NFL Quarterbacks Discussion thread: 2013 Edition

Put this in the Seahawks thread, but definitely fits here too...

Heard Bielema explain this in an NFL radio interview just this morning about Russell...

When Russell got to Wisconsin, his compulsions stunned and amused his new coach. As the Badgers practiced the week before their first away game, Bret Bielema noticed that Wilson's head kept swiveling to a certain part of the stadium before each snap.

"I'm thinking what the devil is this kid looking at?" said Bielema, now at Arkansas. "Well, he'd gone on the Internet and looked up where we were playing and found out where the [play] clock was. It's in a different location in every stadium, and he was training his eyes to go to that part of the stadium as he took every snap."

Never even cared to try and consider something like this when I played. Whooolllle 'nother level, this dude.
someone's legacy just got CRUSHED tonight :nerd:

it wasn't just losing...but the way it happened. 100% folded under the lights.
Elway got crushed all the time in Super Bowls. Peyton's legacy already included being mediocre in the post season. This changed very little IMO, basically find where one ranks Marino and Peyton is probably one ahead or behind
Elway got crushed all the time in Super Bowls. Peyton's legacy already included being mediocre in the post season. This changed very little IMO, basically find where one ranks Marino and Peyton is probably one ahead or behind

elway got crushed when he was carrying a bunch of mediocre to scrub players. to get crushed like THAT with such a stacked offense isn't the same as elway getting crushed in those earlier SBs IMO

i mean the broncos essentially were shutout. one garbage time TD at the end of the 3rd quarter. and that's how bad it was, garbage time in the 3rd quarter.

it's not all on 18...of course it isn't. but he did nothing to prove the people who slander the hell out of him wrong last night. nothing at all.
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This one certainly gonna stick with Peyton, but this was a pretty good example of how things go beyond ones control.

I've spoken up and against for Brady, Peyton, Romo, Dan, Favre, just about everybody over the years in here. We've had a ton of good QB talk.

But I just watched an all time elite QB put up 34 of 49 for 280, get smoked by a QB that didn't do anything at all until his receivers made 2 ridiculous plays in the second half, up 29-0 and 36-8 and finished with 206 yards on 18/25.

Every single snap of that game was on Peyton's shoulders. Tavares Jackson could have played the first half and the Seahawks would still have led easily at halftime. :lol:

The Super Bowl winning QB threw 3 TD's in 3 games. 2 of them garbage time, both of those were insane plays by his WR. The 3rd was a fluke "toss it up" on an offsides 4th down play.

I have literally, never seen anything like that. In this day and age of QB means everything, passing numbers thru the roof, a guy literally did nothing for 3 playoff games, and won each time. Against pretty good QB's, and at least respectable defenses.

I know that Russ is better than Trent Dilfer by a wide margin. But this past month was the 2000 Ravens all over again. That defense and big bruising RB looked real, real familiar to me.

What it all means for Peyton........I don't know. Bottom line, he has a SB win. He has a ton of records. And he has another year (maybe?) to get some more numbers up next year. No matter what, he's had a fine career. But give a team a week or two to prep for him and his team, and he seems to come up short an awful lot. His fault or otherwise, I don't know. He looked great against NE, he'll always have that game over Brady, and Brady looked awful that day. But Seattle looked just like Tampa against Oakland where they knew every play, before they happened. They were ALL OVER Denver, from the first kickoff on.

In time, maybe people will examine the how's and whys, for now, Peyton is certainly one of the best ever, but I'm not sure he'll ever be the unanimous #1 due to playoff performances.

Ben twice, Eli twice, Flacco, now Wilson. Only Aaron Rodgers and Peyton mixed in with all those.

The days of "have to have an elite QB to win it all" may just be gone now. Pitt, NYG, Balt, and Sea, what do they all have in common??????? :nerd:

And the year that Peyton won, what was the factor most credited? His best defense in Indy.

Rodgers is the only one I can think of that won without a "great" defense, but that Pack team was pretty solid.
:lol: saltiness hilarious.

That was quite a journal entry though. Attempted rationalizations, I dig it. Including giving Peyton credit for breaking the completions record and getting 290 yards :lol:. Did you watch the game?
It's not 'salt.'

Russell Wilson had 90 passing yards and the Seahawks were up 29-0. :x :x :x That's a FACT. That's a STATISTIC. 90 passing yards, 29-0.
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It's not 'salt.'

Russell Wilson had 90 passing yards and the Seahawks were up 29-0. :x :x :x That's a FACT. That's a STATISTIC. 90 passing yards, 29-0.

A statistic would be 18/25 for 206 yards with 2 TDs and a 123.1 rating., 7/12 on third downs. And a Super Bowl ring.

Those are real statistics. Sorry :frown:
Wouldn't they both be considered statistics? Just taken at different times? RW did what he had to and nothing more. Effective way to play football
Yes, I'm a known Peyton backer 'roun these parts.

Salt. :lol:

Let's be honest. We both know this makes you mad:

Seattle homers gotta go man. :lol:

How the hell you hype a QB that did absolutely nothing and was up 29-0? Really, why on earth would you prop that up?????

His first TD was a stupidly thrown ball with 3 defenders, his WR broke like 4-5 tackles, but that's on Russ???? :lol: :lol:

I mean, I guess I can credit Eli for the helmet catch, right? I mean, clearly he put the ball where only his guy could catch it........ :lol:
When a QB just won a Super Bowl in his second season with a 100+ rating and your first instinct is to write an essay about how much he sucks...

You might have a problem.
You guys are the ones with the schtick, not I.

I'm discussing QB's in here. You're begging for respect. Respect you wouldn't be able to beg for without that legendary defense.

We all get it. Seattle fans the only ones who don't. Funny how that works, ain't it?
When a QB just won a Super Bowl in his second season with a 100+ rating and your first instinct is to write an essay about how much he sucks...

You might have a problem.

Funny, I was typing about Peyton, and you read it as I was ranting about Wilson.

You might be the problem.

doesn't 651 do an end of year write up in these typically? or am i imagining that?
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I mean, I guess I can credit Eli for the helmet catch, right? I mean, clearly he put the ball where only his guy could catch it........ :lol:

Clutch players throw footballs for their receivers to catch with the top of their helmet. Didn't you get the memo?

Russ did what was needed to win the game. Just so happens that he put up 100+ yards and 2 TDs AFTER the Broncos waved the white flag.
not bashing russ at all, he played a smart game and didnt force one throw. his playoff run wasnt a good one for a qb who just won a sb tho, any other qb wouldve been one and done with the performances he had in those games, but i cant hate on him **** i wish my team was that good... i mean i wish my defense was that good...
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not bashing russ at all, he played a smart game and didnt force one throw. his playoff run wasnt a good one for a qb who just won a sb tho, any other qb wouldve been one and done with the performances he had in those games, but i cant hate on him **** i wish my team was that good...

I get what you're saying and I don't think he put in a performance to carry a team like Brees or Rodgers had to, of course.

That said, it's his second season. He's a young improving player and played well. Brady's first Super Bowl he was 16/27 and 145y with 1 TD.

So we all know it's not true that most QBs would have been "one and done". And I'm very happy with such an efficient performance.
I *hope* Russ proves me wrong and continues improving the way Ben has. I really do. He's an amazing QB with a incredible set of skills. My only hope is that he isn't immediately tossed into peoples "top 5" after winning a ring. Flacco had a great playoffs and SB, won a ring, and came out flat last year. Miss me with that "but his offense" noise... he lost weapons, but good QBs find ways to win.

Russ comes out next year and continues trending up... gonna be hard for people to ignore and overlook him.
I get what you're saying and I don't think he put in a performance to carry a team like Brees or Rodgers had to, of course.

That said, it's his second season. He's a young improving player and played well. Brady's first Super Bowl he was 16/27 and 145y with 1 TD.

So we all know it's not true that most QBs would have been "one and done". And I'm very happy with such an efficient performance.

i just hope i can be in your position next year, being fresh off of a super bowl victory in arizona... is the parade scheduled for tomorrow?
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