Tony now is: how do you sustain something? I'm not stupid, I like to play ball, I love the company, I love the character, and the business side of things, I'm not [too] picky about that either."
Of course, Marvel's head honcho Kevin Feige has floated the possibility of replacing Downey, Jr. eventually, James Bond style. "I hope Downey makes a lot of movies for us as Stark," Feige said back in April. "If and when he doesn't, and I'm still here making these movies, we don't take him to Afghanistan and have him wounded again. I think we James Bond it."
Empire asked the actor how he would feel about that, but he doesn't seem to be sweating it.

"It would probably be the best thing in the world for me," he said. "You know, ego... but sometimes ego just has to be smashed. Let's see what happens. I take the audience very seriously - I feel bad when I see folks doing movies and the audience is like, 'Don't do that anymore.' I don't have to overstay my welcome..."
My humble suggestion would be to blast Tony off into space or something once you know Downey, Jr. is done -- send him on a mission from which the actor/character might eventually return years later for a cameo or grand return appearance. But what do you guys think? Will it still be Iron Man if a different actor is playing him?
He is Iron Man. I don't think there would be a recasting good enough to do the job he did.

If they cant get Robert Downey Jr, they might as well stop making Iron Man movies.
I'm telling yall...check her out in The Descendants.

She's a plain jane for sure, but you're telling me they can't make an average chick work in Hollywood?
I's a popcorn movie, and dudes would rather a bombshell than a good actress, but she probably has the most acting ability in the cast.

Seriously...find The Descendants...Hit play.
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