NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Trent was real at Bama that's why him being this bad is such a shock

No idea wat happen
Jason White won a Heisman at Oklahoma and washed my car last week.

It's real in the NFL
Did he really wash your car?? 
Yall seen SAS hot take and ran with it [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Miss me with this ******** question the mans desicions because they deserve that but to ignore him signing Murray Matthews Maxwell thurmond is just stupid
:lol: for real

Yall act like he's assembling an ALL white team. Last I checked de marco Murray isn't white. Matthews isn't white. Maxwell isn't white. Yall are damn trolls just like SAS :lol:
Some of ya don't know nothing about Jeremiah Masoli, Darren Thomas, Cliff Harris.

He maybe have a white hood somewhere or a Sean John velour suit but for you to call someone a racist that you don't know or has doesn't have a history of being a racist is wild ignorant.
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That racist claim is ignorant as just cause he brings a qb who may not be great he's racist? What about the other coaches who didn't bring those deserving black qbs? Are they racist too now ? Honestly that has to be the worst rationale....stop clowning
I don't think chip is racist personally. He's just really good at making other teams better.

But I heard it before SAS said a word about it. Like ballerific said, it was brought up in my barbershop, it was brought up in the group chat amongst my boys.

nowhere credible, I know. I'm just saying in a setting where it's 100% black males talking sports, it was brought up way before SAS said a word. It was a conversation last summer too after the fake d-jax story and then the real Riley cooper racism + extension.

It just rubs people the wrong way seeing all these players that are highly successful and in their primes getting the boot. You never see that.

I know. They all didn't "get the boot". But let's be real. If chip REALLU wanted those guys around they'd still be around. Chip has proven he gets who he wants. For better or worse.
Some of ya don't know nothing about Jeremiah Masoli, Darren Thomas, Cliff Harris.

He maybe have a white hood somewhere or a Sean John velour suit but for you to call someone a racist that you don't know or has doesn't have a history of being a racist is wild ignorant.


a LaGarette Blount to that list who was brought back for the bowl and to participate in Oregon's Pro day same with Cliff Harris

Chip is far from racist.
I don't think chip is racist personally. He's just really good at making other teams better.

But I heard it before SAS said a word about it. Like ballerific said, it was brought up in my barbershop, it was brought up in the group chat amongst my boys.

nowhere credible, I know. I'm just saying in a setting where it's 100% black males talking sports, it was brought up way before SAS said a word. It was a conversation last summer too after the fake d-jax story and then the real Riley cooper racism + extension.

It just rubs people the wrong way seeing all these players that are highly successful and in their primes getting the boot. You never see that.

I know. They all didn't "get the boot". But let's be real. If chip REALLU wanted those guys around they'd still be around. Chip has proven he gets who he wants. For better or worse.

All these players getting the boot? Desean Jackson is all these players

That's one player
I think it's out of fear that Chip might actually know what he's doing so let's keep bringing up the race card in case he's successful

Few clowns need to go read up on Josh Huff and where he came from and how Chip was basically a father figure to him
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It's not a coincidence that the dudes saying this **** are all Eagles rivals [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

I think it's out of fear that Chip might actually know what he's doing so let's keep bringing up the race card in case he's successful

Got me. I'm caught. I'm so scared that Chip and the Eagles could be successful this year.

I hate Jerry Reese more than I hate the Eagles right now. I despise all the moves we've made and not made this offseason besides the Shane Vareen signing. Other than that, we've been terrible this summer.
:lol: @ "fear that Chip might actually know what he's doing" c'mon Stillin knock it off.

You're so quick to jump on the black man's case when we do wrong, make mistakes or poor decisions, yet somebody makes a claim about your boy Chip and now you're up in arms?

Not even sure where you're going with this one .. Jerry has always been the type to give guys chances to prove themselves regardless of their past behavior, this is nothing new. He tries to the father figure approach, sometimes it works and sometimes it backfires.

Why didn't you post the article about Jerry letting Abram Elam use his private plane to go to Florida to be with his family when his father died?

Miss me with the Jerry slander, ya beef is with my man that called your boy Chip a racist.
:lol: @ "fear that Chip might actually know what he's doing" c'mon Stillin knock it off.

You're so quick to jump on the black man's case when we do wrong, make mistakes or poor decisions, yet somebody makes a claim about your boy Chip and now you're up in arms?

Where do I jump on the black man? Waiting for you to bring up Gordon and Blackmon but leave out how I say the same exact stuff towards Johnny Football
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:lol: @ "fear that Chip might actually know what he's doing" c'mon Stillin knock it off.

You're so quick to jump on the black man's case when we do wrong, make mistakes or poor decisions, yet somebody makes a claim about your boy Chip and now you're up in arms?
Not even sure where you're going with this one .. Jerry has always been the type to give guys chances to prove themselves regardless of their past behavior, this is nothing new. He tries to the father figure approach, sometimes it works and sometimes it backfires.

Why didn't you post the article about Jerry letting Abram Elam use his private plane to go to Florida to be with his family when his father died?

Miss me with the Jerry slander, ya beef is with my man that called your boy Chip a racist.

Where do I jump on the black man? Waiting for you to bring up Gordon and Blackmon but leave out how I say the same exact stuff towards Johnny Football

It's consistent fam, just look at how you came in here last night and slandered Hardy, calling him a clown talkin' bout he's gonna repeat the same actions again :smh:

Johnny Football is an easy target for EVERYBODY to pick on, I hear white people call him "white trash" all the time. If he was a stand-up citizen who took his career seriously and didn't act like a party animal all the time you guys would defend all of his previous tomfoolery by saying he was just a kid having fun :smh:.

Not even sure where you're going with this one

I literally start off by saying:
So what conclusions should I jump to

if we're jumping to absurd conclusions, shouldn't we do that for everyone?

There were so many different examples to use, but you picked 3 Cowboys links to make it seem Jerry is running a prison.
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