Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

Wii won. No argument.
360 and PS3 sales are almost identical. 360 has no where close to a 30 million lead over ps3 lol

I was saying Wii has about a 20+M lead on both, where as the last 2 generations the lead ended up being like 70-80M units. It was a lot closer this time around, where as before it was one leader way way ahead of the rest.
not xbox i was saying i thought wii lead over ps3 was closer to 30 million. I dont know if it will be as large of a margin this time the end. But i do believe at one point in this new generation the wiiu will have a large margin over the other two. I also think if the whole concept xbox one is using does well, wiiu will somewhat copy/add some of those same features to wiiu.

My thing is how will motion sensor play into both the wiiu and the xbox one in terms of gaming. Especially when you consider fps... cause lets be honest game systems have always been far behind in terms of percision and realism to that of the pc. I think the use of motion could get it as close to or even better then using the mouse. Also it would add a new aspect to gaming with games like fight night, pga tour golf, skating/skateboard games etc. I think its while seemingly gimmicky, could be used to enhanced gaming.

I predict next year wiiu will drop prices especially on the basic model, and/or a major headlining game bundle pack. Plus the flagship games will be out ala mario kart, zelda, maybe a new starfox...or (crosses fingers a killer instinct). And that will boost sales tremendously. Plus with being out for awhile ppl can get used games etc...

obviously the cost of both systems and games play a huge part, but i can easily see these systems no cheaper then midlevel 400 to possibly 600 or so, while the wiiu might drop to like 250.
not xbox i was saying i thought wii lead over ps3 was closer to 30 million. I dont know if it will be as large of a margin this time the end. But i do believe at one point in this new generation the wiiu will have a large margin over the other two. I also think if the whole concept xbox one is using does well, wiiu will somewhat copy/add some of those same features to wiiu.

My thing is how will motion sensor play into both the wiiu and the xbox one in terms of gaming. Especially when you consider fps... cause lets be honest game systems have always been far behind in terms of percision and realism to that of the pc. I think the use of motion could get it as close to or even better then using the mouse. Also it would add a new aspect to gaming with games like fight night, pga tour golf, skating/skateboard games etc. I think its while seemingly gimmicky, could be used to enhanced gaming.

I predict next year wiiu will drop prices especially on the basic model, and/or a major headlining game bundle pack. Plus the flagship games will be out ala mario kart, zelda, maybe a new starfox...or (crosses fingers a killer instinct). And that will boost sales tremendously. Plus with being out for awhile ppl can get used games etc...

obviously the cost of both systems and games play a huge part, but i can easily see these systems no cheaper then midlevel 400 to possibly 600 or so, while the wiiu might drop to like 250.

last gen was just a battle that wii won. But they def takin a L now cus they tablet system aint innovative enough to draw attention away from sony n ms this time around
nintendo gonna be alright.  them bombs gonna drop soon and everyone will buy a wii-u (me included) to play them.  their first party titles are just like that.  
last time i looked up you had to sign in with your profile to play your used games is this still true

looks like it chief.  gotta log in with the account that first put the disc in or accounts that have been approved for your home console like a bro or a sis username.  

They have to remove this asap release is still months away stuff like this makes me want to give my money to sony
last time i looked up you had to sign in with your profile to play your used games is this still true
looks like it chief.  gotta log in with the account that first put the disc in or accounts that have been approved for your home console like a bro or a sis username.  
They have to remove this asap release is still months away stuff like this makes me want to give my money to sony
remove it...
last time i looked up you had to sign in with your profile to play your used games is this still true

looks like it chief.  gotta log in with the account that first put the disc in or accounts that have been approved for your home console like a bro or a sis username.  

They have to remove this asap release is still months away stuff like this makes me want to give my money to sony
remove it...


They have to know they will lose many of their sales on this path

Honestly they are shooing themselves in the foot
Im in the camp at this point that Microsoft is too smart a company to be following through with all of these claims. Sure, a few will go through, but the have to be seeing this outcry.
Im in the camp at this point that Microsoft is too smart a company to be following through with all of these claims. Sure, a few will go through, but the have to be seeing this outcry.
you would think that but the rumors came out months ago and nothings changed

the people in charge dont exactly have your interests as a gamer in mind, you saw their presenters and got the message
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you would think that but the rumors came out months ago and nothings changed

the people in charge dont exactly have your interests as a gamer in mind, you saw their presenters and got the message
Thing was the rumors came out and people were like "there's no way this or that is true". And when they finally straight up tell us it is true, even with the months or rumors we still can't believe it. lol

Its double edged sword really. It pisses up your customers, but it is makes developers happy that they don't miss out on $. I do think Sony said that option might be there as well to block used games, but that would be up to game developers to do it or not, not Sony, and even that is still just a maybe.
Regarding the Used Games thing, I don't think they plan on charging you Full Price $60 when you buy a used game. I predict that it would be $10-$15, which is $10-$15 more than anyone should pay, but is much less than $60.

And I would think that when you want to sell your Used game to Ebgames, you have to disassociate your Xbox Live account from it, then a new buyer pays Ebgames the Used price $15 whatever it may be, then when they go home to activate, they pay the $10 "fee".

But this still completely destroys borrowing games from your friends, Blockbuster, Redbox, and Gamefly. :smh:

They haven't come out and said how they are going to charge for used games but I think it had more to do with the fact that you don't have to have a disk in the console to play a game anymore so they don't want a group of friends to pay for one game and basically give it away for free.

They've already said that you can go to a friends house and play a game you own for free as long as your signed into your profile. I'm assuming its going to be the way they handle games bought on the 360 now. The console that you buy the game on has rights to the game forever meaning anybody regardless of profile can play the game on that console but you can only play that same game on another console if your signed into the profile that owns the game.
They haven't come out and said how they are going to charge for used games but I think it had more to do with the fact that you don't have to have a disk in the console to play a game anymore so they don't want a group of friends to pay for one game and basically give it away for free.

They've already said that you can go to a friends house and play a game you own for free as long as your signed into your profile. I'm assuming its going to be the way they handle games bought on the 360 now. The console that you buy the game on has rights to the game forever meaning anybody regardless of profile can play the game on that console but you can only play that same game on another console if your signed into the profile that owns the game.
yea but how would that all translate as far as 1. renting games.... 2. playing a game at a friends house who doesnt have internet for you to sign in 3. if you (yourself) is in a area where there isnt internet.
yea but how would that all translate as far as 1. renting games.... 2. playing a game at a friends house who doesnt have internet for you to sign in 3. if you (yourself) is in a area where there isnt internet.
First point, I guess eventually they can release rental only versions of games like they do with dvds. Other two points, is you shouldn't get X1 without internet access, because it is going to require it daily.
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