NFL Week 15 In Review...

Once the game got close I looked over to my buddy and said "at least we're playing Tony Romo. That's something we really have going for us. You watch, he will blow this game. You cant even jinx that, its just going to happen regardless." 2 interceptions and a W later :rofl:

Give me Jordy over Dez any day of the week. If I had the option to swap these 2 i'd say helllllllllll no. Its just like, one of them doesnt have to throw around his stupid X symbol as if the game were won, you know? Or does this after his Touchdown

I think the best part was the Packers chanting "This is our house" in the locker room after the game.
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So now we're getting on Dez because he has a TD celebration like 80% of the league does :lol: Man yall hate the Cowboys
Hmmm...I could be wrong, but isn't that the same play. I thought Romo checked out of the run on that interception he threw to Tramon Williams to seal the game. I recall seeing a replay where even Demarco believes he's getting the offensive line blocks to the rightHmmm...I could be wrong, but isn't that the same play. I thought Romo checked out of the run on that interception he threw to Tramon Williams to seal the game. I recall seeing a replay where even Demarco believes he's getting the ball...offensive line blocks to the right...and Romo fires the ball to Tramon as Beasley correctly terminates his option route short to avoid Tramon. If both WR and QB are supposed to read the defense and react, how is that Beasley's fault?

Oh and Dez > Jordy. Don't go there.
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What's football? I'm an accountant for a third world country.

Yes, I've freaking played football. And that matters zero to the discussion, because I'm talking about confusion.

Garbage men get confused if they're told two different things. Name a person; any person. If that person was told to do 2 different things by 2 people who were fairly important to them, they would be confused.

Have you ever played for the Dallas Cowboys? I haven't, but since you seem to think that only people directly involved can partake in discussion, were you on the field last night? If not, your own logic should stand to suggest you're as clueless as me, no? Neither one of us was in that huddle, on that field, right?

"Have you ever played football?" 
 Aggravates the fire out of me when people w/ weak arguments need to resort to this elementary tactic. "I played football, so my argument is more valid."


Check out of a play... EVERYONE else is thinking one thing is going to happen... and you go with something else... it's confusing. Bad things happen. Boss says one thing, supervisor says another, you're like "Ummm..."

Don't matter if I've played football, opened Wall St., or graduated HS to know that. Bad things happen because of confusion is not specific to football. 
So in that long, drawn out response, you are basically saying that because one play was planned, and a new one was called at the line of scrimmage, it excuses a receiver for running the wrong route?  That's essentially what you are saying right?  Because confusion may occur if the play called at the line of scrimmage is different than the planned play, it totally absolves the WR of blame?  I have never heard such a thing. 

And the reason I asked you if you played football before was not to boost up my football knowledge against yours.  Not the intention at all. I was simply asking because if you have played football, you should know how audibles work.  If you ran the wrong route, and a coach called you out for it, and you responded with "well coach the quarterback changed the play at the line of scrimmage, and I got confused," you would likely never see the field again. 
About that interception yesterday for those that may care...

There's plays with hot routes implented into the play call and then there are audibles. From what I've heard (not from Garrett's presser itself), it was the former (tagged to the end of the play and left to quarterbacks discretion). The only people this effect is the quarterback and the player running the hot route. In this case, the receiver.

O-line still blocks for a run. The reason is because if the quarterback decides to go with the hot route, it's supposed to be a quick hitter and the blocking scheme doesn't really matter. The problem with yesterday was that Romo had to duck and dodge defenders and by the time he was able to get a throw off, it was later then it needed to be and unless he could make and absolute perfect throw, he probably should of ate it and took the sack.

I blame Romo. The decision to throw against man covereage with everyone in the box was a good one. The execution after he couldn't step and throw immediately and his decision to prolong and throw it up anyway was bad bad bad.
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Everyone wants to use Dez as a scape goat when in reality him and Demarco were the only ones out there with any kind of heart, making plays after plays after plays.

"It's childish... Grow up... Blah blah blah."

Who gives a damn. Cowboys need more people in that organization that want to win as bad as Demarco and Dez do.

Being polite and mature hasn't helped them do anything in the last 17 years.
About that interception yesterday for those that may care...

There's plays with hot routes implented into the play call and then there are audibles. From what I've heard (not from Garrett's presser itself), it was the former (tagged to the end of the play and left to quarterbacks discretion). The only people this effect is the quarterback and the player running the hot route. In this case, the receiver.

O-line still blocks for a run. The reason is because if the quarterback decides to go with the hot route, it's supposed to be a quick hitter and the blocking scheme doesn't really matter. The problem with yesterday was that Romo had to duck and dodge defenders and by the time he was able to get a throw off, it was later then it needed to be and unless he could make and absolute perfect throw, he probably should of ate it and took the sack.

I blame Romo. The decision to throw against man covereage with everyone in the box was a good one. The execution after he couldn't step and throw immediately and his decision to prolong and throw it up anyway was bad bad bad.


whats next ? how bout them Lions tonight ?
Everyone wants to use Dez as a scape goat when in reality him and Demarco were the only ones out there with any kind of heart, making plays after plays after plays.

"It's childish... Grow up... Blah blah blah."

Who gives a damn. Cowboys need more people in that organization that want to win as bad as Demarco and Dez do.

Being polite and mature hasn't helped them do anything in the last 17 years.

When have the Cowboys ever been polite and mature? Its been 17 years of an organization filled with CLOWNS acting like CLOWNS. Just like we saw out of Dez yesterday. Maybe being polite and mature is something they should try.

Yesterday when I saw Dez doing all that "im just emotional" stuff i told myself if there's a karma god or whatever, they will not let this guy win. This guy does not deserve to win. And then he lost :smile:
So now we're getting on Dez because he has a TD celebration like 80% of the league does :lol: Man yall hate the Cowboys

Let them have their fun. It's what comes with being a Cowboys fan. :lol:

Dez scores and gets fired up. That's how he is. If I have to choose between that, and asking Michael Vick for his autograph post game, I'll take 53 Dez's.
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No, because then he continues to do this after his Touchdown.

and then walks off the field and cries. What a knob.

You went on and on defending Ryan Braun save us this crap please.

When he first got off the hook yeah. Soon after I did not. Ive said this, and screen capped this with dates soo many times. Ryan Braun is a knob too. But hes a knob who acts normal. Also, he doesnt hit his own mother. A player cheating in a dirty league has nothing to do with the NFL. Cut it out.
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Dez seems unable or unwilling to grasp the concept that perception is in fact reality. I personally don't think his 'offenses' are that bad but he needs understand how the public and media will perceive his actions. LeBron was the same way and he definitely improved so it can happen
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No idea how that wasn't flagged.

I'll keep repeating it- pretty obvious that's Tomlin culture.
No idea how that wasn't flagged.

I'll keep repeating it- pretty obvious that's Tomlin culture.
Thats almost everywhere culture... Dudes look for that blindside block that'll flip a dude upside down from middle school football on.

I've been the victim of one of those hits in practice before... Not a game, not a game... Practice.
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