NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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chip is a winner? ... What has he won at Oregon or in the pros... Don't know how people look at chip like that. Thought you have to win something like a championship to be considered a winner. Marty schottenheimer considered a winner as well? ...

Racist tho, I don't think so yall reaching on fat boy...
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pretty simple:

Chip saw a ceiling with Andy's players and he wants HIS team that he thinks can take the next step, it either fails or is a success
chip is a winner? ... What has he won at Oregon or in the pros... Don't know how people look at chip like that. Thought you have to win something like a championship to be considered a winner. Marty schottenheimer considered a winner as well? ...

Don't be dense.
chip is a winner? ... What has he won at Oregon or in the pros... Don't know how people look at chip like that. Thought you have to win something like a championship to be considered a winner. Marty schottenheimer considered a winner as well? ...

Jason Garrett is a loser then
chip is a winner? ... What has he won at Oregon or in the pros... Don't know how people look at chip like that.

He took a 4-12 team to back-to-back 10-6 seasons, including one where Mark Sanchez played half the season.

But unless you come into the league and win a Super Bowl your first year, you're not a winner, am I right?!

teams are desperate for their answer at QB

still can't decide if Chip really wants Bradford or he knows his value in a trade
Bradford can't stay healthy though, that's his biggest problem.

And even when he was healthy... What has he done exactly?

don't ask me, ask NFL GMs

he looked promising his rookie year then it's been either an injury or a year not as impressive

Bradford has potential in the right offense, that's how I look at it
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Sam Bradford is that lovable loser in the NFL.

Every pre-season, he gets gassed up by folks and you hear 'if he stays healthy, the Rams will be dangerous!'

Every season, he gets hurt, and then all is quiet on the Slingin' Sammy front.

Following off-season, the Slingin' Sammy boys come out in force again. He's a fantasy sleeper! He'll show you guys what's up!

Sam Bradford is that lovable loser in the NFL.

Every pre-season, he gets gassed up by folks and you hear 'if he stays healthy, the Rams will be dangerous!'

Every season, he gets hurt, and then all is quiet on the Slingin' Sammy front.

Following off-season, the Slingin' Sammy boys come out in force again. He's a fantasy sleeper! He'll show you guys what's up!


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CLE had plenty of chances last year. They should have been in the playoffs. If they had an average QB, they would have been in. I seen Hoyer literally kill the Browns multiple times. I'm surprised CLE hasn't traded for Robert Griffin or Matt Barkley or even Cousins. They're desperate.

I don't think the verdict is out on Bradford. When he was healthy, he had zero talent around. When he finally got some, he couldn't stay healthy

I'm taking Bradford over EJ, Geno, Hoyer, Manziel and a few others.
I'm sorry Pats fans at least you know what a SB feels like

Mike Reiss ‏@MikeReiss · 3m3 minutes ago
CB Bradley Fletcher, who visited the Patriots on Tuesday, is signing with the team. His agent @andysimms confirmed when asked.
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I don't think he is our guy.. I think chip is bluffing

I can't see the Titans or Washington actually taking mariota.. Maybe the jets.. I think those teams were really banking on chip trading the farm

Bradford has more talent and value than foles, fisher wanted foles.. I'm just waiting til the draft to see how this all plays out
CLE had plenty of chances last year. They should have been in the playoffs. If they had an average QB, they would have been in. I seen Hoyer literally kill the Browns multiple times. I'm surprised CLE hasn't traded for Robert Griffin or Matt Barkley or even Cousins. They're desperate.

I don't think the verdict is out on Bradford. When he was healthy, he had zero talent around. When he finally got some, he couldn't stay healthy

I'm taking Bradford over EJ, Geno, Hoyer, Manziel and a few others.

Problem is they are still last in the AFCN, so that makes it impossible to be in the playoffs until something changes within the division
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From Revis and Browner to Fletcher and Newman.
Ty Law is rolling over in his grave.
Can Troy Brown still play corner?

And if Newman signs, he'd be the oldest CB in the league by a nice margin of 4 years.


"In Bill we trust."
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