NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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I think Andy is a good coach, but he right now he's just not putting his team in a great position to win games. It's one of those situations where the coach needs new scenery and the team needs a fresh direction. Same kind of thing that happened with Denny Green in Minnesota and Jeff Fisher in Tennessee. Sometimes you just need to change things up.

Jason Garrett on the other hand...I've never liked him as a coach since he's been in that role for the Cowboys.
Hate to say it but Shoes has been right about the Skins so far.
Don't say that too loud.
What do they say about a broken clock?
Why are teams with good backs not using them much or as much? Panthers, Eagles, ratbitds, Saints (aside from last night)...

The Saints are just wasting Mark Ingram. I really think he can be a beast in this league.

I know he's had some nagging injuries, but I think you're right. I think Ingram could be a good back. I still can't figure out why these struggling teams (exception of the ratbirds who aren't struggling like the others I've mentioned, but not utilizing a franchise back like Rice like they should be) haven't used haven't used the backs they have on their squads. It's not like any of them are like Shane Matthews or something...The Bills is another one...I know Fred Jackson is out (right?), is Spiller's shoulder hurt?

Not to be a homer, but look at the Steelers. They were struggling the early part of the season in part because of a lack of a run game & look at what's propelled us the last 3 weeks...I don't understand the lack of fundamentals these teams & coaches lack...
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Not to be a homer, but look at the Steelers. They were struggling the early part of the season in part because of a lack of a run game & look at what's propelled us the last 3 weeks...I don't understand the lack of fundamentals these teams & coaches lack...

By the sound of it Quagmire's* just a game manager.

*because Ben has a huge chin and is a sexual deviant.
Rex Ryan voted most overrated coach :lol:

The hoody is number 2?! :nerd:

David Boston about to do a bid :smh:

Jerry Jones talking about nothing is going to change because this is the way they been successful ? Really ?
Would any GM be able to hold into their jobs if they were 1 game under .500 since 2000 & only 1 playoff win?
Jerry Jones :smh:

If i was him id just step down and accept that in 2012 im a trash GM.

But hey its his team and he can do whatever the **** he wants. I'll let him cook and continue to see the Cowboys fail miserably .
Nick Perry is having surgery... Done for the year

Packers have ONE Linebacker still healthy that was a starter in Sept...

Bishop - Out in preseason

Perry - Knee/Wrist out in week 8

Matthews - Hammy out for 2-3 weeks

Then you have Woodson, Jennings, Jordy, Bulaga, Shields, Benson...
Why are teams with good backs not using them much or as much? Panthers, Eagles, ratbitds, Saints (aside from last night)...

im disgusted by how our backs have been used this whole year...i cant believe what they are doing with D. Will.

Chud should be fired.

how do you have 3 good backs and in 8 games they have a total of 140 carries? how is that possible?
I was looking at the Cowboy game I couldn't stop laughing...Garrett was running Murray as much as he should've when Murray was healthy & then on Sunday decides to establish the run with Felix whose been the model of inconsistency his whole career. How does Felix have a rep for not being durable then come to camp at the beginning of the year waaay out of shape...Only in cowboy land...

Just saw this story posted on ProFootballTalk

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says he always has been and always will be the general manager in Dallas. The former Cowboys coach who won two Super Bowls in Dallas says Jones is full of it.

Jimmy Johnson, Jones’s former college teammate who was hired by Jones to coach the Cowboys shortly after Jones bought the franchise in 1989, said on the Dan Patrick Show that Jones may claim he has always called the shots, but that the Super Bowl-winning teams of the 1990s were actually built by Johnson.

“That is completely a bunch of crock,” Johnson said. “Jerry started putting all those titles on himself after I left. He didn’t call himself general manager and president and all that stuff when I was there. He was just the owner. Because it was in my contract that I had total responsibility for all football decisions. It was in my contract, and he didn’t allow anybody to have that in their contract after I left.”

Johnson says that he takes more pride in what he did as the Cowboys’ general manager than in what he did as the Cowboys’ head coach.

“I was the personnel director there with the Cowboys,” Johnson said. “My pride was collecting the talent and putting together the team that won the Super Bowls.”

As for the current Cowboys, Johnson sees problems with the way Jones has structured the team. Johnson said that in the NFL, everyone — players, coaches, general managers, everyone — is motivated by the fear of losing their jobs. But when Jones has hired himself as general manager, there’s no fear of losing his job — and also no fear of any of Jones’s family members or other personal favorites losing their jobs.

“Really, the No. 1 motivator is fear, you know, fear of maybe letting down your teammates, of being chastised or maybe losing your job. Where’s the fear in Dallas? There’s no fear in Dallas. It’s a country club where everybody’s buddies,” Johnson said.

Johnson says that Jones wants to make sure that everybody understands that he makes the final call because he owns the team. Unfortunately for Jones, everyone does know that. And everyone knows the results in the years since Jimmy Johnson’s players retired have not been good.
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Nick Perry is having surgery... Done for the year

Packers have ONE Linebacker still healthy that was a starter in Sept...

Bishop - Out in preseason

Perry - Knee/Wrist out in week 8

Matthews - Hammy out for 2-3 weeks

Then you have Woodson, Jennings, Jordy, Bulaga, Shields, Benson...

You feel no pity from me as most fans.


A-Rod :smh:
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