News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

You cna only find 3? Don't want to post all the google results? And you completely ignore or did not even search about the tradition and significance of his trunks? I can easily ignore those and post my google results too, easy to do that to prove a point. :lol:

Oh and search the anger for New 52 Superman that initially removed the trunks. Not many bulge complains on that one.
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That was in the first 10 results. Whatever. :lol:

First 10 results of what search? "Man of Steel bulge"? :lol:

Search "Man of Steel Trunks" and you'll see the no trunks conplaints about his og look than the bulge. I just did it and first 3 results were about its exclusion and why they dislike it or like, not because his bulge is in your face. They talk about the "iconic" red trunks missing, keyword is iconic.
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So we each looked up what we wanted to find and found it instantly? :lol:

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying of the no baggage people with an issue who first saw that, it's something you notice and, for dudes at least, might feel is off.

Majority of people still hate the no underwear Superman suit.
I think that's one of those "dumb in principle, works in practice" kinda things. In the pictures, pause, it stands out and makes you think...the hell did they do. But in the trailers, I didn't really care/notice/have a reason to look.

We're having two different conversations.
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So we each looked up what we wanted to find and found it instantly?

We're not, you initially said most were complaining about the bulge.

What? Most people talking aren't against it cuz of tradition.

They just don't want Superbulge in their face.

I never said no one complained about the bulge but I would say most complained about the tradition and iconic red briefs missing more than the bulge. NT can be a very homophobic place (not saying you are) and really no one has mentioned that subject in the Man of Steel thread and I think that says something.

Also, my search of "Man of Steel trunks" uses general terms, your terms had a specific word "bulge" to get your point across. If the bulge problem were as big as you say, it would appear with my terms too but instead it showed the complaints based off of tradition. If I had searched "Man of Steel Trunks Tradition Complaints" then you can say that we both searched for what we needed to support our point only, but that wasn't the case.
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'Trunks' is a general term and 'bulge' isn't. Right.

So what you're saying is, I've got to be homophobic to wonder why Superman needs to have bulge coming at you now? Okay.

We're having two different conversations, because you're trying to convince me that tradition is why people are mad, not the bulge. Well, the people who are mad that the trunks are gone saw those pictures, and saw that all you were left with were awkward bare tights...with a bulge. Whatever.

I'm trying to say that regardless of your gripes, some things that that might not have won over everyone in pictures, could be perfectly fine and not even a big deal in action and this seems like one of those. Either way, I noticed it, shrugged and kept it moving when the pics first dropped.

This conversation's done, because there's obviously nothing get through to you, and this thread has had more than enough of a pointless argument, that I really have no dog in the fight.
'Trunks' is a general term and 'bulge' isn't. Right.
Bro, the whole subject is about the trunks missing so yes in that context, "trunks" is a general term. Using the "term" bulge is specific to what you are looking for, the same with the word "tradition" or "iconic". If I type in a search with those words, I'd get specific articles about tradition and iconic, the same way that you type the term bulge and you'll get specific articles for it. Using the word trunks is just any article related to his trunks and if the bulge is a big enough problem, it'll top the searches because that is what people would read more or search more. Does that make sense?

And as for the bulge, it would still be there trunks or no trunks. There were articles about Rouths junk being too big for his suit too. My simple point is there are more people mad about missing iconic red trunks than your complaint about the bulge. Simple as that.

And as for being homophobic, you are just stretiching what I said. You don't need to be but this is NT and you know anything "non-masculine" or gives of a "gay-vibe" is already a red flag. I'm just saying NT with some of their insecurities would have said something. See the "wheres the hemi" and "dudes wearing skirt" threads to see how crazy NT gets in this topics. And on that not, let's just drop it because it is not worth getting banned over.
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You guys want us to leave while you all talk super bulges?

Speaking of, O you misrememberin, when I seen stills of Anne, not one complaint. Not a one.

Was more like what you and rfx are discussin/googling.
All I looked up was "Anne Hathaway catwoman costume" and this was on the first page:

When the first official photo of Anne Hathaway in costume as Catwoman in Christopher Nolan's upcoming Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, was released in August, fans and critics were almost universally disappointed. The outfit — most of which was obscured by a giant motorcycle — hardly looked like Catwoman at all, with Hathaway merely wearing a slinky black leather body suit and goggles. When word of the lukewarm reception reached Hathaway, she told MTV News, "If you don't like the photo, you only see about a tenth of what that suit can do."

I'm not making it up, I'm just remembering what happened. :lol:

And again, I have no real stake in either point, because I know that things can look off in pictures, when they wouldn't in film, especially when people have expectations. And yeah, I've tried dropping the topic twice, he's still on it.
Made me chuckle

Anne's looked "worked" is an understatment. That ***** was lookin all sorts of right.
It worked for damn sure in the movie after everyone saw it.

I was just using it to refer to the Superman trunks thing.

The first leaked pic of Hathaway in the Batpod was an instant hit on NT iirc, and when they saw the leaked set pics with Anne riding it but from the back view, it was game over. :lol:

I remember there being "no mass, easy pass" comments like usual :lol:. She's got the body of a 12 year old boy, yadda yadda typical NT comments.
Guardians Of The Galaxy News

A lot of people probably scratched their heads when Marvel last summer that Guardians of the Galaxy would be part of its Phase Two plans, joining heavy hitters like Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: Winter Soldier and The Avengers 2.

Guardians will supposedly take place in outer space, expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe to the far reaches of the cosmos. But who will they be facing off against? Warning: Potential spoilers!

While we don’t know a whole lot about the film, Latino Review reports a pretty big rumor: The Controller will be one of the main villains, working for Thanos (who memorably made his big-screen debut in the post-credits scene of The Avengers).

Once known as Basil Sandhurst, The Controller designed a suit to give him enhanced physical abilities as well as slave discs that allow him to control the wearer while also absorbing their brain energy to make himself stronger. Controller was introduced in 1969′s Iron Man #12, and has been hassling the armored hero ever since. Eventually, Basil got an equipment upgrade thanks to Thanos, who tasked the baddie with enslaving as many people as possible in exchange for control of Earth.

So, Controller not only has a connection to Iron Man, who’s been rumored to have some kind of role in Guardians of the Galaxy, but also to Thanos. How will this play out in the James Gunn film, which stars Chris Pratt as Star-Lord, Dave Bautista as Drax and possibly Zoe Saldana as Gamora?

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Marvel is making moves. DC needs to watch and take notes.

Will the Black Panther Debut in Marvel's The Avengers 2?
by Silas Lesnick
April 09, 2013

Rumors have been swirling following a now-deleted Twitter and Facebook post on the part of actor Morris Chestnut that suggested the Kick-*** 2 star might be up for the lead in a Black Panther feature film from Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Pictures.

"It's time to get familiar with the Black Panther character!," read the deleted post.

Today, Chestnut is back on Twitter and just posted the following update:

"Not final," he writes. "#BlackPanther may be in #avengers2 first. RT @jamaal91604133: @Morris_Chestnut Can't wait to see this movie. #BlackPanther

Admittedly, Chestnut's comments are open to alternate interpretations, but it certainly sounds like the actor is up for the part and has been told that T'Challa's big screen debut could arrive with Joss Whedon's Marvel's The Avengers 2 on May 1, 2015.

Check back for further updates on The Black Panther and the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as soon as they become available.[/img]


Black Panther, very interesting. Avengers 2 is going to be loaded. Original cast, GoTG, Ant-Man and then Black Panther.... Damn! In a good way. Whedon has a lot to do.
Ms. Marvel is an old rumor from last year though. AntMan has gotten more traction and has been revealed for Phase 2. The Black Panther also seems like a solid info. Haven't heard much from MsMarvel in a while.
There's no way that Disney/Marvel could use Storm right? I mean if they went through with Black Panther...
There's no way that Disney/Marvel could use Storm right? I mean if they went through with Black Panther...

Nah, Storm is more reknown as an XMen and Fox owns everything that is related (or at least most known) in the XMen comics.
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