NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Ok...I ain't a Raiders or Texans fan but how does this make any sense for the Raiders? Dude was coming off the worst season of his career and was owed 10 mil next season, why would you trade for him...the Texans were going to release him. They were just waiting to see if anybody was dumb enough to trad for him. I just don't get it.
We have the money to spend and need to use it.... Raiders needed a vet at that position, Schaub had one bad year and everyone hating on him hard , if you look back at his stats he was serviceable and fill the needs of the Raiders...also if we waited for him to be released Cleveland was also heavily interested and Reggie didn't want to risk that, so giving a late round pick is ok in my book...there talks its a 7th round pick and not a 5th ...
The main reason you don't wait until he gets cut in June is so he can get a head start in the system. I mean QB is only the most important part.
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"Schaub had 1 bad year and everyone is hating on him hard"

His swift descent actually started in 2012
So long as Schaub can just stand in the pocket or maybe take a few steps to his right, he's an okay qb. Under those circumstances though, I'd probably be an okay QB.

I still appreciate what he did for Houston (even with this last season he never sunk to the depths of Carr suckage), and I'd be willing to give him a try without Kubiak's four play theory of offense, but I just don't think BoB would do that.
"Schaub had 1 bad year and everyone is hating on him hard"

His swift descent actually started in 2012
still threw more then 4k yards and 22 TD 12 INT, still  more than both QB  Raiders had last year combine ...

Looks like we going for Mack at the #5 if he still there or trade back, ...and draft a QB later round to sit and groom while Schaub starts ...
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We have the money to spend and need to use it.... Raiders needed a vet at that position, Schaub had one bad year and everyone hating on him hard , if you look back at his stats he was serviceable and fill the needs of the Raiders...also if we waited for him to be released Cleveland was also heavily interested and Reggie didn't want to risk that, so giving a late round pick is ok in my book...there talks its a 7th round pick and not a 5th ...

I see what you are saying but do you guys need a vet for 10 mil? I thought Pryor played pretty well last year from what I saw and surely you could have landed someone to groom Pryor or the guy you pick in the draft for less than 10 mil right?

I still don't get it but I'm one to talk...I am cowboys fan. We, BY FAR, have the worst GM in the league. Jerry's got us in cap hell with nothing to show for it...not even a damn playoff win. I am NOT looking forward to next year :smh:
One bad year my *** when quarterbacks go bad they go bad see Jake Delhomme.
We also the Raider's where "WASH UP QB" come succeed...ex: Rich Gannon, Jim Plunkett... I think we be fine, not expecting playoff or anything ...but a 6 or maybe 8-8 win season and if we show drastic improvement on both side i will be happy, we do have the toughest schedule again in the NFL.
One bad year my *** when quarterbacks go bad they go bad see Jake Delhomme.

WOOOOOW forgot about Jake...One of the worst QB implosions ever. Was living near Charlotte the year he threw 6 ints against Arizona in the playoffs. Then turned around and threw 4 ints in the first game next year. Whole city turned on the dude in an instant. It was one of the worst crash and burns for a once beloved guy ever.

Take notes Raiders...
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I see what you are saying but do you guys need a vet for 10 mil? I thought Pryor played pretty well last year from what I saw and surely you could have landed someone to groom Pryor or the guy you pick in the draft for less than 10 mil right?

I still don't get it but I'm one to talk...I am cowboys fan. We, BY FAR, have the worst GM in the league. Jerry's got us in cap hell with nothing to show for it...not even a damn playoff win. I am NOT looking forward to next year :smh:

Schaub is nothing more than a stop gap for us at this point...if he does horrible again we can cut and get out without paying any of his guaranteed money left over (hopefully that motivates him to do well).

Pryor had OK and bad games. More bad than ok. I can see why the lack of confidence from our GM and head coach are their...would I want to put my job on the line with Pryor? The Raiders needed to make a move at QB with limited options available (Vick/Freeman/Sanchez) and I'm not sold on any of the QB's in the Draft
Raiders will be alright. Jerra gonna trade us two first and a second to get Manizel at 5.
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