NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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I thought Devin Thomas and Malcolm Kelly would have the Skins set at WR that year, even though Thomas was raw, I thought he would be able to put it together. I was wrong.

And Shanahan, outside of his years with Elway, has missed a ton in the draft. Of course, people will look at his ability to draft RB's late (as if no other GM has had similar luck) and say that's he's been very successful through the draft. But if you look close, you'll see Shanahan has been very questionable outside of his Elway years.
I always wondered who the hell pays mad loot for tickets to games.....only to go and get plastered (no problems with this) and end up brawling in the stands? Then I see some of the folks sports "discussions" on here and it all makes sense.

I'd be damn if I drop $300+ to go to a game and spend another $100 on food and drinks only to have to drop $1,000 to bail myself out of jail. :smh:
you'll see Shanahan has been very questionable outside of his Elway years.
Exactly, I've been saying this for quite some time on here, particularly to Skins fans.  Since Elway left him what has Shanahan to nothing.  This guy is not the coach that folks think he is.  Overrated at best, and all he's going to do is hinder RG3's progress in the long haul.
Say what you want about Shanahan, but you don't go 160-124 off of dumb luck (and a good chunk of those losses are w/ the Skins). He CAN coach. He needs the personnel to do it. As of now, it's not in DC. Whether or not those horses will be brought in, remains to be seen. What I do want is for him to at least finish out his contract. Canning a coach prematurely (3 years in to his deal) is EXACTLY what the Skins regimes of old would do. Play it out and see what happens.
^Agreed 100%. Having seen his Bronco teams (like those squads with Cutler & Marshall), Shanahan should have made deep playoff pushes during those years. Instead, those teams underwhelmed and NEVER had a consistent defense. And Shanahan drafted both sides of the ball and was often criticized for the amount of times he whiffed on defensive picks.

He CAN coach. He needs the personnel to do it.

Well, maybe it's different in D.C., but in Denver he had full draft autonomy and failed to put the personnel on the field to make a complete team. The offense was nice, but the defense was awful at times...and Shanahan drafted both. So maybe he needs help evaluating talent.
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The Skins let Norv Turner stay here for quite some time and when I've seen our other coaching hires......Spurrier, Zorn, etc. I don't mind letting Shanahan attempt to ride it out for a few more years.

The free agent signings/trades/draft picks have killed this team. Garcon has played like 3 or 4 series! :smh:

I don't understand paying frail *** players big money to sit on the bench.
Canning a coach prematurely (3 years in to his deal) is EXACTLY what the Skins regimes of old would do. Play it out and see what happens.
Based upon his 3 years in DC thus far, besides the play of RG3 (which is all RG3 by the way) what gives you reason to be optimistic about the remaining tenure of Shanahan??  Just look at what's he's done thus far, the defense went from a Top 10 maybe even Top 5 on a given Sunday to the very bottom of the list without mention.  In life your suppose to take steps forwards, not backwards.  Same rules apply to coaching a sport.  I say all that because there could be some very good coaches that are going to be on the market once the season is over.  Now's the time for the Skins to start looking around and getting prospects. 


Not to mention, the most important reason to at least THINK about getting rid of Shanahan is the importance of the 1st and 2nd year developmental process of a quarterback.  Setting up RG3 properly right now is crucial to his long term success. 
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Say what you want about Shanahan, but you don't go 160-124 off of dumb luck (and a good chunk of those losses are w/ the Skins). He CAN coach. He needs the personnel to do it. As of now, it's not in DC. Whether or not those horses will be brought in, remains to be seen. What I do want is for him to at least finish out his contract. Canning a coach prematurely (3 years in to his deal) is EXACTLY what the Skins regimes of old would do. Play it out and see what happens.

He did have Elway :nerd:
Based upon his 3 years in DC thus far, besides the play of RG3 (which is all RG3 by the way) what gives you reason to be optimistic about the remaining tenure of Shanahan??  Just look at what's he's done thus far, the defense went from a Top 10 maybe even Top 5 on a given Sunday to the very bottom of the list without mention.  In life your suppose to take steps forwards, not backwards.  Same rules apply to coaching a sport.  I say all that because there could be some very good coaches that are going to be on the market once the season is over.  Now's the time for the Skins to start looking around and getting prospects. 


Not to mention, the most important reason to at least THINK about getting rid of Shanahan is the importance of the 1st and 2nd year developmental process of a quarterback.  Setting up RG3 properly right now is crucial to his long term success. 

It is all RG3. There's nothing wrong with saying that. He's given this franchise hope. It's going to be up to Shanahan to hit a home run in both FA and in the draft this year to make this team better.

I can concede that the defense is poor. As I mentioned, even having an AVERAGE unit would make the overall W/L record that much better. If we're sitting here in the same boat in year 4 and the team is showing little to now vision for the future, the discussion about whether or not Shanahan is the right guy for this team might have some merit. As of now, it doesn't. However, that doesn't mean that the seat isn't getting hot under him. No matter what the record is this year, they better be a 9-10 win team in 2013.
Based upon his 3 years in DC thus far, besides the play of RG3 (which is all RG3 by the way) what gives you reason to be optimistic about the remaining tenure of Shanahan??  Just look at what's he's done thus far, the defense went from a Top 10 maybe even Top 5 on a given Sunday to the very bottom of the list without mention.  In life your suppose to take steps forwards, not backwards.  Same rules apply to coaching a sport.  I say all that because there could be some very good coaches that are going to be on the market once the season is over.  Now's the time for the Skins to start looking around and getting prospects. 


Not to mention, the most important reason to at least THINK about getting rid of Shanahan is the importance of the 1st and 2nd year developmental process of a quarterback.  Setting up RG3 properly right now is crucial to his long term success. 
It is all RG3. There's nothing wrong with saying that. He's given this franchise hope. It's going to be up to Shanahan to hit a home run in both FA and in the draft this year to make this team better.

I can concede that the defense is poor. As I mentioned, even having an AVERAGE unit would make the overall W/L record that much better. If we're sitting here in the same boat in year 4 and the team is showing little to now vision for the future, the discussion about whether or not Shanahan is the right guy for this team might have some merit. As of now, it doesn't. However, that doesn't mean that the seat isn't getting hot under him. No matter what the record is this year, they better be a 9-10 win team in 2013.
I hear what your saying, but from my end it's more so getting rid of Shanahan before he can "hinder" the 2nd year of RG3 as opposed to seeing how Shanahan's 4th year plays out.  I could be wrong, but I think you more so don't want to get rid of Shanahan just yet because getting rid of coaches early on has been the norm here in DC.  Meaning I don't think you yourself are optimistic of Shanahan in the future here with the Skins and the possible outcome, I think you just don't want to do what the Skins has done before in the past which is to have a revolving door at the head coach position. 

Also, for any Skins fans out there, not to say that ESPN is the gospel but this was on First Take today and to me some good points were made..............

I think the prudent thing to do is let Shanahan at least finish out his contract. Having said that, I don't think you'll see any change or move to the improvement Skins fans are looking for.

Aside from this year with his offense, he's proven to be too rigid. Why come in a & change your defense to a 3-4 when you have the personnel for a 4-3 that was playing really well like Deuce mentioned?

That 3-4 scheme has been getting beat up on pretty much every week since Shanahan got to DC. You also don't let good safeties & corners go like the "Red Skin" has. The only good thing he & Allen have done is get the team a franchise QB. They've pretty much wiffed badly on all their free agents signings.

This team still needs pieces & they don't have a first round pick until after 2015. Think about how long that is. Did Shanahan really say he was going to evaluate the team from this point on? Isn't that something he should've done in the off season?

Shanahan is a fraud as far as I'm concerned...Can someone also tell Shanny to stay out of the sun? He's the logo now...

Edit - Love this quote from Adam Schefter....Did he forget the Giants are in that division?

"The ********, believe it or not, I don’t think have ever been better positioned for the future than they are now. I don’t care if they lose on Sunday to Carolina, I don’t care how dark the season may get – and it may not at all. If you were to pick a team that you wanted to be in the NFC East for the next 10 years, you would pick the Washington ********.”
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Aww man Maximus Meridius, were you calling me stephen a? Damn, if I came off like that I feel grimey... :x
I hear what your saying, but from my end it's more so getting rid of Shanahan before he can "hinder" the 2nd year of RG3 as opposed to seeing how Shanahan's 4th year plays out.  I could be wrong, but I think you more so don't want to get rid of Shanahan just yet because getting rid of coaches early on has been the norm here in DC.  Meaning I don't think you yourself are optimistic of Shanahan in the future here with the Skins and the possible outcome, I think you just don't want to do what the Skins has done before in the past which is to have a revolving door at the head coach position. 

Also, for any Skins fans out there, not to say that ESPN is the gospel but this was on First Take today and to me some good points were made..............

We don't know what's going to happen in year 4 or 5 under Shanahan. We have a stud on the roster and a few good pieces around him (Morris, Trent Williams, Orakpo, Kerrigan). I'd rather see what Shanahan can do as far as FA and in the draft next year before completely writing him off. I'm 100% confident that this team will become elite within the next few years as long as RG3 can stay healthy. However, I'm not sure who is going to be leading this team by then. It could be Shanahan or it could be someone else.

My confidence in Shanahan has waned. No doubt. However, I'm no where near the point of saying he needs to be canned this instant. Like I was saying before, if we're in this same position next year, Shanahan's 4th as the coach, then yea...get the ball rolling as far as thinking about other guys to bring in at the end of the 2013 season. Right now, Shanahan's seat should be hot. He's got a ton of pressure to produce a winner next year. If not, I got no issues with canning him a little prematurely. I'd say anything less than 9 wins next year is grounds for him being fired.

As of now, let's see who wants a roster spot going forward.
every coach in the nfc east minus coughlin is on track to get fired by the end of the season

:lol: I highly doubt Jones is going to fire Garrett. Hes going to make a run at Sean and it that fails he's going to stick with the Ginger.

And Reid isn't going anywhere, he's going to get rid of Vick and use him as the scape goat. Just like he did with Juan.
Highly doubt Shanahan is going to get fired. The refs were really bad against the Skins yesterday too. 
Another discouraging thing about Shanahan was that post game conference...what was that all about? Evaluating players and seeing who's going to be on the team next year? I guess man...sounded very Washington's fate had already been sealed. As a fan, I wouldn't feel good about that at all. You still have 8 games to focus on.
Another discouraging thing about Shanahan was that post game conference...what was that all about? Evaluating players and seeing who's going to be on the team next year? I guess man...sounded very Washington's fate had already been sealed. As a fan, I wouldn't feel good about that at all. You still have 8 games to focus on.

maybe trying to light a fire under them? "don't play well this year, you're gone if the offseason" type of approach? i don't agree with it either so early in the season. not to mention, who is he to make those threats, when he might not be there himself next season :lol:
Routt was terrible and thought he was way better than he was, PI's literally every play and hopes he doesn't get caught and gives up huge plays frequently (especially on 3rd and long). I remember his twitter profile said "One of the top corners in the game" last season when he was in Oakland :rofl:
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