NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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It's cool fellas, enough with the race talk. Some of us look at things differently because of where we come from and our race. Maybe he's racist, maybe he isn't but I have my opinion just like you all do.
It's cool fellas, enough with the race talk. Some of us look at things differently because of where we come from and our race. Maybe he's racist, maybe he isn't but I have my opinion just like you all do.

just gonna bow out after being asked to explain the "questionable decisions"?
As an Eagles fan I question chip jus as much as anybody and as a black man I'm the first one to call people out on prejudices ..

But to say his moves are race driven is a wild reach
Dudes got to war for Chip Kelly :rofl:

You call that going to war?

I'm just legit curious what all this overwhelming evidence of chip being racist is

I want kkkooper off the team too.. I felt dirty rooting for vick too (I own and love dogs)

However howie was the GM in chip's first year and was the one who resigned him.. This is chip's first offseason being in charge
It's why even tho I hate the Seahawks and their fans are nothing more than cancerous testicle tumors, it's good to see Russ do what he's doing.

Showing these GMs that you don't need to be a 6'5" white dude with an NFL pedigree and 'the skill set/tools' to succeed.

There have been more Blaine Gabbert's, Jake Locker's, and Blake Bortles than Jamarcus Russel's... but that's neither here nor there...

still can't believe JaMarcus didn't get another chance, talent is talent regardless if you are considered one of the biggest busts of all time
I think him still struggling in Indy was the biggest red flag. It wasn't just one system and team
What are these decisions? You are the one that in the same post said you didnt know him and couldn't say if he was racist. But then say he is if he signs TT to the practice squad.
I'm just not following the thought process. That one signing would really do it? I guess I'm not ready to throw that ugly label on someone for this dumb decision

Race is such a sensitive topic, everyone is so easily offended. When you let DeSean go and create claims he had gang ties. Then you get rid of McCoy and Maclin because they were too loud, electric or opinionated, it raises red flags. We all know that Chip was part of the reason or the only reason all three of these players are gone. Then you keep all your bum *** white players and the redneck. It looks funny as hell to us. White people say, we don't know the guy and neither do you. He wants Mariota, he loves this black person or that black person. Then you bring in a white QB that can't play QB. ITS MAD ******* SUSPECT.

Greg Hardy is a piece of ****. I wouldn't want him on my team. I've seen men hit women before and I know it happens unfortunately but what Hardy did is completely different, wouldn't want that. He shouldn't be in the league after that.
To be fair, Marshawn looked nothing like what he looks today when he played in Buffalo.
He did look mediocre AT TIMES, but he also did not have a lot of help.

With that said, that does NOT mean i am comparing him to Trent Richardson :lol: :x
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As an Eagles fan I question chip jus as much as anybody and as a black man I'm the first one to call people out on prejudices ..

But to say his moves are race driven is a wild reach

That's your opinion, just like I have mine.

People thought Trent was gonna feast in Indy with Luck. They gave him mad chances and he was awful. My boy Ahmad Bradshaw was out there looking 100x better with a broken neck and foot and still hitting the holes.
ummmm I'm Black and everything u jus said sounds dumb as hell. Desean was the most questionable decision ..but we tried to resign Maclin and replaced with a Black RB.

You hate the Eagles we get it but don't try to bring race in as a factor wen it clearly makes us black folk look stupid when **** really hits the fan
Race is such a sensitive topic, everyone is so easily offended. When you let DeSean go and create claims he had gang ties. Then you get rid of McCoy and Maclin because they were too loud, electric or opinionated, it raises red flags. We all know that Chip was part of the reason or the only reason all three of these players are gone. Then you keep all your bum *** white players and the redneck. It looks funny as hell to us. White people say, we don't know the guy and neither do you. He wants Mariota, he loves this black person or that black person. Then you bring in a white QB that can't play QB. ITS MAD ******* SUSPECT.

Greg Hardy is a piece of ****. I wouldn't want him on my team. I've seen men hit women before and I know it happens unfortunately but what Hardy did is completely different, wouldn't want that. He shouldn't be in the league after that.

I guess I was pointing out that YOU said you didn't know the guy and couldn't say if he was a racist. Though I think in this day in age a racist wouldn't last long as a coach, the prejudice would get in the way of success
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dude lets his hate for the NFC East takeover

never heard him say a positive thing about a Skin, Cowboy or Eagle
Race is such a sensitive topic, everyone is so easily offended. When you let DeSean go and create claims he had gang ties. Then you get rid of McCoy and Maclin because they were too loud, electric or opinionated, it raises red flags. We all know that Chip was part of the reason or the only reason all three of these players are gone. Then you keep all your bum *** white players and the redneck. It looks funny as hell to us. White people say, we don't know the guy and neither do you. He wants Mariota, he loves this black person or that black person. Then you bring in a white QB that can't play QB. ITS MAD ******* SUSPECT.

He tried to resign maclin, offering him 9.5 mill per (which I think is more than fair for a guy with 1 season over 1000 yards).. Chiefs offered him the 7th highest contract for a WR, I like maclin.. But not THAT much

He traded mccoy to help bolster a defense that sorely needed it.. And was able to get Murray and mathews to go along with sproles (and polk if he's still around)

He cut desean and maclin had almost the identical season as him.. Plus we drafted Matthews and huff in the 2nd and 3rd last year

He did cut herremans and james casey too, along with trading foles
It's cool fellas, enough with the race talk. Some of us look at things differently because of where we come from and our race. Maybe he's racist, maybe he isn't but I have my opinion just like you all do.
just gonna bow out after being asked to explain the "questionable decisions"?
You cut DeSean Jackson after a report (not conducted by the team) of him being tied to gang activity, which we find out to be erroneous

Riley Cooper, who isn't an elite player (Elite player typically have a longer leash) is filmed on camera saying racist remarks, is sent home for a WEEK, then rewarded with a contract extension in the offseason

Lastly, LeSean McCoy is traded because of "cap space" and because he's opinionated. However, its funny McCoy said this as his opinion.....
LeSean McCoy told me what hurts about Cooper's remarks is "losing a friend." I asked him what that meant, "I can't respect a guy like that."
— Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer) August 1, 2013
I don't want to think Chip Kelly is racist, but we as people would be ignorant to overlook certain "moves"
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