NFL Quarterbacks Discussion thread: 2013 Edition

posted this in the season thread too...

9-18 103 yds 50.0 compl % 25.9 qbr 67.6 rating

was this really russell wilsons stat line vs the saints? must be nice to not have to put up solid, **** or even average qb numbers to win in the playoffs, i wish this is all andrew luck had to do to win games...
posted this in the season thread too...

9-18 103 yds 50.0 compl % 25.9 qbr 67.6 rating

was this really russell wilsons stat line vs the saints? must be nice to not have to put up solid, **** or even average qb numbers to win in the playoffs, i wish this is all andrew luck had to do to win games...

Maybe he could do that if he would stop throwing pick 6s
Maybe he could do that if he would stop throwing pick 6s
  You don't get it bro.  Andrew HAS to throw those pick 6s to win games.

Without those 3 INTs they never beat KC in the first place.
if your team wins i dont think it really matters what the statline is.... ben had some sh___y numbers that year pittsburg beat seattle
Like coltfanb has been pointing out in the discussion threat -- How cool would it really be for him to win a Super Bowl on two different teams? I think that's awesome. Doesn't do a whole lot to supplant a legacy over Brady or anything, but it's very impressive.

It really shows how great he is to take a team in only his 2nd year with a team this far to begin with. We know they already had a talented roster, but there's still chemistry issues, different verbage in the play calls and it's all probably tenfold when playing with Manning. The work he does is amazing.
But he got to hand pick his team though :lol:

A team that won a playoff game with Tim Tebow at QB.

I think winning a SB on the same team almost ten years apart is far more impressive.
That's fine, but it's still hard to do. To think about all that's involved in starting with a new team and then Peyton adding all his little twists and audibles is a lot of work.
I dont think its that hard to do at all. Peyton came in, told everybody how its going to be, and that how it is. He left his old team for a BETTER team. He is basically the OC.

If Brady left next year and signed with the Niners and they won it, thatd b more impressive than winning with the Pats this year? I dont get it :lol:
You're creating a straw man, but I don't think you can deny how great Foles' season was. If he can keep up that pace he'll be a serious MVP candidate very soon. I don't think he can keep it up personally, but we'll see.

MVP candidate? Foles? Guy is an efficient game manager and runs the system well but he won't be no mvp candidate
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MVP candidate? Foles? Guy is an efficient game manager.
  this is a really old and out of context quote.

What I was saying was that if Foles were to keep up his ridiculous statistical pace from the second half of the year for an entire season next year, people would have to consider him as an MVP candidate on the strength of those numbers.

I don't really think he's a great QB either, and I don't see him keeping those numbers up, so it's a moot point.  

Efficient game manager might be a stretch.
He looked TERRIBLE. That ball he floated over Edelman's head in the endzone ? They scored the next play, but it showed how off he is. He's always overthrowing balls. All season.
If Peyton pulls this off, Regular season records, MVP, dominant win over Brady, and possible Super Bowl, (MVP?) and against the Seattle defense, that's basically the LeBron sweep, right?

On the other side, I've seen Russell Wilson make 3 plays in 2 games, and one of them was a free play due to offsides. The Ben comparisons are looking very astute at this point in time, but he could of course change it with a big game against Denver. (without their best corner and best pass rusher, but still)

On the other side, I've seen Russell Wilson make 3 plays in 2 games, and one of them was a free play due to offsides. The Ben comparisons are looking very astute at this point in time, but he could of course change it with a big game against Denver. (without their best corner and best pass rusher, but still)

Ben actually did more than Russ leading up to this first Super Bowl. Not to take anything away from Russ -- like you said, he's made a few big plays -- but in two games this postseason:

25/43 (58%), 318 yards, 1 TD.
8 rushes for 16 yards.

That's TWO games worth of stats. TWO. Has there ever been a QB who has done less to reach a Super Bowl?
On the other side, I've seen Russell Wilson make 3 plays in 2 games, and one of them was a free play due to offsides. The Ben comparisons are looking very astute at this point in time, but he could of course change it with a big game against Denver. (without their best corner and best pass rusher, but still)

Ben actually did more than Russ leading up to this first Super Bowl. Not to take anything away from Russ -- like you said, he's made a few big plays -- but in two games this postseason:

25/43 (58%), 318 yards, 1 TD.
8 rushes for 16 yards.

That's TWO games worth of stats. TWO. Has there ever been a QB who has done less to reach a Super Bowl?

Those stats don't take into account how great he makes Marshawn Lynch tho.
Or how great his defense can play, cuz he's on the team.

Remember that.
Bitterness :lol:

I don't think anyone in Seattle cares if Wilson throws for 70 yards each playoff game... Since we're in the Super Bowl.
Of course not, that's why when people criticized Ben I never cared since the team won with him (though that talk cooled since he continues to play well even with much worse teams). At some point the surrounding team will get worse and RW will have to so more. But for now, mange the game, don't make mistakes and maybe make a big play or two
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