Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

UPDATED: The extent of Kinect 2's visual DRM is beginning to emerge

Kinect 2 will be able to employ certain DRM measures depending on what it observes in the living room.

That’s the conclusion suggested by a patent filed by Microsoft, and corroborated by sources talking to MCV in the weeks leading up to this week’s Xbox One reveal.

ExtremeTech reports that Microsoft has filed for a patent that allows Kinect to monitor the number of viewers in the room. It then cross-checks this with the maximum number of viewers permitted by the licence that a user agrees to when purchasing or renting content.

If it is deemed that too many people are present, the user will be prompted to pay an additional fee to upgrade the licence.

Says the filing: “The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken.”

It should be noted too that Kinect is designed to continuously observe its roommates. It also adds that the T&Cs for any particular piece of content can be determined by the copyright holder.

It’s also hard to stop yourself pondering where such a tech ideology could lead. Could Kinect block 18-rated content if it detects minors in the room? What if the owner of the content licence leaves mid-viewing?

And how much of this information is being fed back to Microsoft? And even more importantly, its affiliates?

Are content owners paying to receive information about what part of a film viewers enjoyed the most? Or whether they continued to look at the TV screen when an advertisement was aired?

Big questions lie ahead.

When contacted by MCV Microsoft said it does not comment on rumour and speculation.

UPDATE: To address the question of the age of the patent. Yes, the patent is old. But we have been told by UK industry sources within the last month that this system will be implemented on Xbox One.

UPDATE 2: Microsoft has now issued MCV with the following comment: "Microsoft regularly applies for and receives patents as part of its business practice; not all patents applied for or received will be incorporated into a Microsoft product.

I just can't see this happening, even with all what we've heard so far but if this is implemented I'll be speechless
You're sure that the majority of minority gamers don't use Xbox live?

Where did you come up with that baseless concept?
based of common sense and facts...if 6 outta 10 minorities dont even have exactly would alot of them be using xbox live? I seriously doubt they are tethering there phone to play xbox live. Then you have to account how many of that 4 outta 10 have a xbox and actually use xbox live. I doubt the 4 outta 10 all have an xbox and all play xbox live. While true asian etc...are a minority to if you add them being 8 outta 10 (i think its 82%) homes have internet access and the almost 9 outta 10 whites (believe its 89%) that have internet access. Plus whites and asians combined in terms of population is easily 2X more then blacks/spanish/others....

Xbox said they have what about 40 something million us xbox live users....Based on the stats of homes with internet access... and just population facts, its pretty clear a vast majority of the 40 million is whites followed by asians...and in a small fraction is everyone else.

If for example 4 outta 10 black homes have internet.(actually 44% if you wanna be technical).its pretty safe to say 3 outta that 4 dont have a xbox and are on xbox live.... even if it was half, it still would be a small fraction in the big picture seeing as they are overwhelmingly a smaller portion of the us, when being compared to whites and asians combined.

And to be honest i dont see a huge rise in minorities obtaining home internet because of a video game system that requires internet access once every 24 hrs. And thats not even taking into accoutnt ppl who do have it but have slower basic internet speed due to location, what they can afford, or that they may not see the need to upgrade to the higher dsl/cable speeds. 
also there are around 75 mill xbox's sold and 46 mill xbox live users. So thats about 61% of users already have an internet connection. So honestly, I think that always on issue is not as important as people think. Of that remaining 40%, how many of them have internet access and just dont use live versus, people who dont have access at all?

and as for the guy stuck on minorities being left out, a $500 or so box probably shouldnt be somebody's main focus if they dont even have internet access in 2013
but lets not act like it doesnt Um im pretty sure plenty of minorities own/owned a 360/ps3. And like someone else said i dont believe majority of the xbox live subscribers are multiple accounts, or ppl who have it and never use it...but i do think it accounts for a good amount.

Even if you through all that aside, the whole premise of paying a fee just to play a game that you paid for is ridiculous. I hear ppl saying/comparing it to like parks in which you pay taxes and then you have to pay to enter said park...ive heard ppl say its like cable you pay for the cable and then have to pay for pay per view.

But in no shape/form is it similar. You are essential paying to have access to something you paid to have access to. I mean i said it earlier...and many others know wassup, this is ms lame attempt to try to stop the whole soft-modding/flashing/jtagging. The big thing that made it so successful was that there wasnt a mandatory online verification of game authenticity, and you could work around it by simply not getting online or using xbox live. You was also able to transfer and save games (pirated ones) on another system and run it.

This is the only reason they are making this move. And while i dont knock them for trying to eliminate free gaming, its they method in which they are doing it i think many ppl have an issue with. Cause one im for certain hackers will exploit it and thus ultimate failure. Two they are basically exploited the ppl who dont flash/jtag charging them to play used games, not allowing them to trade exchange games with friends, driving up the cost of used games by adding a huge luxury tax ala fee to pay used games. And also denying ppl who dont have internet access.

So in essense they are doing this as a means to deter pirating, and system hacks and mods, in which they will fail and fail miserable. It also shows how lazy they are as far as building the system...rather then spend time engineering a system that will be difficult to hack...and rather then double checking and closing up exploits, they said hell with it we will focus on entertainment etc...other things that have nothing to do with gaming, and we will just make up the difference in losses due to eventually pirating by double charging the ppl who dont pirate, by charging them to play used games..and (which this is my opinion) raise the cost of xbox live. And other little fees,charges surcharges they will come up with and slick talk justify.
Some unannounced features that will be in XB1...
Xbox One's ability to speak will allow it to function more like the iPhone's Siri, according to Microsoft officials who presented the feature. The voice may not be available at the console's launch, but if it isn't it will be added in a post launch patch within the first few months.
The Xbox One will also feature the ability to Skype a friend to ask them for help on a game and then allow them to take over gameplay. The feature is designed to allow players to help one another get through sections of a game when they're stuck
Sony announced the same BS feature. I get asking where a bosses weak point is but letting some one beat it for you? :smh: pathetic

Both companies must be tracking peoples game progress to even think something like this was needed

There were stats going on awhile back about the percentage of people not finishing games and seeing all the content... heard it was high as hell
Lettuce be cereal. Who cares about who "wins" the console wars? Just buy the damb console that perfectly suits you. I got the ps3 on release date after coming from an Xbox cuz it had bluray and I liked the kind of games that were made for playstations in the past (metal gear solid, parappa the rapper, god of war, final fantasy when they were also exclusive to Sony)

Now I'll do the same, I like the God of War series, uncharted, and MLB the show. Not too interested in FPS. Not saying that you're an idiot for getting the Wii-U. If you like Mario, SSB, Zelda then that's you. Not saying you're an idiot for getting the X1, if you like the all in one entertainment aspect of it.

IDC if the ps4 sells 100 consoles and the X1 sells a billion after 10 years. If I enjoyed the time I had with the ps4 then I WON. And that's all that should matter.
Lettuce be cereal. Who cares about who "wins" the console wars? Just buy the damb console that perfectly suits you. I got the ps3 on release date after coming from an Xbox cuz it had bluray and I liked the kind of games that were made for playstations in the past (metal gear solid, parappa the rapper, god of war, final fantasy when they were also exclusive to Sony)

Now I'll do the same, I like the God of War series, uncharted, and MLB the show. Not too interested in FPS. Not saying that you're an idiot for getting the Wii-U. If you like Mario, SSB, Zelda then that's you. Not saying you're an idiot for getting the X1, if you like the all in one entertainment aspect of it.

IDC if the ps4 sells 100 consoles and the X1 sells a billion after 10 years. If I enjoyed the time I had with the ps4 then I WON. And that's all that should matter.

This man has the right idea. There is no right or wrong and both companies consoles aren't going anywhere, at least not in this next generation. So buy what fits your lifestyle and needs.
No one makes their purchasing decision based on who won console war.

It's all personal preference or just sticking what your used too.
I'm going to have to disagree with PS/Xbox being a limited menu. Yes the cods fifa battlefield are the most popular, they are the ones that light up the sales charts but there is plenty of variety from on PSN and XBLA from indies and in Sony's case their first party studios also.

Third party games dried up for the wii a long time ago. Even Nintendo dropped support of it quite early but I guess the jump from SD to HD will do that to you

I believe M$ is abandoning Indie Games with the X-Box One They won't allow indie devs to self publish anymore and all the devs are voicing their displeasure with the news.

Indies could never self-publish on Microsoft. They've always had to go through XBox to have their games released.
based of common sense and facts...if 6 outta 10 minorities dont even have exactly would alot of them be using xbox live? I seriously doubt they are tethering there phone to play xbox live. Then you have to account how many of that 4 outta 10 have a xbox and actually use xbox live. I doubt the 4 outta 10 all have an xbox and all play xbox live. While true asian etc...are a minority to if you add them being 8 outta 10 (i think its 82%) homes have internet access and the almost 9 outta 10 whites (believe its 89%) that have internet access. Plus whites and asians combined in terms of population is easily 2X more then blacks/spanish/others....

Xbox said they have what about 40 something million us xbox live users....Based on the stats of homes with internet access... and just population facts, its pretty clear a vast majority of the 40 million is whites followed by asians...and in a small fraction is everyone else.

If for example 4 outta 10 black homes have internet.(actually 44% if you wanna be technical).its pretty safe to say 3 outta that 4 dont have a xbox and are on xbox live.... even if it was half, it still would be a small fraction in the big picture seeing as they are overwhelmingly a smaller portion of the us, when being compared to whites and asians combined.

And to be honest i dont see a huge rise in minorities obtaining home internet because of a video game system that requires internet access once every 24 hrs. And thats not even taking into accoutnt ppl who do have it but have slower basic internet speed due to location, what they can afford, or that they may not see the need to upgrade to the higher dsl/cable speeds. 


I thought you meant the majority of minority gamers...not minorities as a whole.
Word. Is it actual Xbox fans that are trashing it or PS fans disguised as Xbox fans trashing it?

10,000+ gamer points. :lol:

The XBone sounds kinda crappy in comparison to PS4 at this point.

I do have Sony bias, but I also go where the games are.
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Word. Is it actual Xbox fans that are trashing it or PS fans disguised as Xbox fans trashing it?

10,000+ gamer points. :lol:

The XBone sounds kinda crappy in comparison to PS4 at this point.

I do have Sony bias, but I also go where the games are.

lol.. I've always been pro Sony as well but I had to admit how dope Xbox Live was as well as the Kinect. This Xbox One is looking more like a TV player than a gaming console to me.
Can someone explain this DSR crap? What is it, why is it so bad. Sorry not too tech savvy. :nerd:

Do you mean DRM?

Digital rights management (DRM) is a class of controversial technologies[1] that are used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders, and individuals with the intent to control the use of digital content and devices after sale,[1][2][3] there are however many competing definitions.[4] With First-generation DRM software, the intent is to control copying while Second-generation DRM schemes seek to control viewing, copying, printing, and altering of works or devices. The term is also sometimes referred to as copy protection, copy prevention, and copy control, although the correctness of doing so is disputed.

It's meant to curtail piracy, but more often dampers the experience of legit users. Publishers like to point to "lost sales" figures as reason for implementing DRM, but it assumes that every pirate would buy a legit copy of the game if they couldn't pirate it, which probably isn't the case. There's next to no benefit to legit users. They don't own the games, they own the right to play the games.

SimCity Burning: A Warning to Microsoft, Sony, and All Publishers on The Dangers of Always-Online DRM Says Diablo 3's DRM Is A Danger To Gaming History

'Diablo III' Fans Should Stay Angry About Always-Online DRM
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I saw this and lol'd
[QUOTE url="[URL][/URL]"]
Xbox One you sign in to; stable, dedicated servers for every multiplayer game rather than the notoriously fragile practice of hosting matches on one participant’s console; even multiplayer matches that can grow to 64, even 128 participants, rather than the usual limit of 16 or 32.


Hell yeah... they know Xbox Live can make or break them.

Once they said the 300K servers thing I was like oh ****.

I think they know exactly what they're doing and I believe it's in a good direction.

Only thing is the X1 has all this thing in being an all in one and before the PS3 dropped it was sort of being touted as the same, but if they would have released a dumbed down version of the PS3 for like $299 with all the extra all in one stuff it would have helped on the price point and I think the X1 is going to be expensive due to all of these things that some may or may not find useful. They should release a regular version that will not be so expensive at launch and have the higher end versions their also if people want all the extra stuff.
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