NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

I thought AB was initially happy and excited about playing for the raiders. I didn’t see why he wouldn’t be, fresh start, new coaches and teammates.

Didn’t even think about his acting out as a means of him wanting to leave Oakland, if that’s really the case then that displays even more childlike behavior than I initially thought.

As much as I don’t like to agree with this logic I think it’s the unfortunate reality.

I don’t know why these dudes continue to act like idiots and say stupid and misguided **** about race like ignorant 10 year olds would say. It’s probably a combination of the schools these guys go to and the coaches psychologically conditioning this taught behavior.

Not everyone, but a lot. A whole lot.
The entire machine of football from high school onwards is meant to condition the players to think (and not think) a certain way. It’s conservative america’s dream.
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