NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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I really don't understand all this hate from one person for Peyton; you can say he came up small in two Super Bowls but he has one under the belt and is still one of the all time greats
Rich Gannon :smokin


looks more like Trent Dilfer

:x god those jerseys looks even worse
dont know what has to do with the o-line or defense.

Nothing I guess, though he's always had a good o-line too. Denver's rated as one of the best in football all season even after the early injuries.

denver lost that superbowl from the offense, defense, special teams, coaches. a beatdown. the offense put a band aid on the o-line and defense all year. it took until they played an elite defense to be exposed and play from behind. not saying manning has not had good o lines but 2013 was not one of those years. denver got bulldozed and the seahawks won it all. not peyton manning by himself but the denver broncos team and coaching staff. every facet of that team failed miserably february 2 2014 :smh:

I already blocked that date out of my mind


Such a glorious night.

Closest you'll get to being happy at a Super Bowl

Besides Peyton has made it to 1 Super Bowl as a Bronco that's more than the entire existence of the Texans
22-2 against Buffalo but Spikes says theyre sweeping them this year :lol:

Overall the AFC East will be more competitive this year between the "other" teams. I think.
I kind of want the Jets to be good again. I was devastated when they beat us in the offs and Bart Scott had the "feels great" interview with Sal Pal :smh: :smh: . But it made things interesting.

Now that Revis plays for this side though... :smokin
Jets should have signed DeSean and a CB. That would be enough for the playoffs.

Schedule is out 4/22

Bucs jerseys are nice. Hope they wear the orange throwbacks this year.
Meh. I think signing DeSean would have been a mistake. Just read between the lines. Hes not a good person to have on your football team.
People hated those orange Bucs jerseys in their day now people love them

In general people take time to adapt to change
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anyone hear a date for schedule release? thought it was this week but i guess not.
They delayed it, not sure what the new one is.
lulz as expected. @DeadsetAce was also somewhere rejoicing

they actually had some good stops but couldnt get off the field on 3rd down. that harvin return broke the camels back. damn, i need a beer
That defense was getting beat up from the opening snap with the passing game, especially on 3rd down.  They just barely held on in the RZ the first two possessions (the questionable 4th down call on the RW scramble, and the outstanding play on the ball by one of the DBs the next possession).  They did a pretty good job with Lynch though.
I really don't understand all this hate from one person for Peyton; you can say he came up small in two Super Bowls but he has one under the belt and is still one of the all time greats

Peyton manning is one of the GOATs.

My issue is people praised the man for beating up on a subpar division. But it matters
Most ( playoffs, he falters and doesn't play like everyone props him up to be).

He's a subpar playoff / post season QB.
Just like Tom Brady.
Fun stat of the day:

Tom Brady is 59-15 all-time against the AFC East. 22-2 against the Bills, 17-7 against the Dolphins, and 18-6 against the Jets.


do you know peytons record in the afc south :nerd:

From this site:


17-3 against the Texans.
15-5 against the Jags.
14-5 against the Titans.

Even though that adds up to 46-13. Whatever. :lol:

not bad

anyone hear a date for schedule release? thought it was this week but i guess not.
They delayed it, not sure what the new one is.
lulz as expected. [@=/u/37946/DeadsetAce]@DeadsetAce[/@] was also somewhere rejoicing :lol: :smh:

they actually had some good stops but couldnt get off the field on 3rd down. that harvin return broke the camels back. damn, i need a beer :lol: :smh:
That defense was getting beat up from the opening snap with the passing game, especially on 3rd down.  They just barely held on in the RZ the first two possessions (the questionable 4th down call on the RW scramble, and the outstanding play on the ball by one of the DBs the next possession).  They did a pretty good job with Lynch though.

they held lynch for the most part. everyone else feasted.
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