NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

Regardless of your stance on this position, please stop with the “you must’ve never played football” argument. His teammates, retired players, coaches, etc have all said it was a horrible act. The “you can’t discuss sports unless you played at a high level” debate is so corny. And I played organized basketball and football for 15 years
Y’all acting like it’s the street. Mason shouldn’t of rushed him without a helmet. First it’s his helmet that’s disrespectful to yank it off. Second it’s NFL game Myles need to control himself
Now they are showing all of Garretts other incidents and fines all over tv. This is crazy man. He dont deaerve t
what Could happen when Garrett hits someone’s unprotected head with a helmet and what Could happen if Rudolph maybe rips Garrett’s helmet off are both worthy of pedestalizing as similar things?
Rudolph ripping off Garretts helmet
Garrett ripping off Rudolphs helmet

until Rudolph went after him lol
Whole thing is overblown at this point in my opinion. Give him 2 games and keep it moving. Give Rudolph and Pouncey 1.

pretty much.. i figured it would be 6 and then 2 for pouncey and rudolph.. and then after appeals it would go down to 4 and 1
NFL needed to sit on this longer and let everyone settle down. All their decisions are based off the media reaction and we got maniacs yelling he could have killed him, ban him for life, put him in jail.

I mean it took a minute for a number of people to realize Mason started the whole thing. Should have been 4 games. This suspension is overkill.
I believe that Rudolph is still under investigation for his role in this matter along with the other players who came off of the bench.
Rogah wanted to send an immediate message to the players who were involved in the more ‘shocking’ actions i.e. the punching,knocking down a player, kicking and swinging.
Rulebook says ejection and 15 yard flag, it’s defintiely being overblown.
rule book also says the type of hits Burfict and others make are also 15 yard penalties with ejections but that doesnt mean you can;t get suspended after.

Come on man. I know you got sense.
just pointing out that people are talking a hell of alot about what could have happened instead of discussing what did happen

If I punch you I still get in trouble for assault even if I didn’t seriously injure you.

Garrett got suspended accordingly for what he did, not what he could’ve done.
Now they are showing all of Garretts other incidents and fines all over tv. This is crazy man. He dont deaerve t

Rudolph ripping off Garretts helmet
Garrett ripping off Rudolphs helmet

until Rudolph went after him lol

Rudolph didn’t rip off his helmet. He looked like he was trying to, yes, but we can’t say he did. We can say Garrett ripped off the helmet AND swung and hit a defenseless player in the head.

no I’m not going to say Myles needs any mental help or anything, he was caught up in the moment but my god don’t let yourself get caught up in the moment if that’s what you as an individual does when that happens
Folks acting like Rudolph woke up like

rule book also says the type of hits Burfict and others make are also 15 yard penalties with ejections but that doesnt mean you can;t get suspended after.

Come on man. I know you got sense.

I got no problem with him being suspended. I said 4-6 games this whole time. Rudolph should get 1-2. Pouncy should get 3-4.
Not mad at the amount of games everybody got but I’m mad at what Rudolph DIDNT get.

Mans started it all an walked away with no repercussions smh

At the very least he walked away looking like the softest QB in the NFL on top of arguably its most terrible.
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