NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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I didnt mean that as in the size of his contract. I meant it as in how much he did. I dont think 2 good games warranted 20 million dollars.
Originally Posted by Young Handsome

Welp... Seahawks just blew any chance they had at winning their division.
They weren't winning anything with the 49ers playing in that division. Flynn. People are blurred by that huge game he had as a Packer. He's nothing more than a career backup.


Also, I know niner fans are really on their high horse because they went from being 6-10 two years ago to an above average team but dont get too ahead of yourselves because you are not safe from Seattle what so ever.

We appreciate your concern champ, but the 49ers have and will be okay. No need for us to look over our shoulders. Focus on beating the Bears, Lions, and be sure to rest your starters when playing the Vikings.
I have yet to be impressed with Matt Flynn, don't see the big deal in him not starting. Seattle's defense (+some big plays from Beast Mode) is going to be the deciding factor in what gets them into playoffs, regardless if Flynn or Wilson is starting.
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We appreciate your concern champ, but the 49ers have and will be okay. No need for us to look over our shoulders. Focus on beating the Bears, Lions, and be sure to rest your starters when playing the Vikings.

I didn't say that dillweed. You combined my quote with another yahoo's quote. Get a clue.
Hernandez :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:



Dem skrippers at The Foxxy Lady probably crying tears of joy right now.
Well considering Wilsons rookie contract is what... 3-4 years, if he balls for 2 can demand a later contract and Flynn contract won't hinder them that much or they can trade him :lol: issue is who's gonna take him
I didn't say that dillweed. You combined my quote with another yahoo's quote. Get a clue.

Dillweed.........folks running around saying that, :rofl:. I know what you said, and the part that you wrote is what I crossed out and fixed. My point still remains the same, the NFC West belongs to the 49ers and the NFC North belongs to anybody BUT the Vikings.
:lol: :lol:

Let Duece do his whole trash talking schtick now that his squad is somewhat relevant again. Its been a while so im sure he's feeling all giddy and smiley; let him live and just wait about 18 weeks and revel in the joy which will be the Niners getting knocked out in the first round.

Also, Jet fans clamoring for TO and Ocho ? :rofl: :rofl: These dudes have no clue how an organization builds a contender (cant blame them). Its already a circus over there, and Jet fans want to make it even worse? Theyll go from the laughingstock of the league to just a complete joke through and through if they sign one of those bum *** dudes. Jet fans; have some perspective. Yall arent winning anything this year, the next, or the next. Work with what you have and try to be a contender for the 2015 season. As long as Rex Ryan coaches the Jets and BB + TB12 are with the Pats, the Jets arent winning .

Pats signing two of the best three TDs in the L for 5+ years; players they acquired through the draft? THATS how you win. Not signing reality television stars with domestic abuse and child support problems :lol:
Haaaa this dude just killed the Jets hope^ :rofl: :rofl:....but yeah I can see Hernandez doing that ballin celebration at the strip clubs tonight make it RAiN!
Stephen Hill and DHB, same player.

first Aid Stewart injured in 2 consecutive pre season games.

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he will always be first aid

:lol: and leading the league in most disparaging comments about an Oregon Duck player, CP1708
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:lol: :lol:
Let Duece do his whole trash talking schtick now that his squad is somewhat relevant again. Its been a while so im sure he's feeling all giddy and smiley; let him live and just wait about 18 weeks and revel in the joy which will be the Niners getting knocked out in the first round.
Also, Jet fans clamoring for TO and Ocho ? :rofl: :rofl: These dudes have no clue how an organization builds a contender (cant blame them). Its already a circus over there, and Jet fans want to make it even worse? Theyll go from the laughingstock of the league to just a complete joke through and through if they sign one of those bum *** dudes. Jet fans; have some perspective. Yall arent winning anything this year, the next, or the next. Work with what you have and try to be a contender for the 2015 season. As long as Rex Ryan coaches the Jets and BB + TB12 are with the Pats, the Jets arent winning .
Pats signing two of the best three TDs in the L for 5+ years; players they acquired through the draft? THATS how you win. Not signing reality television stars with domestic abuse and child support problems :lol:

I just know a Patriots fans isn't talking about building a contender :lol:. Unlike the Patriots, other teams in tthe NFL work hard to get their way to the top without cheating and taking shortcuts to get there way to the top. For most teams, the regular season begins in the off-season, for the Patriots it begins in the Production/Film Room. The nerve of you to even THINK about giving advice to another fan or oganization on how to build a contender, what nerve. Simply put, if the Super Bowl trophy were a movie role the Patriots do whatever it takes to get on the casting couch.

I at least give the Vikings that much credit in going about their situation the right way as of now. Sure they are going to be good for quite sometime, sure alot of high school teams play at a better facility than them, sure there's a good chance some of the players might get salmonella by eating some of the cafeteria food this year, and sure their best palyer is currently sidelined. However, even with all the many obstalces that the Vikings face I applaud them for at least going about things the right way.

As for me, I've been talking trash even when my 49ers weren't doing so hot, Skins fans can vouch for that :wink:. The fact that my team is starting to take shape and come around just makes the "trash talking" that much more better. Also, it ain't trash talking when it's the truth.
Wthell are you guys talking about w/ spy gate. LOLZ Cheating is every where and more apparent than you might think.
Also, I know niner fans are really on their high horse because they went from being 6-10 two years ago to an above average team but dont get too ahead of yourselves because you are not safe from Seattle what so ever. Seattle may already have a better quarterback than Alex Smiths career best 17 touchdown self.
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