NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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He has all the weapons now. Used to be Olsen, Knox, Hester, and Bennett. With Marshall and Jeffery to go with Forte and M. Bush in the backfield. No excuses. Bears should be making a deep playoff run. Urlacher knows it, playing through painful injury like a reckless man with nothing to lose.
Exactly. Feeling out here is Super Bowl or Bust. And I know that's the feeling with Urlacher with this Defense man stars getting up there in age...

I expect Peppers to beast tonight... I see Cutler & Forte specifically cooking out there tonight 
Wow, this story from Thomas Lake on is crazy. It's on former Panther's Rae Carruth's son now 12 years old. If anyone remembers, Carruth tried to hire someone to beat up his pregnant girl to cause a miscarriage. When that failed, he tried killing them both. The girl died, but her son was born with cerebral palsy as a result of loss of oxygen to his brain while in the womb when his mother was murdered.
• Rae Carruth's brazen attempt to gain legal custody of the boy he tried to kill
What a scumbag

Son is a spitting image of Rae

******** have a proud and storied franchise. Fans have much to celebrate even though recently they have had struggles. To dismiss due to recent failures is a bit simple in my opinion

Currently the Texans have 1 div championship in 10 years. Very solid team now and bright future but for now that's all they have. Patience and humility in here go a long way for people to 'respect' your opinions

Division t shirts shouldn't even be produced.
******** have a proud and storied franchise. Fans have much to celebrate even though recently they have had struggles. To dismiss due to recent failures is a bit simple in my opinion
Currently the Texans have 1 div championship in 10 years. Very solid team now and bright future but for now that's all they have. Patience and humility in here go a long way for people to 'respect' your opinions
Division t shirts shouldn't even be produced.

Excellent response champ. You addressed everything except for field day participation ribbons though, other than that it looks good to me.
******** have a proud and storied franchise. Fans have much to celebrate even though recently they have had struggles. To dismiss due to recent failures is a bit simple in my opinion
Currently the Texans have 1 div championship in 10 years. Very solid team now and bright future but for now that's all they have. Patience and humility in here go a long way for people to 'respect' your opinions
Division t shirts shouldn't even be produced.

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"What have you done lately?" vs "We have a long history"


I'm saying :lol:

Texans have the tools to make it to the Super Bowl , does that mean we're going 19-0 and winning it? Nope we have to stay healthy and make sure offensive line troubles don't bite us.

I'm realistic in my expectations of my team and have been patient for the last 10 years for them to make the turn from doormat to contender.

But the same way everyone says Houston has to stay healthy, we can't say what's wrong with everyone else's team? And im the first one to say my teams faults I'm just being honest.

RG3 had a great GAME against a team that issues from HC to Defense, and all of the sudden he's a Franchise Player with Division winning ways, let's relax.

And if my avy bothers you that much :lol: sorry :lol: if you want DoubleJs we'll photoshop you one, Dmx your team got pushed around last year by us, Deuce see you in the SB.
"What have you done lately?" vs "We have a long history"
Y'all haven't done anything lately. A division title? ******** fans don't brag about division titles. Their history easily trumps your sole division title, bro.
^So DaComeUp you read my post and that's what you came up with? You literally thought THAT'S what I was saying? :lol: :lol: comprehension = none

I was saying that that's what these types of arguments always are with these types of teams. The Texans have been around since 2002, don't have much history, as they are attempting to build history, and are looking up. The ******** are a long storied franchise looking to rebuild after years of flat-lining, and with how well their defense played last year, on top of drafting RGIII, things are also looking up for them. Wasn't even trying to slight the 'Skins, was just saying what arguments are being used. It should be a given that the ******** history trumps our division title, cause if my math is correct, 50+ years of history is more than 10.
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Skins fans thirst to be relevant :lol: :smh:

Says the guy w/ "AFC South Champs" banner in his avy.

*FWIW, "Griffining" is idiotic...but Famous Dave's is LEGIT.

Oh? When was the last time the skins won the division or been to the playoffs? Houston wasn't even around then :lol: and we've had 2 QBs / 2 Head coaches over the last 10 years, you've had how many? And done what?

That corner , way over there at the bottom of the division , go sit >D

Let's not forget the Oilers now :lol:

the oilers have never been associated with the houston texans. when bud adams picked up the oilers and took them to Tennessee to become the the titans, they took all the records with them.

and lemme get this straight.

we get mad on NT at cowboys fans who scream from the rooftops about how many superbowls they've won in their history, because they've done nothing in recent history.
AND we get mad because the texans fans boast a division championship+ a playoff win as a building block to our future, because we haven't done anything in our franchise's history (which is probably 10 years younger than all of us)?


please respond.
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Ha, ha, ha...Since we're having fun in here, let's keep the Steelers out of the trash talk. You can bring our squad back into the convo when your squads get a couple more of these. Or even make a couple of trips. They don't give these for divisional championships...:lol:

Within the last 6 years, proud to say they went to 3 SBs & came away with 2 wins...

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Ha, ha, ha...Since we're having fun in here, let's keep the Steelers out of the trash talk. You can bring our squad back into the convo when your squads get a couple more of these. Or even make a couple of trips. They don't give these for divisional championships...:lol:

Within the last 6 years, proud to say they went to 3 SBs & came away with 2 wins...


Got love for the Steelers, half my fam are steelers fans :lol:

"Throw the ******g ball Ben"

Never fails :lol: :lol:
^ It's all good dude...Lookin' forward to seeing how the season unfolds...I like Woodley saying the squad ain't starting 0-2. Hope the rest of the team heeds his words too (o-line & DBs)....
Bragging about division titles is reserved for teams that ain't got **** in a trophy case.

I guess everyone has to start somewhere, I mean the ******** were once a good franchise and now their ******, Houston was a doormat and now were getting good :pimp:

But hey good luck this year! Make sure to get your playoff tickets.
Bragging about division titles is reserved for teams that ain't got **** in a trophy case.

who's bragging specifically about the division title? i would say if anything the bragging would come from last year's overall production as a team, and pretty much showing that this team can hang with any squad if healthy.

correct me if i'm wrong, but no one here is posting along the lines of "look at us, we won the AFC south!". obviously we're proud to have done it, it's our first ever. i just think more of it is based on, this team is a superbowl contender
Bragging about division titles is reserved for teams that ain't got **** in a trophy case.

who's bragging specifically about the division title? i would say if anything the bragging would come from last year's overall production as a team, and pretty much showing that this team can hang with any squad if healthy.

correct me if i'm wrong, but no one here is posting along the lines of "look at us, we won the AFC south!". obviously we're proud to have done it, it's our first ever. i just think more of it is based on, this team is a superbowl contender

Dude got tight that I poked fun at the ******** and the fact that the season isn't won in the first week :lol: saw my avy :pimp: and decided to use that as an argument :lol:
I guess having won chips in the past is an excuse for not being relevant now :lol: what ever floats your boat
New avy on deck...


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