NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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It's funny how ppl don't wanna compare bounty gate to repeated cheaters...yes both coaches lied to the commish of not having any knowledge of their actions Saints had harsh punishments belichck got fined 500k while Payton got suspended whole yr no we are again with the cheatriots and ppl wanna down play Brady being suspended a yr and the franchise not having any punishment FOH they've been constantly cheating and they keep getting caught there needs to be SEVERE PUNISHMENT drop the hammer *** Goddell *****
Tom Brady shouldn't be punished for this but when you start punishing people under the "embarrassing to the league" rationale then you kinda have to punish Tom Brady to be fair

why shouldn't he?

Because he didn't directly do it

Lol so violence bounty gate should be cleared to then right? When you a repeated offender when it comes to cheating and the team as well been affiliated with it more than once ain't no pass given!!! You give Brady a pass everybody else should be treated the same then

you can't compare bounty gate to deflating a ball or stealing signs. bounty gate could've led to a career ending injury. deflating a ball or stealing play calls doesn't hurt anyone physically.
you can't compare bounty gate to deflating a ball or stealing signs. bounty gate could've led to a career ending injury. deflating a ball or stealing play calls doesn't hurt anyone physically.

You still messing with the integrity of the game punishments shouldn't differ
A year

I doubt it .. 4 game slap on a wrist with an appeal that wil cut it down to 2 or 3 games at most.
For sure
Paying people to cause physical harm is not the same as messing with footballs IMO
It's definitely not.  Then again cheating is still cheating and being repeat offenders does matter.

What the Saints did wasn't really "cheating" imo, or at least that's not the biggest problem with it.  Trying to intentionally injure players is a different type of problem.

They're apples and oranges but both big issues that deserve penalties.
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The whole bounty gate issue was really exacerbated since it came out right when people were just starting to become more aware about issues related to concussions,CTE and other types of head trauma imo. Goodell's hand was really forced by his whole "player safety" initiatives he brought forth earlier and public pressure. The leagues being it's reactionary self,I wouldn't even be surprised if 1 year was on the table :smh:.
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So let's see if I got this straight.

Brad Johnson admits doctoring Super Bowl 37 footballs
Broncos busted video taping a 49ers practice before a game in London
Patriots and the spygate scandal
Saints and the bountygate scandal
Washington and Dallas violate NFL salary cap rules
Jets fined for tampering with Darrelle Revis
Falcons caught using fake crowd noise
Browns caught sending illegal text messages during games
Patriots and the deflategate scandal

By this time next year we'll have probably 5 more.
you can go back to my posts. i did "own it".

that's good. then you should understand the fury of the football world. deliberately denying participation in advantageous play should be punished harshly. it is one thing if you get caught and you don't have a chance a own up to it. but brady had a chance to admit but he thought he washed his hands clean. now it is biting him in the ***. he should definitely get fined/suspended to the maximum.
It's definitely not.  Then again cheating is still cheating and being repeat offenders does matter.

What the Saints did wasn't really "cheating" imo, or at least that's not the biggest problem with it.  Trying to intentionally injure players is a different type of problem.

They're apples and oranges but both big issues that deserve penalties.

I agree the league needs to look at the repeat part the most and that's why I can see something significant possibly coming
So let's see if I got this straight.

Brad Johnson admits doctoring Super Bowl 37 footballs
Broncos busted video taping a 49ers practice before a game in London
Patriots and the spygate scandal
Saints and the bountygate scandal
Washington and Dallas violate NFL salary cap rules
Jets fined for tampering with Darrelle Revis
Falcons caught using fake crowd noise
Browns caught sending illegal text messages during games
Patriots and the deflategate scandal

By this time next year we'll have probably 5 more.

"Gamesmanship" until you get caught
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straight fallacy arguments if you're bringing up the past. brady had a chance to clear things up. but he didn't. now the full wrath should be let out on him
So let's see if I got this straight.

Brad Johnson admits doctoring Super Bowl 37 footballs
Broncos busted video taping a 49ers practice before a game in London
Patriots and the spygate scandal
Saints and the bountygate scandal
Washington and Dallas violate NFL salary cap rules
Jets fined for tampering with Darrelle Revis
Falcons caught using fake crowd noise
Browns caught sending illegal text messages during games
Patriots and the deflategate scandal

By this time next year we'll have probably 5 more.
Nice deflection tactic.

Mixing it in with as many minor incidents as you can think of to make it seem like its the same.

"Jets tampering with Revis"

"Falcons Crowd noise"

"Browns text messages from GM to bench"

 come on dude
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This huge suspension for TB is gaining momentum. Bad news for TB12, the media firestorm could cause Roger to overreact. Good news is him missing game 1 looks more and more likely
This huge suspension for TB is gaining momentum. Bad news for TB12, the media firestorm could cause Roger to overreact. Good news is him missing game 1 looks more and more likely
It's funny because the length of suspension is literally based on media perception 
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