NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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I'm liking the Eagles chances this year.
hmmm...seems like ive heard this somewhere the past!

lol..all dream team jokes aside tho, i think the eagles are gonna beast this year...JUST MY THOUGHTS DONT KILL ME!  i think the east is gonna come down to the Boys and the eagles, i see NYG taking a backseat this year...

the days of Eli closing his eyes and just throwing it are the giants D-LINE is so so sincere so if theyre all balling out, u cant count Eli's lucky tale out...sadly...

Nd MMG, the Texans straight hit a lick last year with JJ Watt, and Jonathan Joseph...instantly made that defense respectable(Wade Phillips is known for improving defenses IMMEDIATELY)  but lets not kid ourselves and act like you guys win the division last year if #18 was way in hell yall come close to winning that if peyton is around...lets be
Houston making moves, getting better and now everyone wants to talk about #18 your right, him not being there made our defense ball out years year, his 2 games missing from the schd is the sole reason we won the division and won our playoff game :rolleyes

Its ok though, people picking cowboys / eagles to win the division, go to the playoffs, etc..... you know what that means, they going to underachieve / blow it as they do every year, and how can you guys totally dismiss the giants? :lol: they just won the superbowl and i dont see any major holes on that roster?
same story, giants suck majority of the year..JPP starts balling out(strahan previously) and the rest of the oline rallies, they start balling out...Eli rode that wave to the bowl, and gets all the credit for it(again)..

am i a bitter boys fan??? maybe..but ill be the first to admit that they friggin OWN US! period..stepped on our throats on the way to the bowl not once...but twice...real recognize real..

but to say they have no flaws, is silly...they stumbled into the playoffs last year...just so happened miles austin couldnt catch a ball "in the lights" and im sure kyle williams got his super bowl ring for drops that wide open pass in the playoffs...

and that pass to manningham down the sideline during the super bowl beatung that cover 2, PERFECT THROW.  but anyone who watched more than 4 giants games last year(including giants fans) will tell u that eli forces more balls and throws more balls up for grabs than any 'big time' qb... the NFL denard robinson...

nd MMG were not saying those two head to head matches against indy would of sealed yalls saying #18s track record of putting up AT LEAST ten wins in EVERY season but his rookie season shows alot to his talent level, and i doubt that woulda stopped last year if it wasnt for some bad nerves...

If anything is a lock in sports its that a healthy Peyton Manning is gonna win ten games, make the playoffs, and DOMINATE the afc south...doubt things woulda changed last year...
Dallas over the defending SB champ Giants to possibly win the division?!?! No way Jose. Garrett has yet to prove he can manage a game thoroughly & Romo is Romo. He's more interested in R&R & trying to make the PGA then be an elite playoff QB. Plus, it's Jerry Jones. C'mon now..Cowboys...Lulz....Iggles have tons of talent on both sides of the ball but talent only gets you so far....That division should be tough though...
If I remember correctly, the Lions and Bears play week 17, I think that game will predict who makes the wildcard.
same story, giants suck majority of the year..JPP starts balling out(strahan previously) and the rest of the oline rallies, they start balling out...Eli rode that wave to the bowl, and gets all the credit for it(again)..

am i a bitter boys fan??? maybe..but ill be the first to admit that they friggin OWN US! period..stepped on our throats on the way to the bowl not once...but twice...real recognize real..

but to say they have no flaws, is silly...they stumbled into the playoffs last year...just so happened miles austin couldnt catch a ball "in the lights" and im sure kyle williams got his super bowl ring for drops that wide open pass in the playoffs...

and that pass to manningham down the sideline during the super bowl beatung that cover 2, PERFECT THROW.  but anyone who watched more than 4 giants games last year(including giants fans) will tell u that eli forces more balls and throws more balls up for grabs than any 'big time' qb... the NFL denard robinson...

nd MMG were not saying those two head to head matches against indy would of sealed yalls saying #18s track record of putting up AT LEAST ten wins in EVERY season but his rookie season shows alot to his talent level, and i doubt that woulda stopped last year if it wasnt for some bad nerves...

If anything is a lock in sports its that a healthy Peyton Manning is gonna win ten games, make the playoffs, and DOMINATE the afc south...doubt things woulda changed last year...:rolleyes

Giants fan checking in so I'll try to keep my bias to a minumum. Eli really turned it around last year and was our most consistent player throughout the season. Not to mention our non existent running game and revolving door at center and left tackle due to injriues. The beating he took in the NFC champ game against the 9'ers D was no joke.
psk2310  and ChillBroSwaggin

go to and compare elis numbers to romos numbers...romo is better statistically in every category...and this is Elis BEST season, and an AVERAGE one for Romo..Romo puts up banging numbers every year, improving every year,yet cats are quick to say romo is romo...

its a negative perception, and ill admit, he wont shake it until he wins one..

numbers dont lie tho, in elis best season, he wasnt as efficient as romo during another mundane year for him...nvm, that Tony Romo held a lead in the majority of the games we lost late in the fourth that the defense let get away...nvm, that other than the eagles game, the other 7 losses were by a td or less(4 by 4 points or less)..that shows me that hes doing his job, getting us down the field in the fourth..its not his fault that the defense let countless qb's march right back nd win the

but cats so stuck on the fact he goes on vacation, or plays golf that theyre quick to say hes not focused on THESE DUDES GO ON VACATION AND PLAY OTHER SPORTS IN THE OFFSEASON! just how it is...

now, ill admit, u got me on the Jason Garrett thing...Horrible horrible coaching decisions sometimes last year, specifically the New England and the Arizona game that cost us wins...

but football is a team game, and since his metaphorical rookie season, romo has won us alot mor games than he's lost...the defense let us down time and time last year..i mean, romo gave us the lead in the first giants game and eli literally just threw to terrance newman time after time after time to go get the win...ROMO gave us the lead with under 5 minutes, but its his fault we loss right?

negative perception on my mans....if he wasnt the cowboys qb no one would care or even know when he golfs, who he dates, where he vacations...but that  comes with the territory..sad that the man was the 4th best qb last year statistically, and he gets no love because of a negative perception..


Numbers dont lie but sometimes they dont matter .

Eli >>>>>>>>> Romo . Thats not perception, its reality.

2 SB rings > "banging numbers"

Romo is the 3rd best QB in the East after Eli and Vick.
^^cant argue that..2 rings are two rings either way u cut em...

the team aspect matters more in football than any other sport tho...cant discredit JPP,Strahan,Osi,Kawakanuka,etc...theyre as much if not more responsible for those rings as eli..eli got em, tone dont...cant front
So what if I say if Schaub was healthy the Texans probably win 12 games and a good chance they go to the Super Bowl? Those "ifs" drive the discussion nowhere, the Colts had real issues last year. Their was no way to know they were a lock within the division.
why do teams put players on the PUP list?? why cant they just not put them on the list, and not have them practice??? what are the benefits of putting a player on a PUP list...because players on the list still count against the 90 man roster
While you some great points VA757VA, statistics don't win games & the bottom line is Romo has a 1-3 record in the playoffs. I will say he came along last year & most of the blame can be put on Garrett & the Dallas secondary.

But look at Brady, after 3 rings he's still putting in work in the off season on his mechanics etc (RIP Tom Martinez) or Rothlisberger working with George Whitefield when he got suspended (& still works with). All the good QBs put in work & you never see that with Romo.

To me, this is the best of what you'll see with that team but I hope he proves me wrong....
the reason romo has that perception is because he does dumb **** all the time.

dude your first taste of romo was him fumbling a snap :lol:

romo can go 19-20 in a game, 3 TDs and on the last drive he'll throw a pick into double coverage, basically a play where he had no buisness putting that ball where he put it.

thats the perception of romo, he'll make a big play, and then give one right back.
Where Eli is the opposite, he can play awful all game but if the Giants need a score you EXPECT him to have a clutch drive and he seems to deliver when asked. I do think Romo gets unfair amount of criticism though
Where Eli is the opposite, he can play awful all game but if the Giants need a score you EXPECT him to have a clutch drive and he seems to deliver when asked. I do think Romo gets unfair amount of criticism though

i agree with that much on Eli, hell have a **** game, throw pics, look terrible, but hell have a great 4th drive / throw come back.

Romo gets that criticism cause he plays for "Americas team" :rolleyes and every year people are picking them to go to the superbowl :lol:
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