News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

You're putting way touch into the descendants, B.

She was alright. Didn't stand out
He's acting like a straight up ***** about it. He's also been added to my ignore list. The casting has sucked so far as has the premise of the second film. Its been touched on by many who've posted about the movie yet he keeps talking about watching some other movie that I can care less about. Like people in the TMNT thread said about April O'Neill, its not the fact that she's played by Megan Fox, its that she's being played by someone who doesn't have any of the physical characteristics of April. They understand that its a comic book movie and like the Transformers people who hated Bay, they want to remain as true to the material as possible.
You're putting way touch into the descendants, B. :lol:
She was alright. Didn't stand out

:lol: 3 things stood out in The Descendants:

1) Clooney didn't play Clooney.
2) Shaggy is somehow still alive.
3) That grown daughter is gonna be somebody.
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I still have to finish that movie. I watched most of it before I had to go to class.

I was also surprised to see Matthew Lillard in that movie and even more surprised a woman would choose him over Clooney.
People saying she's a terrible choice based solely on her appearance are making a mistake. Bottomline. That's why he keeps saying "watch this movie, she's very good". 

Is she the best choice strictly on her appearance? No, there are a lot prettier actresses. Is she talented and most likely a very smart choice based on acting ability? Yeah. Could they have found some other  actress who is "more attractive" and a good actress? Probably, but rarely are people universally satisfied with a casting decision. Most still aren't satisfied even when we get some first looks, then some aren't satisfied when we see a trailer, then they finally come around when they see the movie.

People were furious that Heath was cast as The Joker, that Hathaway was Catwoman, Lawrence in Hunger Games, and the list goes on and on. I'm not saying she's going to be some iconic, breakout performance in the movie, but she probably won't be the worst part.

If I want the most accurate representation of the comics, then I'll read the comics. If I want the best movie, then I'll make some compromises. Rarely will a movie satisfy the entire fanbase of the source material. If they can stay "true" (however you define it) and make an excellent movie, then that's awesome. But if not, then the better movie > a live action version of the comics
Ok let us get this straight, Mary Jane Watson is suppose to be a model and actress so she has to look beautiful from the get go.
I am not against acting prowess versus the characters looks, I am all for Kingsley as Mandarin because he can act even though he isn't fully "Asian" he does look Indian and that is a good compromise.
And honestly, Shailene looks good and bad in different pics but she really does look like that pretty "girl next door" instead of the alluring and stunning actress/model she was in the comics.

Now do not get me wrong, Kirsten isn't the most beautiful but she did look good in SM1. Shailene on the other hand, looked decent in the movie The Descendants but she isn't "great" looking, she really does have that average girl next door look and trust me I was never one of the AWG type of dudes but this chick just doesn't scream MJ.

And as mentioned before, they can certainly find a much more beautiful woman that can act for this role. I mean looks at Emma Stone, she can act her *** off and still look great and desirable as Gwen Stacy. Emma Stone is actually a natural red-head and could have been a perfect MJ but they wanted to get away from the Raimis Spidey origins so they went with Gwen instead. Really wish Raimi didn't cast Bryce Dallas Howard as Gwen in SM3 because she could make a good MJ now. I still stand that Karen Gillan is a great choice.

At the end of the day, this is just going to be an "I told you so" moment when this film comes out but chances are most will still be stubborn anyways and never admit defeat so it really is all moot at this point. :lol:
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You're putting way touch into the descendants, B. :lol:

She was alright. Didn't stand out

He's acting like a straight up ***** about it. He's also been added to my ignore list. The casting has sucked so far as has the premise of the second film. Its been touched on by many who've posted about the movie yet he keeps talking about watching some other movie that I can care less about. Like people in the TMNT thread said about April O'Neill, its not the fact that she's played by Megan Fox, its that she's being played by someone who doesn't have any of the physical characteristics of April. They understand that its a comic book movie and like the Transformers people who hated Bay, they want to remain as true to the material as possible.

Oh, so now you're just gonna change your whole argument?
Cuz a second ago it was about her not being hot enough.

Make up your mind.

Better yet. Who would you rather they casted?

Cuz based off how they treated the first one like a budget blockbuster, you could name on 1 hand the better actresses they could've gotten, that could play a high school girl for the next 2 or whatever movies.
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People were furious that Heath was cast as The Joker, that Hathaway was Catwoman, Lawrence in Hunger Games, and the list goes on and on. I'm not saying she's going to be some iconic, breakout performance in the movie, but she probably won't be the worst part.

If I want the most accurate representation of the comics, then I'll read the comics. If I want the best movie, then I'll make some compromises. Rarely will a movie satisfy the entire fanbase of the source material. If they can stay "true" (however you define it) and make an excellent movie, then that's awesome. But if not, then the better movie > a live action version of the comics

There has been a lot of WTF that is justified though, Topher as Brock/Venom, Affleck as Daredevil, Berry as Catwoman, Cage as Blaze/GR, Jones as Emma Frost, Kitsch as Gambit, Arnold as Mr. Freeze, Shaq as Steel, etc.. so there is reason to be worried.

You've already been on record as not liking comic movies that stick to the sources, so no offense, but I can't take your opinions for what they are when it comic flicks. You liked First Class despite it ignoring continuity and story because it looked good on screen. It wasn't a good movie and summed up everything that was wrong with Fox's handling of the series.


I think they could have casted Emma as Mary Jane and still have distanced themselves from Raimi's trilogy which was already eclipsed by the first movie imo. Regarding casting, don't get me started on January Jones as the White Queen.
You liked First Class ... It wasn't a good movie and summed up everything that was wrong with Fox's handling of the series.

Regarding casting, don't get me started on January Jones as the White Queen.

That much I can agree on. First Class is a pretty garbage X-men movie wrapped around a great little Magneto story, that should've been it's own thing.

And January Jones' acting makes Megan Fox look like Jessica Chastain out there. :smh:
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Stone is actually a natural blonde, she dyes it red. Obviously there's reason to be worried, but people just like to complain more times than not. And it's also a matter of the writers and actors in question. No one should have expected Arnold as Mr. Freeze to be great, or Cage and his overacting to be good, or Shaq as Steel.

And if the argument is her not being attractive enough not fitting with the character  of Mary Jane, then I don't really have a problem with that complaint. Of course, it's the movie's interpretation but I understand the frustration if you'd prefer her to be more attractive to be more accurate. But jhawk either changed his argument to her not being a true reflection or  he didn't express himself well, because when he's calling her a linebacker and unappealing, it's easy to assume he's complaining strictly about appearance.

jhawk, your logic is flawed. Liking First Class doesn't not mean I dislike movies that stick to the source material. If it's a matter of one or the other, I take the better movie over the one that stays true to the source material, but I'd of course prefer a movie that does both. I can still enjoy a movie and not support every single thing it does or it implies for all comic book moviesAnd if I'm being honest, if I rewatched First Class today I probably would grade it a lot harsher when I ignore Fassbender's performance.
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No one should have expected Arnold as Mr. Freeze to be great, or Cage and his overacting to be good, or Shaq as Steel.

Exactly, it was already WTF casting-wise from the get-go and it was just far worse once you see it in action but they do look like they could play the part. This is the exact same way with Chailene, except it is with her looks and no one is saying that she can't act her way out of it. And make-up and camera doesn't always make a big difference, see Gyllenhaal in TDK. See that was one casting that was just "what the hell" worthy. Role was small enough and easy enough to act that a more attractive person should have been casted, I really think Holmes was simply a much better fit there if she wasn't just wed to Scientology they could have made it work.
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Man nobody gave a **** about Anne Hathway as Catwoman as far as looks go. The problem was her actually pulling off the role, specifically in Nolan's Batman. Not her looks and after the movie came out we come to see the Catwoman in it wasn't even important and played a lesser role and really wasn't like any other Catwoman portrayals or close to the character. Hell if anything she was playing the Black Cat.

Mr. O even with The Descendants, you gonna have to deal with ppl not finding this broad attractive. I looked her up online not to judge off one no makeup pic. She's basic son.

All in all with Emma as Gwen still in this. I expect MJ to be a supporting slightly minor role unless they kill Gwen in the first 15 min. I expect this chick's role overall to be nothing to rave about, she'll just be okay cuz she's not playing a major role in it yet. This isn't a Kristen situation where she was a good enough actor and the emphasis on her wet **** where we can all ignore she's uggo in the face.

Also is it official about Giamiti as Rhino??????? I thought that was just a rumor.


I feel we can go with another example with Amy Adams as Lois Lane in Man of Steel. She's a good actor but I dunno that casting makes me feel her role in this will either come off forced to me or her role won't be that prominent or just plain fall short. She's too regular at times.
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I agree with Amy, I am still hesitant about her looks, a red head Lois just isn't typical, not the first but not typical. She can act and looks good though, not stunning or the most beautiful but that isn't really Lois' main attribute like MJ who is suppose to be an actor/model. I'd wait and see though, she is a better compromise of both ends than Shailene at this point.
Mr. O even with The Descendants, you gonna have to deal with ppl not finding this broad attractive. I looked her up online not to judge off one no makeup pic. She's basic son.

I aint saying she's a dime....or a nine...or an even really an eight. :lol:

People are going in on her looks from a no makeup spy shot after she just got her hair dyed. She's not ugly.
And she's a talented enough actress that she could own this role and make it her own.
No one's heard of Shailene, because she's literally only done 1 film.
...but she won the Indie Spirit award for it.

Far as I've seen, Amazing Spider-man is an indie high school romance with some sci-fi superhero stuff around it. She can do that.

Besides...the hell are people talking about MJ being a model?
That was old world MJ. That was Kirsten Dunst MJ.

They're doing Ultimate Spider-man. This is Ultimate MJ.
She's just a high school chick that wants to be a journalist.

And think of it like this. Amy Adams is not that good looking. But she a hell of an actress. So when she beat out Mila Kunis (who's hot as hell) for the role of Lois Lane, I was all for that. Because looks get people's attention, but you gotta do something with that once you've got it, and a better actress can do more with that attention.

I mean chick was casted like...Halloween, but suddenly one candid pic drops and it's the end of the earth.
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She looks good to me. People can label her AWG or whatever, i'm into AWG's :evil:. Not every actress is going to be jaw-dropping beautiful. The majority of them won't make you go "wow" if you see them in public anyway.
Jlaw would of been a dope MJ.
Sexy and a dope actress.
This girl just doesn't look like an adult yet. I know they in high school, but the new Peter and Gwen don't look young either :lol:
Mr. O even with The Descendants, you gonna have to deal with ppl not finding this broad attractive. I looked her up online not to judge off one no makeup pic. She's basic son.

I aint saying she's a dime....or a nine...or an even really an eight. :lol:

People are going in on her looks from a no makeup spy shot after she just got her hair dyed. She's not ugly.
And she's a talented enough actress that she could own this role and make it her own.
No one's heard of Shailene, because she's literally only done 1 film.
...but she won the Indie Spirit award for it.

Far as I've seen, Amazing Spider-man is an indie high school romance with some sci-fi superhero stuff around it. She can do that.

Besides...the hell are people talking about MJ being a model?
That was old world MJ. That was Kirsten Dunst MJ.

They're doing Ultimate Spider-man. This is Ultimate MJ.
She's just a high school chick that wants to be a journalist.

And think of it like this. Amy Adams is not that good looking. But she a hell of an actress. So when she beat out Mila Kunis (who's hot as hell) for the role of Lois Lane, I was all for that. Because looks get people's attention, but you gotta do something with that once you've got it, and a better actress can do more with that attention.

I mean chick was casted like...Halloween, but suddenly one candid pic drops and it's the end of the earth.
I didn't know the films were strictly Ult Spidey, thought it was a bit of a mix at times. If so it's w/e and I can see why they even asked her.

Raimi came with the major fail with Kristen too. That was beyond disappointing. Thing is she didn't ruin the film and they tried their hardest to make her sexy in the movie. Plus it had a heavier slant on true love and romance tragedies. They had MJ working in a damn bar cuz they knew nobody was buying that Broadway angle. So as far as I'm concerned I still haven't seen MJ on the sliver screen.

:lol: @ Mila Kunis auditioning to be Lois Lane. Hollywood can't get right at all.

To be clear I'm not fully agreeing with jhawk, the actors and actresses don't need to have the same color hair and w/e other trivial bs to portray the character right.
Jlaw would of been a dope MJ.
Sexy and a dope actress.
This girl just doesn't look like an adult yet. I know they in high school, but the new Peter and Gwen don't look young either :lol:
If that would've happened I would've just waited for the next reboot :lol: :smh:

I seen her butcher Mystique, that was enough.
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That Worlds Finest bit in link I posted got me thinking...what if we did get a Worlds Finest movie before the Justice League movie. :smh: :x
As a fan, I'd consider myself spoiled :lol:
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That Worlds Finest bit in link I posted got me thinking...what if we did get a Worlds Finest movie before the Justice League movie. :smh: :x
As a fan, I'd consider myself spoiled :lol:

I've been saying that a Worlds Finest movie is the best first move towards a JLA movie, to be honest it might be bigger than JLA itself. I would seriously throw all the money I can at Nolan and Bale to get it done though making that now will ignore Nolans trilogy and even if they state over and over again that it'll be a different universe, chances are people will still not get it. Or they'd have to do it in a way where Bale comes out of retirement, kill off or cripple JGL in the beginning of the film making room for the OG Batmans return and ensue with a Worlds Finest film.
Man, Elmayimbe and the other guys @ LatinoReview are making these studios nervous with all the bombs they've been dropping over the years.

If Nolan is able to get Bale on board, this has the potential to be pure and utter greatness. BalexCavill :smokin

you knew this was gonna happen.

bale = bucks to the casual fan and only way to take attention off star wars and marvel

they need to get:

joseph gordon levitt as robin

ryan reynolds reprising his role as green lantern

liam hemsworth as the flash

and for wonder woman...............................JANE LYNCH :rofl:
and dude there was NEVER an uglier comic book female role than maggie gyllenhaal oh lord :x

I thought she was the real two face for half the movie :smh:
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