NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Because he has no business in the league. There have been plenty of black QBs that were better and didn't get this many chances, let alone a chance. For him to bring this guy back into the league that he doesn't belong in is an absolute joke.

it's hard to take you serious sometimes
Teams make bad personnel decisions with 'names' all the time. I wouldn't jump to the racist card, just a bad football decision
Because he has no business in the league. There have been plenty of black QBs that were better and didn't get this many chances, let alone a chance. For him to bring this guy back into the league that he doesn't belong in is an absolute joke.

it's hard to take you serious sometimes

I'm cool with that, white people are the only ones that have a problem or get mad when you mention Chip is racist.

The whole racist thing seemed like it was a joke at first but then you see some of these moves and connect the dots. It's very possible. Tim ******* Tebow, haha.
Because he has no business in the league. There have been plenty of black QBs that were better and didn't get this many chances, let alone a chance. For him to bring this guy back into the league that he doesn't belong in is an absolute joke.

It's 1 of 90 roster spots.. Training camp body IF he's signed.. Not the end of the world
I'm cool with that, white people are the only ones that have a problem or get mad when you mention Chip is racist.

The whole racist thing seemed like it was a joke at first but then you see some of these moves and connect the dots. It's very possible. Tim ******* Tebow, haha.

I'm mixed (black and white)..

And if he drafts mariota or hundley?
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Teams make bad personnel decisions with 'names' all the time. I wouldn't jump to the racist card, just a bad football decision

It's not one move, it's a few moves and decisions. Tim Tebow isn't even a good name, most teams want nothing to do with him because he doesn't have the talent and brings the circus. I don't know Chip and I can't say he's racist for sure but you bring in a white QB that doesn't deserve to be in the league, that's enough for me.
That's enough for you? Good Lord. Especially after you say you don't know Chip and you can't say for sure. :lol:
It's not one move, it's a few moves and decisions. Tim Tebow isn't even a good name, most teams want nothing to do with him because he doesn't have the talent and brings the circus. I don't know Chip and I can't say he's racist for sure but you bring in a white QB that doesn't deserve to be in the league, that's enough for me.

Howie was the GM who resigned kkkooper LAST offseason.. If not for the guaranteed money in his deal, he would probably be gone (and probably will be gone next offseason)

Chip has resigned sanchez and graham.. Signed Maxwell, Murray, mathews and brad jones

And offered maclin 9.5 mill per.. Maclin took the 11 per a year from the Chiefs (7th highest in the league)
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You should be calling half the coaches in the league racist then. Dudes like Charlie Whitehurst are getting recycled left and right while a dude like David Garrard was basically tossed to the side

The nature of the league they love to recycle the same ****

Is Belicheck a racist too ?
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I thought you were all about crucifying guys for their off field behavior?

Not even saying that is a negative, just thought that is was something you really cared about

I generally only have a problem with rapists, especially after being caught twice. Suplexing a ***** onto Mac 10's I can deal with.
You should be calling half the coaches in the league racist then. Dudes like Charlie Whitehurst are getting recycled left and right while a dude like David Garrard was basically tossed to the side

The nature of the league they love to recycle the same ****


Ryan Lindley, Charlie Whitehurst, 45 year old Kerry Collins, **** is sad. :smh:
That's enough for you? Good Lord. Especially after you say you don't know Chip and you can't say for sure. :lol:

No, I said there's been multiple decisions he's made that raised the idea of him being a racist. It was funny and great jokes. Him signing Tebow would the straw that broke the camel's back is what Im saying.
It's why even tho I hate the Seahawks and their fans are nothing more than cancerous testicle tumors, it's good to see Russ do what he's doing.

Showing these GMs that you don't need to be a 6'5" white dude with an NFL pedigree and 'the skill set/tools' to succeed.

There have been more Blaine Gabbert's, Jake Locker's, and Blake Bortles than Jamarcus Russel's... but that's neither here nor there...
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What are these decisions? You are the one that in the same post said you didnt know him and couldn't say if he was racist. But then say he is if he signs TT to the practice squad.
I'm just not following the thought process. That one signing would really do it? I guess I'm not ready to throw that ugly label on someone for this dumb decision
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Serious question...

Can Borland's "retirement" really be called a retirement?

He was working in the NFL for less than a year. I mean, if I worked at some place for less than a year and left for any reason at all, it sure wouldnt be called a retirement.

But props to dude, he was a stud.

This is basically what Tim Ryan said that got everyone's panties in a bunch. Ryan didn't think the word "retirement" was an appropriate term for someone who only played one season, so he used the word "quit", and everyone got mad.
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