NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Who woulda thought the Colts would have a better record than the Cowboys.
:stoneface: Colts have the 9-11th best record in the league


There's no way this team should be 3 - 5 with all that talent.
But talent alone doesn't equal winning which is the part Jerry doesn't understand. Talent + coaching = winning.

Jerry till this day downplays JJ's role during those SB winning seasons. Not to downplay Troy or Emmitt but they are both equally needed.

I stick by my original prediction of the Boys' being 8-8.
:smh: indulge in clorox

If it weren't for Julio on my FF team I wouldn't even bother.

Seahawks are THE most boring team in the league dude. Period. Its been that way for a while. Its like watching paint dry.

My goodness, some of Andrew Luck's throws were incredible today. I was fortunate enough to see him during his last two years in college and honestly, nothing this kid does surprises me. But today was special. Pinpoint accuracy and confidence and composure to hang in the pocket. I'm happy that things are working out for both the Colts and Denver/Peyton. 
Okay, wow, holy **** so much happened today.

First off, Bucs! :pimp: Martin! :pimp: My mother ******g man. Just dont block all that shine from LaGarrette, give him a damn chance :lol: :smh:
Seahawks, good job to give AD anything he wanted and still find a way to win.
Pitt taking away the Giants chance to create a hell of a memory :smh: God I hate that team.
Andrew Luck :smokin
Chicago :x :x :x
Atlanta still undefeated :smh:
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:lol: @ Jerry Jones being locked out of the locker room after the game. Homey was apparently angry banging on the door & no one let him in...This coupled with the Steelers win made my Sunday...

Report: Jerry Jones locked out of locker room after game
Posted by Mike Florio on November 5, 2012, 7:14 AM EST

Jerry Jones told Bob Costas over the weekend that Jones the owner would have fired Jones the G.M. by now. After Sunday night’s loss to the Falcons, the Cowboys may have tried to fire both guys.

According to Matt Barrie of NBC 5 in Dallas, “Jerry Jones just pounded [the] locker room door because no one would let him in. It’s the angriest I’ve seen him all year.”

Like him or not, the guy owns the team. He has every right to be in the locker room after the game. So we can understand why he’s mad.

Jones should be more upset about the team’s performance. Since looking like a Super Bowl contender on the first night of the season, the Cowboys have won two and lost five.
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How can anyone say the Seahawks are the most boring team? GREAT home crowd, tons of playmakers on D, a nice rookie quarterback and Marshawn. The most boring teams have to be the Titans, Browns, Jets, Chiefs, Jags and Rams.
Colts 5-3....

So where are all the naysayers and doubters that were calling me crazy when I said that Luck would make this a playoff team THIS season? I haven't even heard from TennHouse on our bet.

Hmm? Told ya'll the AFC South was a joke. The best QB out of college in a long-time and y'all couldn't believe he could lead the Colts to a playoff berth in that division? Where the people who were doubting Reggie Wayne when I said he could still be a factor?

Had fans of other AFC South teams in disbelief. Telling me that Jake Locker and Schaub were better QBs :lol:.

Not even a Colts fan either, saw this coming from a mile away. It's the AFC South, the weakest division in the weaker conference. What did y'all expect? Y'all really believed the Colts were gonna just flounder because they pretty much gave-up on last season? Really? Reggie Wayne had 1000 yards last season with Painter, what did you guys think he was going to do with Luck at the helm?

Had like 20 different people going at my head when I was predicting this.
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Colts 5-3....

So where are all the naysayers and doubters that were calling me crazy when I said that Luck would make this a playoff team THIS season? I haven't even heard from TennHouse on our bet.

Hmm? Told ya'll the AFC South was a joke. The best QB out of college in a long-time and y'all couldn't believe he could lead the Colts to a playoff berth in that division? Where the people who were doubting Reggie Wayne when I said he could still be a factor?

Had fans of other AFC South teams in disbelief. Telling me that Jake Locker and Schaub were better QBs :lol:.

I shouted you out in the WIR.

I apologize and they look alot better than what I thought they would.

But they are only 5-3, lets relax, as it stands I could see them making a wild card spot, those 2 games at the end of the year are going to be huge for Houston VS Indy :pimp:

Wouldn't it be great if Luck makes the playoffs and had to go to Denver ? :wow: :pimp:
yeah you were right. i think i gave you props in last weeks WIR. didn't think they had the talent on defense to keep them in games. also wasn't ready to believe in an offense that outside of wayne and luck are getting production for vic ballard, t.y. hilton, and donnie avery. very impressed with what's going on in indy right now.
Damn at least rep SneakerHeathen like I did...

lol thanks bruh, it's not necessary though.

just want you guys to hop on the Luck wagon with me, plenty of room. The kid is legit, just wanted him & reggie to get their respect. Unfortunately Collie didn't pan out as I expected, but Hilton is looking like a legitimate option.

Dwayne Allen :smokin.
Damn at least rep SneakerHeathen like I did...

lol thanks bruh, it's not necessary though.

just want you guys to hop on the Luck wagon with me, plenty of room. The kid is legit, just wanted him & reggie to get their respect. Unfortunately Collie didn't pan out as I expected, but Hilton is looking like a legitimate option.

Dwayne Allen :smokin.

I remember all kinds of dudes were going off on you. It was like a piranha attack... :lol: I didn't think it was all that outlandish...

I would pay to see the security video footage of jerry jones banging on the locker room door to get in... :nthat:
Collie man :smh: hope dude is able to come back healthy?

Any news on him? #17 with the black visor was :pimp:
Collie man :smh: hope dude is able to come back healthy?
Any news on him? #17 with the black visor was :pimp:

it's looking pretty bad for my dude Collie :smh:....

He ruptured his patella tendon, tricky injury. Coupled with his concussion history I think it's a forgone conclusion to write off his Colts career.

He could resurface elsewhere, but at this point he just needs to get healthy again. I could see the Patriots kicking the tires on him (as they do with everyone).

Interested to see if the Colts will pursue another wideout in free-agency (or perhaps draft one). I'd love to see Dwayne Bowe or Mike Wallace in Indy. Heck even Welker would be fun to see with Luck throwing to him. (All are due to be UFAs).
Collie man :smh: hope dude is able to come back healthy?
Any news on him? #17 with the black visor was :pimp:

it's looking pretty bad for my dude Collie :smh:....

He ruptured his patella tendon, tricky injury. Coupled with his concussion history I think it's a forgone conclusion to write off his Colts career.

He could resurface elsewhere, but at this point he just needs to get healthy again. I could see the Patriots kicking the tires on him (as they do with everyone).

Interested to see if the Colts will pursue another wideout in free-agency (or perhaps draft one). I'd love to see Dwayne Bowe or Mike Wallace in Indy. Heck even Welker would be fun to see with Luck throwing to him. (All are due to be UFAs).

Alright SneakerHeathen, you just lost cool points saying you wanted to see Mike Wallace in Indy. :lol: JK....I hate the thought of losing him but Indy could make sense especially since Arians is there & Luck being a great QB. I thought that in the off season during training camp...Hope the Steelers can resign him...
Was at Steelers/Giants game yesterday. I looked 2:1 steelers/giants fan ratio there too. At least 2 fights broke out in my section lol. Giants fans were sour they couldn't do anything offensively even after Steelers gave them points. Good win for the Steelers :pimp:
Mike Shanahan is not with out fault. There are a lot of things that I feel as though he could have done differently in his tenure here (the main blemish is bringing in McNabb - who most of us thought was a good deal at the time).

For one, this team is absolutely depleted as far as depth is concerned. It was only as of the past year or so that they finally had enough picks to start stockpiling "talent." Look at the trash that was selected in both 2008/2009.


2 3 (34) Devin Thomas WR Michigan State
2 17 (48) Fred Davis TE USC
2 20 (51) Malcolm Kelly WR Oklahoma
3* 33 (96) Chad Rinehart G Northern Iowa
4 25 (124) Justin Tryon CB Arizona State
6 2 (168) Durant Brooks P Georgia Tech
6 14 (180) Kareem Moore DB Nicholls State
6 20 (186) Colt Brennan QB Hawaii
7* 35 (242) Rob Jackson DE Kansas State
7* 42 (249) Chris Horton S UCLA


1 (13) Brian Orakpo DE Texas [Profile]
3 (80) Kevin Barnes DB Maryland [Profile]
5 (158) Cody Glenn OLB Nebraska (from Minnesota) [Profile]
6 (186) Robert Henson ILB TCU [Profile]
7 (221) Eddie Williams TE Idaho (from Minnesota) [Profile]
7 (243) Marko Mitchell WR Nevada (Compensatory pick) [Profile]

Out of the 2009 draft, only ONE player is currently in the NFL...ONE. How does that happen? 2008 - look at all the misses. :smh: Between the 2 drafts, there are 3 out of 16 players not only with the ********, but on an NFL roster!!! :wow: If you have 16 picks, more guys should be on this team and contributing. I mean, what the hell do you expect?

You have the lack of cap penalties which SEVERELY limited the ability of the front office to even put together a competitive team. I'm not even going to blame injuries for anything because all teams go through it. 32 million in cap penalities is CRIPPLING. When you can't go after the FAs that you want and have to settle for guys with shady records (T.Jackson) or retreads (Meriweather), it's going to be a trying year. I hope Adam Schefter is right in that cap relief is coming for this team in the 2013 offseason and they'll recoup some of their lost $. That would be HUGE.

Mike Shanahan is basically building this team from scratch. My expectations for this team this year was something like 7 or 8 wins. Going to be an uphill battle with 7 games left in the season but it can be done. I want to see Shanahan get his full 5 years with the team. Snyder, since Shanny came on board, has been hands off. That's exactly what eveyrone wanted. We need to stop with the knee-jerk reactions and over analyzation of everything surrounding this team. We know what the problems are and firing a coach mid-contract is what ******** regimes of old would have done. Let the man finish what he's trying to build here.

The problems:

1. The defense. It needs a COMPLETE overhaul starting with the coordinator. Haslett was Shanahan's guy. Cut him loose and bring in someone who can run the 3-4 with effectiveness. I maintain that if this team had even an average defense, we'd be over .500 at this point. The defense is that much of a problem.

2. Cut loose guys who are from the old regime (at seasons end). DeAngelo Hall/Chris Cooley. I understand why Cooley was brought back - familiarity with the system, but he still needs to go.

3. Cut loose dead weight - aka, guys who aren't contributing OR showing up ready to play. THis is what Shanahan meant by the "evaluation" process. Brandon Banks, Leonard Hankerson, Madoodoo Williams, etc.

Through all of this, I maintain that there is A LOT of reasons to be optimistic for the future of the ********. There's a reason why guys around the league and in the media feel as though this team will be headed in the right direction. I don't feel bad for RGIII. He's a dynamic player and one of MANY rookie QB's over the years who is playing for a sub-par team. Griffin, Morris, Trent Williams, Orakpo, Kerrigan...those are 5 good players to build around. We've been clamoring for a franchise QB - now we have one. The offense is not the problem with this team. It's the lack of skill that's on the field. Hopefully through smart drafting and playing the FA market effectively, the ******** can field a much better unit in 2013 (and beyond).

This is not the time to panic. If this was year 5 of having RGIII as the QB and the team's record was 3-6 going into the BYE, then yea...panic. Right now, it's not the case.

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