NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Skins still in the thick of things at 3-6 :pimp: :lol:

yes it's that bad, non division opponents are drumming us all
I said early on and I hope it's still possible for 9-7 to win the division again. Giants remaining schedule is tougher than the rest of ours so i'm hoping they wet the bed but I doubt Philly could put together a win streak even though we only play 1 team over currently over .500 the rest of the way. Don't see a wild card spot going to any of us with the Packers/Bears practically a lock for one of them and the Lions/Bucs/Seahawks playing much better right now

Its division or bust for Skins/Boys/Eagles, Giants at this rate may only need 4 more wins. Don't see any of those other teams going 7-1 to finish the season.

Giants are also 2-2 in the division (which can improve) and 5-2 in the conference so far.
Dallas has a disturbingly easy scheduale. Don't be surprised if they make things interesting

.... And **** up in the last week
:wow: Apparently Bradshaw was making a reference about Jimmy Johnson eating 4 pieces of chicken every Sunday during the show...What a redneck hillbilly...You should never reference inside jokes (if that's what it is) to a national audience that doesn't know....
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That stuff is being blown way out of proportion. People have only focused on the words "bucket of chicken" but completely ignore what he say preceding it and after it :lol:
I don't think he's racist but the comment is dumb in the history of stupid comments from Bradshaw. Still SMH at him calling Tim McCarver the best analyst in all of sports. it's just in poor taste in this day & age but I guess that par for course for a murdoch owned company...

:lol: @ Doug Martin's nickname at Boise St, Muscle Hamster...

The 5-foot-9, 215-pound Martin bench pressed 225 pounds 28 times at this year’s Scouting Combine, tied for the best mark among all the running backs. So Muscle Hamster may be fitting.
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Damn Mike Vick :smh:

That offensive is getting him killed. Combined with the turnovers its not looking good for him. Even if they put the rookie out there he's gonna get rocked to.

If they miss the playoffs for a 2nd straight year I don't see how Reid comes back.
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People are going to be calling for a new QB there, but that is not the problem. When you are having to run for your life every play nobody is going to be successfull back there. If you ask me Reid should be fired for that alone, didn't they have similar problems the last couple years, how could you not address that.
People are going to be calling for a new QB there, but that is not the problem. When you are having to run for your life every play nobody is going to be successfull back there. If you ask me Reid should be fired for that alone, didn't they have similar problems the last couple years, how could you not address that.
Sums up the Eagles troubles. Reid will definitely be gone after this year. I watched that game last night and was disgusted at how the Eagles couldn't do a damn thing on the pass block. The line is pathetic.
I don't think he's racist but the comment is dumb in the history of stupid comments from Bradshaw.
He was talking to Johnson. The comment isn't stupid unless you are inept at interpreting it.

As I posted earlier, making a comment based on an inside joke to a national audience is stupid. Also making a reference to fried chicken while talking about a black person is idiotic however you meant it. I guess the ineptitude should be reversed if you can't understand that.
As I posted earlier, making a comment based on an inside joke to a national audience is stupid. Also making a reference to fried chicken while talking about a black person is idiotic however you meant it. I guess the ineptitude should be reversed if you can't understand that.
I won't drag it out further after this, but it's live TV man. It's a crew that's been together for a LONG time. It happens. It's a shame some of us are so sensitive.
Why are teams with good backs not using them much or as much? Panthers, Eagles, ratbitds, Saints (aside from last night)...
Why are teams with good backs not using them much or as much? Panthers, Eagles, ratbitds, Saints (aside from last night)...

Out of those teams listed.

Bresus is the only one that actually score / attack without a run game.

Panthers, iggles, ravens though :smh:
Another team that needs to run more especially given the uneven performance of the o-line is the Cowboys (at least when Murray get healthy). The brilliant GM & scouting Dept found a gem in Tony Fiammetta who helped Murray have a solid season last year only to let him walk & sign Laurence Vickers... :x Nice work JJ..
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