Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

Saying u spent two hours on PS2 is your fault not the system. Go buy onimusha and dark cloud
Now this is interesting:

Remember SuperDaE? He’s the guy who tried to sell two next-generation Xbox development kits on eBay, and subsequently earned himself a search and seizure visit from the FBI and the WA Police. As he awaits what he suspects will be a visit from the Police to arrest him today, SuperDaE has set up a deadman’s switch inside his FTP server to leak every dirty secret he has collected over the years.

After spending months in legal limbo, Henry now expects to be charged today.

The concept is simple really: if he doesn’t log into his FTP server come Monday night (WA time), the IP address, username and password get tweeted from his account. Those details will give people read-only access to all of his key files.

We’ve been given a peek inside the FTP server right now, and there are juicy files in there. We don’t know the file contents, but if SuperDaE has what they say he has — that is, information about the next Xbox that Microsoft doesn’t want to get leaked (among other things) — it’s going to be a real fireworks display.
Now this is interesting:

Remember SuperDaE? He’s the guy who tried to sell two next-generation Xbox development kits on eBay, and subsequently earned himself a search and seizure visit from the FBI and the WA Police. As he awaits what he suspects will be a visit from the Police to arrest him today, SuperDaE has set up a deadman’s switch inside his FTP server to leak every dirty secret he has collected over the years.

After spending months in legal limbo, Henry now expects to be charged today.

The concept is simple really: if he doesn’t log into his FTP server come Monday night (WA time), the IP address, username and password get tweeted from his account. Those details will give people read-only access to all of his key files.

We’ve been given a peek inside the FTP server right now, and there are juicy files in there. We don’t know the file contents, but if SuperDaE has what they say he has — that is, information about the next Xbox that Microsoft doesn’t want to get leaked (among other things) — it’s going to be a real fireworks display.


*shots fired*
Saying u spent two hours on PS2 is your fault not the system. Go buy onimusha and dark cloud

I know and I'm not blaming the ps2. I am trying to make a point that it is not only sony fanboys that are hating on this xbox one atrocity.
Look, I'll do my best to hold off of getting this on launch to avoid bugs and to "boycott the entertainment center aspect" but once they announce the next Halo for that stupid Comcast Cable box, I'm taking my Xbox fanboy self to the closest Best Buy and buying the first one they hand me. Sorry bros can't do it.
Look, I'll do my best to hold off of getting this on launch to avoid bugs and to "boycott the entertainment center aspect" but once they announce the next Halo for that stupid Comcast Cable box, I'm taking my Xbox fanboy self to the closest Best Buy and buying the first one they hand me. Sorry bros can't do it.
halo all day
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Look, I'll do my best to hold off of getting this on launch to avoid bugs and to "boycott the entertainment center aspect" but once they announce the next Halo for that stupid Comcast Cable box, I'm taking my Xbox fanboy self to the closest Best Buy and buying the first one they hand me. Sorry bros can't do it.
halo all day

The next Halo is Destiny though, and it's releasing on PS4 as well this time. Halo is just a name now and 4 ended up being a disappointment.
Microsoft Responds to Xbox One Rumors, via Forbs

Microsoft has issued a statement calling recent rumors and reports of used games restrictions for the Xbox One “inaccurate and incomplete.”

“The ability to trade in and resell games is important to gamers and to Xbox,” the company said. “Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games. Reports about our policies for trade in and resale are inaccurate and incomplete. We will disclose more information in the near future.”

The problem here is in Microsoft’s failure to communicate clearly and in a timely fashion. The reason such rumors and reports have surfaced—incomplete though they may be—is that Microsoft has not done a good job conveying a simple and straightforward message to its consumers and the gaming press.

Hopefully we do get more information in the near future, because as it stands we are left piecing through the rubble.

If Microsoft does end up taking a cut of used game sales (or licenses, rather) I think we’ll be in for a short-term disaster and a long-term gain.

Ultimately, the end of retail-based physical copies of games will be a net gain for consumers, as prices will be able to come down and competition should, theoretically, drive prices down. But in the meantime, if buying and selling used games is made more difficult or more expensive, consumers will likely feel the pain in their wallets.

Technology-driven industry sea changes are often painful, however, so I maintain a broadly optimistic outlook regardless.

Either way, it’s time we had clear answers from both Microsoft and Sony on how used games will be handled in the next generation. Hopefully by E3 we will have a clearer picture.

Update: I failed to note that much of the speculation surrounding used games and the Xbox One has been derived from statements made by Microsoft employees and/or sources close to the Xbox One, so this isn’t simply base speculation we’re talking about, but rather an “incomplete” picture based on both what Microsoft has said and has failed to say. I intended to say as much with the original post, but apparently that did not come across as clearly as I intended.

Even when they be sayin something, they still dont be sayin nothing.
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Now that MS deaded that rumor I wonder what BS rumor Sony fanboys create next.
Not really they didnt even address it or say definitively anything...they basically said a whole lot of nothing....coupled with the fact the had a 1hr and 30 minute press conference about the latest video game system in which they spent less the 15 minutes talking about video games, they being m$ brought this own themselves. If they wouldve put video games in the forfront. and address all these questions and rumors, rumors btw that have been circulating for the past few years. Especially the used game rumors etc... That should have been one of their key focal points. but instead they addressed comcast/netflix/hulu and voice activated control and windows 8 gui, and new updated servers.

It isnt about some so called ever that is. Its about rumors/speculations that have been going on for a few years, m$ ignoring and dodging and indirectly addressing them, yet mad because ppl believe the rumors and discount them because of said rumors. Best way to end a rumor is present facts proof about said rumors...not oh im not gonna address or duck and dodge and give a baseless p.r. response. Or divert attention to something else, which they did in their "reveal" of a new video game system.
Yes, did you even read the article?
“The ability to trade in and resell games is important to gamers and to Xbox,” the company said. “Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games. Reports about our policies for trade in and resale are inaccurate and incomplete. We will disclose more information in the near future.”

Thats not answering the question. Thats just an open ended statement. The first sentence is just stating an obvious fact. The second doesnt specify which reports/rumors are inaccurate, nor does it state which are imcomplete (meaning some of the reports/rumors are true...just that they dont have the entire full details) And the last says we arent going to be forthcomming and honest and give a straightfoward direct answer.

Instead we hope the microwave mentality of most ppl today, forgets all about it, and it gets overlooked by the whole "entertainment" agenda we keep pushing.
THAT'S deading a rumor? Ohhhhh okay.
Yes, did you even read the article?
I've went to 3 sources about ms claiming to dead rumors about the xbox.

One source was an article with a microsoft rep.

Another was a video where adam sessler interviewed some ms rep.

And the third was the one that I read from this thread.

They all said they same ....

"these rumors are incomplete and we'll tell you more in the future."


All that says to me is that there's some truth to the rumors.

ms will tell you that their system doesn't support bc, but won't tell you if the rumors about used games are true.

Seems fishy.
Look, I'll do my best to hold off of getting this on launch to avoid bugs and to "boycott the entertainment center aspect" but once they announce the next Halo for that stupid Comcast Cable box, I'm taking my Xbox fanboy self to the closest Best Buy and buying the first one they hand me. Sorry bros can't do it.
halo all day

The next Halo is Destiny though, and it's releasing on PS4 as well this time. Halo is just a name now and 4 ended up being a disappointment.
From what I know about that game it's an MMO and i will not enjoy that. As much as I would have liked to see BTB in halo go past 8v8 that's the limit. Having more than 32 people on a map at a time is annoying.
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