NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face


Browns are out of control lol
I don’t understand how some people don’t get that instigation doesn’t mean ****. Literally no one cares about instigating. It’s about who crosses the line first. No one gets suspended for getting sacked and acting like a little **** about it.

So nothing is happening to Rudolph? Not surprised Garrett’s done for the year, but I thought Rudolph would at least get a game.

jermaine whitehead somewhere like confused.....
I still can't believe the overreaction at that Moss celebration. The man FAKE mooned the crowd. Buck was acting like he flung feces into the stands.

The Moss moon and OBJ dog piss were both hilarious and harmless.

And the spectators in the crowd be worse than the players. Fans threw a dildo on the field in Buffalo..... but hey.... it’s all jokes. People so hypocritical
ESPN been waiting on a day like this.... they may have this PLUS a Kaepernick signing within 2 weeks. They’re salivating
And the spectators in the crowd be worse than the players. Fans threw a dildo on the field in Buffalo..... but hey.... it’s all jokes. People so hypocritical

Yup. Throw beer. Scream personal/racial insults. Flip the bird when the opposing team gets a TD.
Got pitchers continually throwing 90+ MPH at dudes' heads, because unwritten rules on bat flips and homer-pimping, but a dude getting hit by the softest part of a helmet is the worst thing some of these guys have seen. Rudolph shouldn't be painted as a victim, he's just the individual that is less wrong than Garrett. If he was really that mad, and wanted the smoke, his adrenaline would've kept him still going for Garrett after being hit..

can’t forget the hockey fighting highlights
Why do we keep hypothetical killin Garrett over what COULD have happened if he hit Mason flush?

But we don't hypothetical wonder what might have happened if Mason was able to get that helmet off Myles?

We saw multiple players knocked the hell out during the game with ACTUAL concussions, thas fine, but the dude who got popped and is completely fine is the real issue.

Too bad the NFL didn't worry about innocent kids and women being beaten on worse than what Mason got, but we'll gloss over that. These aren't the droids you're looking for.....
Why do we keep hypothetical killin Garrett over what COULD have happened if he hit Mason flush?

But we don't hypothetical wonder what might have happened if Mason was able to get that helmet off Myles?

Because the what-ifs are way different CP.

He was grabbing at Garrett’s helmet because Garrett wouldn’t get off of him, and it’s way too far to say he would’ve smacked him with it.

How the **** would you or anyone know what he would’ve done with the helmet?

How often has that happened where someone’s hit someone with a helmet after taking it off of them? How can you say that that is a potential “what-if” then, that that COULD’VE happened?

The what-ifs in the Garrett-hitting-Rudolph scenario are Rudolph gets hit in the wrong spot of the head, and there’s no way Garrett had any control over where he was going to strike him when he’s just swinging it violently at him like that.
I just read every post since last night from when the incident happened and when it comes to suspensions, one thing is clear....half of you need to be from this thread for 1 week for some of these takes. And because it took so long for me to get caught up, give 2 weeks for those of you that feel the need to repeat yourselves on every page. And to the guy relating this incident to pulling a cops gun... :lol: suspended ******* indefinitely.
All the what ifs are irrelevant. All the **** that could’ve happened to Rudolph didn’t happen. Penalties should be handed out based on what happened. Not mad at Garrett’s suspension. Rudolph should’ve gotten something though.
Baker should’ve rode with his teammate in that interview like pouncey did for Rudolph.
I don’t understand how some people don’t get that instigation doesn’t mean ****. Literally no one cares about instigating. It’s about who crosses the line first. No one gets suspended for getting sacked and acting like a little **** about it.
blows my mind people can't understand this. The instigation doesnt justify getting cracked over the head with a weapon.
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