News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

If they cant get Robert Downey Jr, they might as well stop making Iron Man movies.

Not possible tho. The visions they have for these characters go all the way into 2020 and beyond. At some point, actors have to be changed over.

Some point soon, Jackman as Wolverine is going to face a similar fate. Guys are pushing 50's pretty soon, at some point, they have to be recast as sad as that sounds.

In the long run (and I don't know how long we're talking, 7-10-12 years, we're going to see on screen, at the same time, same film, Wolverine, Spiderman, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Avengers, and whoever else. It's going to happen. There's too much money for something like that for it NOT to happen. Just a matter of timing everything. When that day comes, you can't have a 59 year old RDJ, or 55 year old Wolverine, etc. They'll have to get a younger cast put together and go from there.
Chris Cooper Joins The Amazing Spider-Man 2 as Norman Osborn!


THR is reporting that actor Chris Cooper has been cast as Norman Osborn aka The Green Goblin in the upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

While it is surprising that another villain would be added to the cast of the film (which already includes Jamie Foxx as Electro and Paul Giammatti as The Rhino), the character's company, Oscorp, was heavily featured in the first film and appears to continue that trend in the second. The inclusion of Norman Osborn also makes sense given that Chronicle star Dane DeHaan has been cast as his son, Harry Osborn.

It remains to be seen if Cooper will put on the green mask and fight Spider-Man in the film, but check back here for any confirmation on that.

I remember him from american beauty.
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If this is true then Snyder will shut up a lot of his critics.
i know mary jane should be more of a strawberry blonde..

but how about emilia clarke aka calisi.. check her our with her natural hair color
i know this is not comic film related but is it true that Twins is getting a sequel? the movie with arnold schwarzenegger and danny devito? :lol:
If they cant get Robert Downey Jr, they might as well stop making Iron Man movies.

Not possible tho. The visions they have for these characters go all the way into 2020 and beyond. At some point, actors have to be changed over.

Some point soon, Jackman as Wolverine is going to face a similar fate. Guys are pushing 50's pretty soon, at some point, they have to be recast as sad as that sounds.

In the long run (and I don't know how long we're talking, 7-10-12 years, we're going to see on screen, at the same time, same film, Wolverine, Spiderman, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Avengers, and whoever else. It's going to happen. There's too much money for something like that for it NOT to happen. Just a matter of timing everything. When that day comes, you can't have a 59 year old RDJ, or 55 year old Wolverine, etc. They'll have to get a younger cast put together and go from there.
Technically, Wolverine is old as dirt but I understand what you're saying. I think it was RFX who was saying that Ironman would be like the Bond movies where it would just kept getting recast. Just explain that to the fanboys to keep the complaining down. It's better than having to do a reboot every time a trilogy is completed.
I can't get over how unappealing Shailene Woodley is. Damn. Why is it so hard to cast Mary Jane?
I can't believe people are so upset over one picture likely without makeup and taken with a normal camera when it's guaranteed she'll look better on film.

Look at red carpet pictures of her, she looks fine.
I can't believe people are so upset over one picture likely without makeup and taken with a normal camera when it's guaranteed she'll look better on film.

Look at red carpet pictures of her, she looks fine.
No she doesn't. Our tastes are different. She's not attractive.
I'm not saying she's a perfect ten or anything, she's average looking, but stop crying.. She'll look better in the movie and she can act.

Better actor with average looks > hot actress with no talent
I can't get over how unappealing Shailene Woodley is. Damn. Why is it so hard to cast Mary Jane?


I'm just gonna should really really look into The Descendants.

If you still feel like she ain't up for it after watching that movie, then so be it.
I don't care about who can act or not. The character should be somewhat attractive.

**** how you feel.
I'm not saying she's a perfect ten or anything, she's average looking, but stop crying.. She'll look better in the movie and she can act.
She'll look better than how average looking she looks now. Not much to feel better about there :lol:
Better actor with average looks > hot actress with no talent
While this is true. There's no reason at all to assume this has to be only two options. They're slipping with the casting, it's as simple as that.

Plenty hot and good acting actresses in the industry.
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Exactly my point. From Paul Giamatti as Rhino, which only works if its the Ultimates version with the mechanical suit, the casting hasn't been good. Its a comic book movie, not a Academy Award contender. The cast members should be as true to their paperback counterpart as possible.
You're not getting me. She is attractive in The Descendants.

Just cuz Katy Perry looked like a dude in that one picture in her bed, doesn't mean she didn't look bangin at the Grammy's or in her videos.

Who cares what a random no makeup street picture looked like?

She was in one movie and she looked damn good in it. If you don't wanna watch that movie to find out, **** what you think.

People were saying the same thing about Jennifer Lawrence when she got casted in Hunger Games.
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You're putting way touch into the descendants, B. :lol:
She was alright. Didn't stand out
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And Anne Hathaway as Catwoman... People were losing it when that was announced.

her being too ugly and having the movies be true to the comics are two different complaints.

The first is subjective whining. But the second is a subject of discussion. For me, a quality movie that isn't 100 true to the source is far better than an average movie that's more accurate.

No one is saying it needs to win an Oscar, but let's not pretend talented actors play no important role in the quality of superhero movies and you can just use any pretty face.
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