Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

When is Titanfall supposed to come out? First or second quarter of 2014?

My purchase of a One will almost certainly be timed around the release of that game.

I feel like it's going to be the new Halo...Microsoft better be scrambling to make that a permanent exclusive.

IMO, timed exclusive.
When is Titanfall supposed to come out? First or second quarter of 2014?

My purchase of a One will almost certainly be timed around the release of that game.

I feel like it's going to be the new Halo...Microsoft better be scrambling to make that a permanent exclusive.

April 2014

And even though I hve no desire to play magic, it did get pretty good reviews. Id like to know MS's reasoning tho. I enjoyed AC2, Crackdown and DR2, but I dont get magic

edit: heres some Ryse single player gameplay skip to 1hr 35 min

The multiplayer looks like complete garbage, but I am kinda interested in the single player
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I hope it stays exclusive then maybe some of my friends will buy a x1

The first game of the month is always trash on games for gold
Some might argue that all the games that are being offered are "trash."
PLVN, was wondering when are you going to hit up the ps4 thread and fill in for rusty? H e won't be back until Thanksgiving.
Xbox One: External Storage Not Supported at Launch
"It definitely is on the list."
by Luke Karmali SEPTEMBER 2, 2013

The Xbox One will not support external storage at launch, though it will be added later.

That's according to Microsoft's Major Nelson, who made the announcement in his latest podcast.

At around the 37 minute mark of the PAX special, he explains, "The future plan is for definitely to support external storage much like we do on the Xbox 360.

"My understanding is that feature will not be there at launch because the team is working on some other things, but it definitely is on the list. I don't know when it will come in though."

The Xbox One comes with a 500GB internal harddrive as standard that cannot be replaced, though at the console's announcement back in March it was confirmed external storage could be connected via the USB 3.0 port to use for game installs and downloads.

Are you worried that you'll blitz through the console's 500GB before the ability to use external storage is added, or are you confident Microsoft has it under control? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
‘Halo 5′ confirmed as new title, coming in 2014


When Microsoft unveiled a brand new Halo title at E3 this year, the game was simply known as “Halo”. The common thought has been that the game would be called Halo 5, but we heard rumblings that it wouldn’t and 343 Industries seemed to be rather mum regarding the name.

Today, we have confirmation that the game will in fact be called Halo 5 after the E3 trailer has been re-uploaded. The image you see above showcases the Halo 5 logo, along with the confirmation that we’ve already seen of the game launching in 2014.

The announcement comes just before the Halo Global Championship started which seems to be the best possible timing for Microsoft to mention the game. Now that the game’s title has been confirmed, although rather obvious, we expect Microsoft to begin teasing the game before the year ends.
Wil the Xbox one have a media controller like the 360?

They should, both the previous xbox gens had one so i assume they will. Plus they are really pushing that home entertainment stuff hard. Unless they want you to use kinect to change channels and all that?
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Will digitally downloaded games be able to be pre-loaded before release, so that they're simply unlocked and ready to go at 12:01am on the day of release?

MARC WHITTEN, CHIEF XBOX ONE PLATFORM ARCHITECT: Not at launch, but you’ll see us do this and much more over the life of the program.

If I sign in to Xbox Live on my Xbox One, will I also be able to sign in on the same account on my 360 at the same time? Say someone is using the Xbox One in the living room and I'm playing my 360 in my bedroom. Will I be able to use the same account?

WHITTEN: Yes this works! You’ll be able to be signed on with the same gamertag on both an Xbox 360 and an Xbox One console at the same time. However, like today, you can only be signed into one Xbox 360 and one Xbox One at a time.

Given that Rep (Reputation) will now factor into Xbox One's online matchmaking (whereas it didn't before on the Xbox 360), will everyone's Rep be reset to provide an initial playing field? Since there are new rules, shouldn't everyone be able to demonstrate themselves as good players right from the start? Or will players be penalized for past mistakes? In other words, will previous account infractions carry over to Xbox One?

WHITTEN: We will not carry over any of the 360 reputation scores into the new Xbox One reputation system. The majority of members will start fresh at the “Good” player level.

We will be working with the Xbox Live enforcement team that has identified a small subset of members that have recently had enforcement actions taken against them and set those members reputation to an initial “Needs Works” level. This will give those members a chance to prove they can participate on Live fairly, and are not automatically placed in the “Avoid Me” classification where things like SmartMatch filtering will affect them.

Will Xbox One work as a Windows Media Center Extender? For those that use a PC with TV tuner to record and watch TV, we use the 360 as an extender to stream this content to TVs. Will this continue with Xbox One?

WHITTEN: Xbox One isn’t a native Media Center Extender. We’ll continue to work to enable more ways for everyone to get the television they want over the life of the program.

Microsoft required Xbox Live Arcade games to have a demo, making it easy to test out these titles before buying. Now that "games are games are games" what can we expect from demos on Xbox One?

WHITTEN: Not all games will have demos like Xbox Live arcade games have had on Xbox 360. That said, we are going to work on lots of ways to make it easy for you to find and try new games on the service.

the xb1 comes with 500gb of space so I don't think most people will have to worry about not being able to connect their externals to it.

Yes, it's kind of lame that m$ doesn't support that right out of the gate.

But the xb1 will probably only support externals that are formatted to fat32, which makes it not that great of a media center when compared to products such as roku and the like.
I didn't report you.

Stop panicking.
Where did you get the idea that I was panicking?
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I disliked how I could only use a 16GB flash drive with my 360. Was hoping they'd open it up a bit more this gen.
Titanfall is defintely a timed exclusive, putting Kinect features won't stop it becoming multiplatform since it's already on PC.

the xb1 comes with 500gb of space so I don't think most people will have to worry about not being able to connect their externals to it.
Yes, it's kind of lame that m$ doesn't support that right out of the gate.
But the xb1 will probably only support externals that are formatted to fat32, which makes it not that great of a media center when compared to products such as roku and the like.

Where did you get the idea that I was panicking?

500GB should be enough untill they get external storage to work but by itself it will fill up overtime. I expect loads of games to be pushing 30 to 40GB since both systems are now using Blu-Rays so they can leave video and audio files uncompressed. Add in patches, updates and DLC and you might hit that limit quicker than you think.
For what?
Rustling your jimmies?
I don't think the mods will take your reports on me seriously when you've been insulting me.
You ran out of insults, so you just hit the report button.

you have been pretty negative in this thread and very anti microsoft despite this being the xbox one thread.. If enough people in this thread report you you will be banned from this thread.

so the back and forth doesnt matter. if you annoy enough people in here you will get banned from this thread.

you are lucky though because unless you reach coach hubie/doo be doo type of annoying most people do not report others.

you can bash magic all you want but free is free :lol:

whats with the M$ by the way? every company is in it for the money.... you go through all that trouble to type the $ instead of a regular s? i dont see you typing sony like $ony? :lol: come on now....
For what?
Rustling your jimmies?
I don't think the mods will take your reports on me seriously when you've been insulting me.
You ran out of insults, so you just hit the report button.
you have been pretty negative in this thread and very anti microsoft despite this being the xbox one thread.. If enough people in this thread report you you will be banned from this thread.

so the back and forth doesnt matter. if you annoy enough people in here you will get banned from this thread.

you are lucky though because unless you reach coach hubie/doo be doo type of annoying most people do not report others.

you can bash magic all you want but free is free

whats with the M$ by the way? every company is in it for the money.... you go through all that trouble to type the $ instead of a regular s? i dont see you typing sony like $ony?
come on now....
Your right, nobodys going to waste time reporting iYen for constantly putting his negative spin on everything Xbox One related.  Its his opinion and agreeing to disagree is what this forum is about.

If microsoft said they were giving us $10,000 in $100 bills with every Xbox One he'd say they were taking advantage of the us by not giving us $20 dollar bills.

I've accepted there really isn't anything that can be done to make him happy when it comes to the Xbox One but then again I could care less if he buys one.

I wish he would give the rest of us 10 feet to be positive about a purchase we're happy to make.
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