NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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So the league apparently refused to interview McNally via phone after he offered...
 Per a league source, McNally was willing to be questioned again by phone, but the NFL declined the offer. For a variety of reasons — including the fact that he’d been ambushed at his home by ESPN’s Kelly Naqi based on a perceived leak from her husband, a former league-office employee who now works for the Jaguars — McNally didn’t want to submit to yet another face-to-face interview.

Also,he had talked to them 4 times face to face before this...
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Pats must be dumb as **** then cuz they keep getting caught.

I will agree with that

Bill is like the Godfather he is the last person I expected to get caught

I guess Michael (Nick Saban) needs to make a phone call to help the don tighten the screws

The funny part is I bet all 31 NFL teams/coaches/players/trainers/equipment guys are looking at this like "ok we gott cover our tracks and make sure nothing in the past or future leaks out"

I know Pete Carrol is 100% meeting with his staff

So far Saints, Patriots, Falcons, Browns have all been caught are there any other franchises in the past that have been caught?

I have a feeling Cowboys is coming soon :nerd: :rofl: Jerry too cocky
Would rather see Miami break out orange jerseys.

Just heard two callers call in and say.

1st caller: Ben wears a glove for better grip, he shouldn't be allowed to wear a glove.

2nd caller: Mother Nature deflated the ball, it's basic math. Wells report got it wrong.


Damn, Pats wouldn't let the NFL talk to the equipment guy? ****.
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DA, you're my dude but when you ask "why is it okay for other teams to cheat but not us?" "Why is AR not given slack for overinflated footballs?" "Why is he not caught?"... It's like a driver asking a cop "why is it okay for others ahead of me to speed but not for me? Why did you pull me over?"

No ones saying its "okay" for you to cheat, or speed, or run a stop sign, etc... But, when you do you know deep down you're not supposed to, and it's a risk you're willing to take.

Is it fair that YOU are the one the cop caught or saw at that very moment? No, a little bad luck of course, but you still decided to break a rule and you got caught. Fair or not, it could of been avoided if you stayed within the speed limit *kanye shrug*

every single day out there on the streets a cop is pulling someone over, and you know what sucks? As they are someone doing something worse probably just drove by. It's life... It sucks, but not everything can be seen at every moment, and not everyone is

Those who are, get prosecuted.
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